netcdf gankazrhiM1.b1.20120207.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (46771 currently) range = 518 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "2012-02-07 00:00:00 0:00" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2012-02-07 00:00:00 0:00" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2012-02-07 00:00:00 0:00" ; float range(range) ; range:long_name = "Range (center of radar sample volume)" ; range:units = "m" ; range:missing_value = -9999.f ; float reflectivity_copol(time, range) ; reflectivity_copol:long_name = "Reflectivity, copolar" ; reflectivity_copol:units = "dBZ" ; reflectivity_copol:valid_min = -90.f ; reflectivity_copol:valid_max = 50.f ; reflectivity_copol:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_reflectivity_copol(time, range) ; qc_reflectivity_copol:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Reflectivity, copolar" ; qc_reflectivity_copol:units = "unitless" ; qc_reflectivity_copol:description = "This field contains bit packed values which should be interpreted as listed. No bits set (zero) represents good data." ; qc_reflectivity_copol:bit_1_description = "Value is equal to missing_value." ; qc_reflectivity_copol:bit_1_assessment = "Bad" ; qc_reflectivity_copol:bit_2_description = "Value is less than the valid_min." ; qc_reflectivity_copol:bit_2_assessment = "Bad" ; qc_reflectivity_copol:bit_3_description = "Value is greater than the valid_max." ; qc_reflectivity_copol:bit_3_assessment = "Bad" ; float mean_doppler_velocity_copol(time, range) ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:long_name = "Mean doppler velocity, copolar" ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:units = "m/s" ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:valid_min = -25.f ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:valid_max = 25.f ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:resolution = 0.001f ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:missing_value = -9999.f ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:positive_velocities = "Positive values indicate motion away from the radar." ; mean_doppler_velocity_copol:negative_velocities = "Negative values indicate motion toward the radar." ; int qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol(time, range) ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Mean doppler velocity, copolar" ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:units = "unitless" ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:description = "This field contains bit packed values which should be interpreted as listed. No bits set (zero) represents good data." ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:bit_1_description = "Value is equal to missing_value." ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:bit_1_assessment = "Bad" ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:bit_2_description = "Value is less than the valid_min." ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:bit_2_assessment = "Bad" ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:bit_3_description = "Value is greater than the valid_max." ; qc_mean_doppler_velocity_copol:bit_3_assessment = "Bad" ; float spectral_width_copol(time, range) ; spectral_width_copol:long_name = "Spectral width, copolar" ; spectral_width_copol:units = "m/s" ; spectral_width_copol:valid_min = 0.f ; spectral_width_copol:valid_max = 10.f ; spectral_width_copol:resolution = 0.001f ; spectral_width_copol:missing_value = -9999.f ; int qc_spectral_width_copol(time, range) ; qc_spectral_width_copol:long_name = "Quality check results on field: Spectral width, copolar" ; qc_spectral_width_copol:units = "unitless" ; qc_spectral_width_copol:description = "This field contains bit packed values which should be interpreted as listed. No bits set (zero) represents good data." ; qc_spectral_width_copol:bit_1_description = "Value is equal to missing_value." ; qc_spectral_width_copol:bit_1_assessment = "Bad" ; qc_spectral_width_copol:bit_2_description = "Value is less than the valid_min." ; qc_spectral_width_copol:bit_2_assessment = "Bad" ; qc_spectral_width_copol:bit_3_description = "Value is greater than the valid_max." ; qc_spectral_width_copol:bit_3_assessment = "Bad" ; float signal_to_noise_ratio_copol(time, range) ; signal_to_noise_ratio_copol:long_name = "Signal to noise ratio, copolar" ; signal_to_noise_ratio_copol:units = "dB" ; signal_to_noise_ratio_copol:resolution = 0.001f ; signal_to_noise_ratio_copol:missing_value = -9999.f ; float rx_noise(time) ; rx_noise:long_name = "Receiver noise" ; rx_noise:units = "dBm" ; rx_noise:missing_value = -9999.f ; rx_noise:comment = "Values are updated on an approximately hourly basis, as new raw data files are collected." ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "North latitude" ; lat:units = "degree_N" ; lat:valid_min = -90.f ; lat:valid_max = 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "East longitude" ; lon:units = "degree_E" ; lon:valid_min = -180.f ; lon:valid_max = 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "Altitude above mean sea level" ; alt:units = "m" ; // global attributes: :command_line = "kazrcal_vap -s gan -f M1 -n kazrhical -b 20111006 -e 20120208 -R" ; :process_version = "$" ; :dod_version = "kazrhi-b1-1.4" ; :site_id = "gan" ; :facility_id = "M1: Airport (Addu Atoll), Gan Island, Maldives" ; :data_level = "b1" ; :input_source = "gankazrM1.00.20120207.000000.raw.KAZR_MOMENTS_20120207-000002.dat" ; :resolution_description = "The resolution field attributes refer to the number of significant digits relative to the decimal point that should be used in calculations. Using fewer digits might result in greater uncertainty. Using a larger number of digits should have no effect and thus is unnecessary. However, analyses based on differences in values with a larger number of significant digits than indicated could lead to erroneous results or misleading scientific conclusions.\n", "\n", "resolution for lat = 0.001\n", "resolution for lon = 0.001\n", "resolution for alt = 1" ; :sampling_interval = "variable" ; :averaging_interval = "None" ; :serial_number = "not provided" ; :comment = "DOE/ARM KAZR Ka-band radar" ; :comment_on_time = "The time stamp comes at the beginning and end of the sample period. Sample period is made up of data collection and processing time." ; :antenna_diameter = "1.81 m" ; :antenna_altitude = "3.66 m" ; :attenuation_long_pulse = "4.000000 dB" ; :clutter_filter_len = "0" ; :fft_len = "256" ; :kazr_software_version = "1.5-108 (Mon Aug 29 11:05:21 EDT 2011 leachm" ; :num_spectral_averages = "20" ; :nyquist_velocity = "5.953126 m/s" ; :processing_mode = "2" ; :pulse_repetition_frequency = "2771.31 Hz" ; :pulse_width_long_pulse = "12367 ns" ; :radar_constant_offset = "0.000000 dB" ; :radar_operating_frequency = "34.890000 GHz" ; :range_gate_spacing = "29.979246 m" ; :calibration_comment = "This data has been calibrated and corrected as needed via kazrcal software. calibration_type 0 indicates calibration was done from measurements. calibration_type 1 indicates calibration is from SACR comparison." ; :calibration_type = 0 ; :calibration_source = "gankazrcalM1.20110726.conf" ; :radar_constant_offset_flag = 1 ; :radar_constant_offset_flag_comment = "If radar_constant_offset_flag is equal to 1, then reflectivity profiles have been corrected, using the corrected cal_constant values listed here." ; :cal_constant_copol = -24.05f ; :cal_constant_copol_comment = "cal_constant_copol units are dB. The stored value is computed as 10 * log10(cal_constant_copol)" ; :reflectivity_copol_correction_equation = "reflectivity_copol = reflectivity_copol_a1_file - cal_const_copol_a1_file + cal_constant_copol. Here reflectivity_copol_a1_file and cal_const_copol_a1_file are fields from the corresponding a1-level data file." ; :mean_doppler_velocity_factor = 1.f ; :mean_doppler_velocity_correction_equation = "mean_doppler_velocity = mean_doppler_velocity_a1_file * mean_doppler_velocity_factor. Here mean_doppler_velocity_a1_file is the field from the corresponding a1-level file." ; :spectral_width_correction_factor = 1.f ; :spectral_width_correction_equation = "spectral_width = spectral_width_a1_file * spectral_width_correction_factor. Here spectral_width_a1_file is the field from the corresponding a1-level data file." ; :datastream = "gankazrhiM1.b1" ; :history = "created by user koontz on machine mercury at 2013-07-24 17:20:10, using $" ; }