netcdf gec30suomigpsX1.c1.20220115.000000 { dimensions: station = 66 ; station_name_length = 4 ; time_offset = 48 ; variables: char station(station, station_name_length) ; station:long_name = "GPS station name" ; double time_offset(time_offset) ; time_offset:long_name = "PWV window midpoint time delta from start_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds" ; time_offset:missing_value = "-999" ; double lat(station) ; lat:long_name = "Station latitude" ; lat:units = "Degrees North(-90 to 90)" ; lat:missing_value = "-999" ; double lon(station) ; lon:long_name = "Station longitude" ; lon:units = "Degrees East(-180 to 180)" ; lon:missing_value = "-999" ; double height(station) ; height:long_name = "Station Height above mean sea level (JGM2 geoid)" ; height:units = "meters" ; height:missing_value = "-999" ; double network_id(station) ; network_id:long_name = "Network ID: \n", "0 = unknown, \n", "1 = suominet, \n", "2 = Forecast Systems Lab, NOAA, \n", "3 = US Dept. of Transportation, \n", "4 = US Coast guard/Army Corps of Engineers\n", "" ; float duration(station, time_offset) ; duration:long_name = "Duration of PWV estimate" ; duration:units = "minutes" ; duration:missing_value = "-999" ; float pwv(station, time_offset) ; pwv:long_name = "Precipitable Water Vapor" ; pwv:units = "millimeters" ; pwv:missing_value = "-999" ; float pwv_err(station, time_offset) ; pwv_err:long_name = "Precipitable Water Vapor formal error" ; pwv_err:units = "millimeters" ; pwv_err:missing_value = "-999" ; float wet_delay(station, time_offset) ; wet_delay:long_name = "Wet Delay" ; wet_delay:units = "millimeters" ; wet_delay:missing_value = "-999" ; float total_delay(station, time_offset) ; total_delay:long_name = "Total Delay" ; total_delay:units = "millimeters" ; total_delay:missing_value = "-999" ; float pifact(station, time_offset) ; pifact:long_name = "Pi factor (conversion between wet delay and PWV)" ; pifact:units = "millimeters" ; pifact:missing_value = "-999" ; float pres(station, time_offset) ; pres:long_name = "Surface atmospheric pressure" ; pres:units = "millibars" ; pres:missing_value = "-999" ; float temperature(station, time_offset) ; temperature:long_name = "Surface temperature" ; temperature:units = "degrees C" ; temperature:missing_value = "-999" ; float rh(station, time_offset) ; rh:long_name = "Surface relative humidity" ; rh:units = "percent" ; rh:missing_value = "-999" ; float final_dry_delay(station, time_offset) ; final_dry_delay:long_name = "Final dry delay" ; final_dry_delay:units = "millimeters" ; final_dry_delay:missing_value = "-999" ; float wdir(station, time_offset) ; wdir:long_name = "Surface wind direction" ; wdir:units = "DEGaz" ; wdir:missing_value = "-999" ; float wspd(station, time_offset) ; wspd:long_name = "Surface wind speed" ; wspd:units = "meter/sec" ; wspd:missing_value = "-999" ; float rain(station, time_offset) ; rain:long_name = "rain accumulation during window" ; rain:units = "tenths of mm" ; rain:missing_value = "-999" ; char met_flag(station, time_offset) ; met_flag:long_name = "MET Flag (A = actual MET values used, I = Interpoled values used)" ; met_flag:missing_value = "X" ; char pifact_type(station, time_offset) ; pifact_type:long_name = "PI factor type (S = Tmean from Bevis 92 regression &surface temp, B =Tmean from Bev95 regression & surface temp, A = Tmean computed from GFS model analysis, F = Tmean computed from GFS 12 hr forecast, U = not computed because surface met unavailable)" ; pifact_type:missing_value = "X" ; // global attributes: :start_date = "2022." ; :start_time = "1326240900" ; :Processing_software = "BERN50" ; }