netcdf mostropoeM1.c1.20200910.000002 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (288 currently) height = 55 ; obs_dim = 455 ; gas_dim = 3 ; dfs_dim = 16 ; arb_dim1 = 123 ; arb_dim2 = 123 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:long_name = "Epoch time" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "Seconds" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:units = "seconds since 2020-09-10 00:00:00 0:00 UTC" ; time:calendar = "standard" ; double hour(time) ; hour:long_name = "Time" ; hour:units = "hours since 2020-09-10 00:00:00 0:00 UTC" ; short qc_flag(time) ; qc_flag:long_name = "Manual QC flag" ; qc_flag:comment1 = "value of 0 implies quality is ok; non-zero values indicate that the sample has suspect quality" ; qc_flag:comment2 = "unitless" ; qc_flag:value_2 = "Implies retrieval did not converge" ; qc_flag:value_3 = "Implies retrieval converged but RMS between the observed_vector and forward_calc is too large" ; qc_flag:value_4 = "Implies the gamma value of the retrieval was too large" ; qc_flag:RMSa_threshold_used_for_QC = "10.0 [unitless]" ; qc_flag:gamma_threshold_used_for_QC = "5.0 [unitless]" ; float height(height) ; height:long_name = "Height above ground level" ; height:units = "km" ; float temperature(time, height) ; temperature:long_name = "Temperature" ; temperature:units = "C" ; float waterVapor(time, height) ; waterVapor:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio" ; waterVapor:units = "g/kg" ; float lwp(time) ; lwp:long_name = "Liquid water path" ; lwp:units = "g/m2" ; float lReff(time) ; lReff:long_name = "Liquid water effective radius" ; lReff:units = "microns" ; float iTau(time) ; iTau:long_name = "Ice cloud optical depth (geometric limit)" ; iTau:comment1 = "unitless" ; float iReff(time) ; iReff:long_name = "Ice effective radius" ; iReff:units = "microns" ; float co2(time, gas_dim) ; co2:long_name = "Carbon dioxide concentration" ; co2:units = "ppm" ; co2:comment = "Parameterized profile information; see users guide" ; float ch4(time, gas_dim) ; ch4:long_name = "Methane concentration" ; ch4:units = "ppm" ; ch4:comment = "Parameterized profile information; see users guide" ; float n2o(time, gas_dim) ; n2o:long_name = "Nitrous oxide concentration" ; n2o:units = "ppm" ; n2o:comment = "Parameterized profile information; see users guide" ; float sigma_temperature(time, height) ; sigma_temperature:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in temperature" ; sigma_temperature:units = "C" ; float sigma_waterVapor(time, height) ; sigma_waterVapor:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in water vapor mixing vapor" ; sigma_waterVapor:units = "g/kg" ; float sigma_lwp(time) ; sigma_lwp:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in liquid water path" ; sigma_lwp:units = "g/m2" ; float sigma_lReff(time) ; sigma_lReff:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in liquid water effective radius" ; sigma_lReff:units = "microns" ; float sigma_iTau(time) ; sigma_iTau:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in ice cloud optical depth (geometric limit)" ; sigma_iTau:comment1 = "unitless" ; float sigma_iReff(time) ; sigma_iReff:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in ice effective radius" ; sigma_iReff:comment1 = "microns" ; float sigma_co2(time, gas_dim) ; sigma_co2:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in carbon dioxide concentration" ; sigma_co2:units = "ppm" ; sigma_co2:comment = "Parameterized profile information; see users guide" ; float sigma_ch4(time, gas_dim) ; sigma_ch4:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in methane concentration" ; sigma_ch4:units = "ppm" ; sigma_ch4:comment = "Parameterized profile information; see users guide" ; float sigma_n2o(time, gas_dim) ; sigma_n2o:long_name = "1-sigma uncertaintiy in nitrous oxide concentration" ; sigma_n2o:units = "ppm" ; sigma_n2o:comment = "Parameterized profile information; see users guide" ; short converged_flag(time) ; converged_flag:long_name = "Convergence flag" ; converged_flag:comment1 = "unitless" ; converged_flag:value_0 = "0 indicates no convergence" ; converged_flag:value_1 = "1 indicates convergence in Rodgers sense (i.e., di2m << dimY)" ; converged_flag:value_2 = "2 indicates convergence (best rms after rms increased drastically" ; converged_flag:value_3 = "3 indicates convergence (best rms after max_iter)" ; converged_flag:value_9 = "9 indicates found NaN in Xnp1" ; float gamma(time) ; gamma:long_name = "Gamma parameter" ; gamma:comment1 = "unitless" ; gamma:comment2 = "See Turner and Loehnert JAMC 2014 for details" ; short n_iter(time) ; n_iter:long_name = "Number of iterations performed" ; n_iter:comment1 = "unitless" ; float rmsr(time) ; rmsr:long_name = "Root mean square error between IRS and MWR obs in the observation vector and the forward calculation" ; rmsr:comment1 = "Computed as sqrt( sum_over_i[ ((Y_i - F(Xn_i)) / Y_i)^2 ] / sizeY)" ; rmsr:comment2 = "Only IRS radiance observations in the observation vector are used" ; rmsr:comment3 = "unitless" ; float rmsa(time) ; rmsa:long_name = "Root mean square error between observation vector and the forward calculation" ; rmsa:comment1 = "Computed as sqrt( sum_over_i[ ((Y_i - F(Xn_i)) / Y_i)^2 ] / sizeY)" ; rmsa:comment2 = "Entire observation vector used in this calculation" ; rmsa:comment3 = "unitless" ; float rmsp(time) ; rmsp:long_name = "Root mean square error between prior T/q profile and the retrieved T/q profile" ; rmsp:comment1 = "Computed as sqrt( mean[ ((Xa - Xn) / sigma_Xa)^2 ] )" ; rmsp:comment2 = "unitless" ; float chi2(time) ; chi2:long_name = "Chi-square statistic of Y vs. F(Xn)" ; chi2:comment1 = "Computed as sqrt( sum_over_i[ ((Y_i - F(Xn_i)) / Y_i)^2 ] / sizeY)" ; chi2:comment2 = "unitless" ; float convergence_criteria(time) ; convergence_criteria:long_name = "Convergence criteria di^2" ; convergence_criteria:comment1 = "unitless" ; float dfs(time, dfs_dim) ; dfs:long_name = "Degrees of freedom of signal" ; dfs:comment1 = "total DFS, then DFS for each of temperature, waterVapor, LWP, L_Reff, I_tau, I_Reff, carbonDioxide, methane, nitrousOxide" ; dfs:comment2 = "unitless" ; float dfs_no_model(time, dfs_dim) ; dfs_no_model:long_name = "Degrees of freedom of signal excluding model data" ; dfs_no_model:comment1 = "total DFS, then DFS for each of temperature, waterVapor, LWP, L_Reff, I_tau, I_Reff, carbonDioxide, methane, nitrousOxide" ; dfs_no_model:comment2 = "If no model data is used in the obs vector this field will be the same as dfs" ; dfs_no_model:comment3 = "unitless" ; float sic(time) ; sic:long_name = "Shannon information content" ; sic:comment1 = "unitless" ; float vres_temperature(time, height) ; vres_temperature:long_name = "Vertical resolution of the temperature profile" ; vres_temperature:units = "km" ; float vres_temperature_no_model(time, height) ; vres_temperature_no_model:long_name = "Vertical resolution of the temperature profile exluding model data" ; vres_temperature_no_model:units = "km" ; vres_temperature_no_model:comment1 = "If no model data is used in the obs vector this field will be the same as vres_temperature" ; float vres_waterVapor(time, height) ; vres_waterVapor:long_name = "Vertical resolution of the water vapor profile" ; vres_waterVapor:units = "km" ; float vres_waterVapor_no_model(time, height) ; vres_waterVapor_no_model:long_name = "Vertical resolution of the water vapor profile exluding model data" ; vres_waterVapor_no_model:units = "km" ; vres_waterVapor_no_model:comment1 = "If no model data is used in the obs vector this field will be the same as vres_waterVapor" ; float cdfs_temperature(time, height) ; cdfs_temperature:long_name = "Vertical profile of the cumulative degrees of freedom of signal for temperature" ; cdfs_temperature:comment1 = "unitless" ; float cdfs_temperature_no_model(time, height) ; cdfs_temperature_no_model:long_name = "Vertical profile of the cumulative degrees of freedom of signal for temperature excluding model data" ; cdfs_temperature_no_model:comment1 = " If no model data is used in the obs vector this field will be the same as cdfs_temperature" ; cdfs_temperature_no_model:comment2 = "unitless" ; float cdfs_waterVapor(time, height) ; cdfs_waterVapor:long_name = "Vertical profile of the cumulative degrees of freedom of signal for water vapor" ; cdfs_waterVapor:comment1 = "unitless" ; float cdfs_waterVapor_no_model(time, height) ; cdfs_waterVapor_no_model:long_name = "Vertical profile of the cumulative degrees of freedom of signal for water vapor excluding model data" ; cdfs_waterVapor_no_model:comment1 = "If no model data is used in the obs vector this field will be the same as cdfs_waterVapor" ; cdfs_waterVapor_no_model:comment2 = "unitless" ; short hatchOpen(time) ; hatchOpen:long_name = "Flag indicating if the IRSs hatch was open" ; hatchOpen:comment1 = "unitless" ; hatchOpen:comment2 = "1 - hatch open, 0 - hatch closed, other values indicate hatch is either not working or indeterminant" ; float cbh(time) ; cbh:long_name = "Cloud base height above ground level" ; cbh:units = "km" ; short cbh_flag(time) ; cbh_flag:long_name = "Flag indicating the source of the cbh" ; cbh_flag:comment1 = "unitless" ; cbh_flag:comment2 = "Value 0 implies Clear Sky radiance" ; cbh_flag:comment3 = "Value 1 implies Inner Window radiance" ; cbh_flag:comment4 = "Value 2 implies Outer Window radiance" ; cbh_flag:comment5 = "Value 3 implies Default CBH radiance" ; float pressure(time, height) ; pressure:long_name = "Derived pressure" ; pressure:units = "mb" ; pressure:comment = "derived from surface pressure observations and the hyposmetric calculation using the thermodynamic profiles" ; float theta(time, height) ; theta:long_name = "Potential temperature" ; theta:units = "K" ; theta:comment = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; float thetae(time, height) ; thetae:long_name = "Equivalent potential temperature" ; thetae:units = "K" ; thetae:comment = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; float rh(time, height) ; rh:long_name = "Relative humidity" ; rh:units = "%" ; rh:comment = "This field is derived from the retrieved field" ; float dewpt(time, height) ; dewpt:long_name = "Dew point temperature" ; dewpt:units = "C" ; dewpt:comment = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; float co2_profile(time, height) ; co2_profile:long_name = "CO2 profile" ; co2_profile:units = "ppm" ; co2_profile:comment = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; float ch4_profile(time, height) ; ch4_profile:long_name = "CH4 profile" ; ch4_profile:units = "ppm" ; ch4_profile:comment = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; float n2o_profile(time, height) ; n2o_profile:long_name = "N2O profile" ; n2o_profile:units = "ppm" ; n2o_profile:comment = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; float pwv(time) ; pwv:long_name = "Precipitable water vapor" ; pwv:units = "cm" ; pwv:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; pwv:comment2 = "A value of -999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float pblh(time) ; pblh:long_name = "Planetary boundary layer height" ; pblh:units = "km" ; pblh:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; pblh:comment2 = "A value of -999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float sbih(time) ; sbih:long_name = "Surface-based inversion height" ; sbih:units = "km" ; sbih:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sbih:comment2 = "A value of -999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float sbim(time) ; sbim:long_name = "Surface-based inversion magnitude" ; sbim:units = "C" ; sbim:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sbim:comment2 = "A value of -999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float sbLCL(time) ; sbLCL:long_name = "Lifted condesation level for a surface-based parcel" ; sbLCL:units = "km" ; sbLCL:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sbLCL:comment2 = "A value of -999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float sbCAPE(time) ; sbCAPE:long_name = "Convective available potential energy for a surface-based parcel" ; sbCAPE:units = "J/kg" ; sbCAPE:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sbCAPE:comment2 = "A value of -9999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float sbCIN(time) ; sbCIN:long_name = "Convective inhibition for a surface-based parcel" ; sbCIN:units = "J/kg" ; sbCIN:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sbCIN:comment2 = "A value of -9999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float mlLCL(time) ; mlLCL:long_name = "Lifted condesation level for a mixed-layer parcel" ; mlLCL:units = "km" ; mlLCL:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; mlLCL:comment2 = "A value of -999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float mlCAPE(time) ; mlCAPE:long_name = "Convective available potential energy for a mixed-layer parcel" ; mlCAPE:units = "J/kg" ; mlCAPE:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; mlCAPE:comment2 = "A value of -9999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float mlCIN(time) ; mlCIN:long_name = "Convective inhibition for a mixed-layer parcel" ; mlCIN:units = "J/kg" ; mlCIN:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; mlCIN:comment2 = "A value of -9999 indicates that this field could not be computed (typically because the value was aphysical)" ; float sigma_pwv(time) ; sigma_pwv:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in precipitable water vapor" ; sigma_pwv:units = "cm" ; sigma_pwv:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_pwv:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_pwv:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_pblh(time) ; sigma_pblh:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in the PBL height" ; sigma_pblh:units = "km" ; sigma_pblh:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_pblh:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_pblh:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_sbih(time) ; sigma_sbih:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in the surface-based inversion height" ; sigma_sbih:units = "km" ; sigma_sbih:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_sbih:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_sbih:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_sbim(time) ; sigma_sbim:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in the surface-based inversion magnitude" ; sigma_sbim:units = "C" ; sigma_sbim:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_sbim:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_sbim:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_sbLCL(time) ; sigma_sbLCL:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in the LCL for a surface-based parcel" ; sigma_sbLCL:units = "km" ; sigma_sbLCL:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_sbLCL:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_sbLCL:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_sbCAPE(time) ; sigma_sbCAPE:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in surface-based CAPE" ; sigma_sbCAPE:units = "J/kg" ; sigma_sbCAPE:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_sbCAPE:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_sbCAPE:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_sbCIN(time) ; sigma_sbCIN:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in surface-based CIN" ; sigma_sbCIN:units = "J/kg" ; sigma_sbCIN:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_sbCIN:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_sbCIN:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_mlLCL(time) ; sigma_mlLCL:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in the LCL for a mixed-layer parcel" ; sigma_mlLCL:units = "km" ; sigma_mlLCL:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_mlLCL:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_mlLCL:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_mlCAPE(time) ; sigma_mlCAPE:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in mixed-layer CAPE" ; sigma_mlCAPE:units = "J/kg" ; sigma_mlCAPE:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_mlCAPE:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_mlCAPE:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; float sigma_mlCIN(time) ; sigma_mlCIN:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainties in mixed-layer CIN" ; sigma_mlCIN:units = "J/kg" ; sigma_mlCIN:comment1 = "This field is derived from the retrieved fields" ; sigma_mlCIN:comment2 = "The uncertainties were determined using a monte carlo sampling of the posterior covariance matrix" ; sigma_mlCIN:comment3 = "A value of -999 indicates that the uncertainty in this inded could not be computed (typically because the values were all unphysical)" ; short obs_flag(obs_dim) ; obs_flag:long_name = "Flag indicating type of observation for each vector element" ; obs_flag:comment1 = "unitless" ; obs_flag:value_01 = "Radiance in wavenumber -- i.e., cm^(-1)" ; obs_flag:value_02 = "Brightness temperature in K from a zenith-pointing microwave radiometer" ; obs_flag:value_07 = "Temperature in C from ARM radiosonde" ; obs_flag:value_08 = "Water vapor in g/kg from ARM radiosonde" ; double obs_dimension(obs_dim) ; obs_dimension:long_name = "Dimension of the observation vector" ; obs_dimension:comment1 = "mixed units -- see obs_flag field above" ; float obs_vector(time, obs_dim) ; obs_vector:long_name = "Observation vector Y" ; obs_vector:comment1 = "mixed units -- see obs_flag field above" ; float obs_vector_uncertainty(time, obs_dim) ; obs_vector_uncertainty:long_name = "1-sigma uncertainty in the observation vector (sigY)" ; obs_vector_uncertainty:comment1 = "mixed units -- see obs_flag field above" ; float forward_calc(time, obs_dim) ; forward_calc:long_name = "Forward calculation from state vector (i.e., F(Xn))" ; forward_calc:comment1 = "mixed units -- see obs_flag field above" ; short arb1(arb_dim1) ; arb1:long_name = "Arbitrary dimension" ; arb1:comment1 = "mixed units" ; arb1:comment2 = "contains (1) temperature profile, (2) water vapor profile (3) liquid water path, (4) liquid water Reff, (5) ice cloud optical depth, (6) ice cloud Reff, (7) carbon dioxide (8) methane, (9) nitrous oxide" ; short arb2(arb_dim2) ; arb2:long_name = "Arbitrary dimension" ; arb2:comment1 = "mixed units" ; arb2:comment2 = "contains (1) temperature profile, (2) water vapor profile (3) liquid water path , (4) liquid water Reff, (5) ice cloud optical depth, (6) ice cloud Reff, (7) carbon dioxide (8) methane, (9) nitrous oxide" ; double Xa(arb_dim1) ; Xa:long_name = "Prior mean state" ; Xa:comment1 = "mixed units -- see field arb above" ; double Sa(arb_dim1, arb_dim2) ; Sa:long_name = "Prior covariance" ; Sa:comment1 = "mixed units -- see field arb above" ; float Xop(time, arb_dim1) ; Xop:long_name = "Optimal solution" ; Xop:comment1 = "mixed units -- see field arb above" ; float Sop(time, arb_dim1, arb_dim2) ; Sop:long_name = "Covariance matrix of the solution" ; Sop:comment1 = "mixed units -- see field arb above" ; float Akernal(time, arb_dim1, arb_dim2) ; Akernal:long_name = "Averaging kernal" ; Akernal:comment1 = "mixed units -- see field arb above" ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "station height above mean sea level" ; alt:units = "m" ; // global attributes: :algorithm_code = "TROPoe Retrieval Code (formerly AERIoe)" ; :algorithm_authors = "Dave Turner, NOAA Global Systems Laboratory (, Josh Gebauer, NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory / CIWRO (, Tyler Bell, NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory / CIWRO (" ; :algorithm_comment1 = "TROPoe is a physical-iterative algorithm that retrieves thermodynamic profiles from a wide range of ground-based remote sensors. It was primarily designed to use either infrared spectrometers or microwave radiometers as the primary instrument, and include observations from other sources to improve the quality of the retrieved profiles" ; :algorithm_comment2 = "Original code was written in IDL and is described by the \"AERIoe\" papers listed below" ; :algorithm_comment3 = "Code was ported to python, and packaged into a container with the needed radiative transfer models and other required inputs" ; :algorithm_disclaimer = "TROPoe was developed by NOAA and is provided on an as-is basis, with no warranty" ; :algorithm_code_version = "0.11.2" ; :algorithm_package_version = "TROPoe-0.11" ; :algorithm_reference1 = "DD Turner and U Loehnert, 2014: Information Content and Uncertanties in Thermodynamic Profiles and Liquid Cloud Properties Retrieved from the Ground-Based Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI), J Appl Met Clim, vol 53, pp 752-771, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-13-0126.1" ; :algorithm_reference2 = "DD Turner and WG Blumberg, 2019: Improvements to the AERIoe thermodynamic profile retrieval algorithm. IEEE Selected Topics Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens., 12, 1339-1354, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2874968" ; :algorithm_reference3 = "DD Turner and U Loehnert, 2021: Ground-based temperature and humidity profiling: Combining active and passive remote sensors, Atmos. Meas. Tech., vol 14, pp 3033-3048, doi:10.5194/amt-14-3033-2021" ; :forward_model_reference1 = "The forward radiative transfer models are from Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc (AER); an overview is provided by Clough et al., 2005: Atmospheric radiative transfer modeling: A summary of the AER codes, JQSRT, vol 91, pp 233-244, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.05.058" ; :forward_model_reference2 = "The infrared model is LBLRTM; papers describing this model include doi:10.1029/2018JD029508, doi:10.1175/amsmonographs-d-15-0041.1, and doi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0295" ; :forward_model_reference3 = "The microwave model is MonoRTM; papers describing this model include doi:10.1109/TGRS.2010.2091416 and doi:10.1109/TGRS.2008.2002435" ; :datafile_created_on_date = "2023-11-10 17:56:22" ; :datafile_created_on_machine = "x86_64" ; :Site = "ARM AMF facility during MOSAiC" ; :Instrument = "ARM AERI" ; :Dataset_contact = "Dave Turner, NOAA," ; :Dataset_DOI = "10.5439/1996977" ; :Input1 = "Surface met included in Y" ; :Input2 = "MWR Tb included in Y" ; :Input3 = "Sonde T and q included in Y, with inflated noise" ; :Comment_on_recentering1 = "The WVMR profile prior recentered using a surface WVMR value of 2.26 g/kg" ; :Comment_on_recentering2 = "The WVMR profile was scaled by a factor of 1.75" ; :Comment_on_recentering3 = "The temperature prior was recentered using the converve-RH method" ; :Prior_dataset_comment = "Polar (high-latitude) prior computed from ARM NSA Radiosondes" ; :Prior_dataset_filename = "" ; :Prior_dataset_number_profiles = 1493L ; :Prior_dataset_T_inflation_factor = "1.0 at the surface to 1.0 at 1.0 km AGL" ; :Prior_dataset_Q_inflation_factor = "1.0 at the surface to 1.0 at 1.0 km AGL" ; :Prior_dataset_TQ_correlation_reduction_factor = 1. ; :Retrieval_option_flags = "1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0" ; :vip_tres = "5 minutes. Note that the sample time corresponds to the center of the averaging interval. A value of 0 implies that no averaging was performed" ; :Retrieval_start_hour = 0. ; :Conventions = "CF-1.10" ; :VIP_avg_instant = -1L ; :VIP_cbh_default_ht = 1. ; :VIP_cbh_path = "/data/ceil" ; :VIP_cbh_type = 1L ; :VIP_cbh_window_in = 20L ; :VIP_cbh_window_out = 180L ; :VIP_co2_sfc_npts = 1L ; :VIP_co2_sfc_path = "None" ; :VIP_co2_sfc_relative_height = 0L ; :VIP_co2_sfc_rep_error = 0. ; :VIP_co2_sfc_time_delta = 1.5 ; :VIP_co2_sfc_type = 0L ; :VIP_cvgmult = 0.25 ; :VIP_ext_sfc_path = "/data/met" ; :VIP_ext_sfc_pres_type = 0L ; :VIP_ext_sfc_relative_height = 0L ; :VIP_ext_sfc_rh_random_error = 3. ; :VIP_ext_sfc_rootname = "met" ; :VIP_ext_sfc_temp_npts = 1L ; :VIP_ext_sfc_temp_random_error = 0.5 ; :VIP_ext_sfc_temp_rep_error = 10. ; :VIP_ext_sfc_temp_type = 1L ; :VIP_ext_sfc_time_delta = 0.2 ; :VIP_ext_sfc_wv_mult_error = 1. ; :VIP_ext_sfc_wv_npts = 1L ; :VIP_ext_sfc_wv_rep_error = 0. ; :VIP_ext_sfc_wv_type = 1L ; :VIP_ext_temp_ht_offset = 0. ; :VIP_ext_temp_noise_adder_hts = 0., 3., 20. ; :VIP_ext_temp_noise_adder_val = 0., 0., 0. ; :VIP_ext_temp_prof_maxht = 10. ; :VIP_ext_temp_prof_minht = 0. ; :VIP_ext_temp_prof_path = "None" ; :VIP_ext_temp_prof_type = 0L ; :VIP_ext_temp_time_delta = 1. ; :VIP_ext_wv_add_rel_error = 0. ; :VIP_ext_wv_ht_offset = 0. ; :VIP_ext_wv_noise_mult_hts = 0., 3., 20. ; :VIP_ext_wv_noise_mult_val = 1., 1., 1. ; :VIP_ext_wv_prof_maxht = 10. ; :VIP_ext_wv_prof_minht = 0. ; :VIP_ext_wv_prof_path = "None" ; :VIP_ext_wv_prof_type = 0L ; :VIP_ext_wv_time_delta = 1. ; :VIP_first_guess = 1L ; :VIP_fix_ch4_shape = 0L ; :VIP_fix_co2_shape = 0L ; :VIP_fix_n2o_shape = 0L ; :VIP_icloud_ssp = "/home/tropoe/vip/src/input/ssp_db_files/ssp_db.mie_ice.gamma_sigma_0p100" ; :VIP_irs_band_noise_inflation = 1L ; :VIP_irs_band_noise_sfc_multiplier = "20.0,20,1,1" ; :VIP_irs_band_noise_sfc_npts = 4L ; :VIP_irs_band_noise_sfc_wvmr_vals = "0.,7,12,18" ; :VIP_irs_band_noise_wnums = "775.0,810.0" ; :VIP_irs_calib_pres = 0., 1. ; :VIP_irs_fa = 0. ; :VIP_irs_fv = 0. ; :VIP_irs_hatch_switch = 1L ; :VIP_irs_ignore_status_hatch = 1L ; :VIP_irs_ignore_status_missingDataFlag = 1L ; :VIP_irs_max_675_bt = 313. ; :VIP_irs_min_675_bt = 210. ; :VIP_irs_min_noise_flag = 1L ; :VIP_irs_min_noise_spec = "65.309,14.056,3.283,1.333,0.813,0.557,0.304,0.581,0.822,0.025,0.023,0.044" ; :VIP_irs_min_noise_wnum = "500,522,546,575,600,631,747,1439,1770,1884,2217,3000" ; :VIP_irs_new_ffov_halfangle = 0. ; :VIP_irs_noise_inflation = 1. ; :VIP_irs_old_ffov_halfangle = 23. ; :VIP_irs_pca_nf = 1L ; :VIP_irs_smooth_noise = 0L ; :VIP_irs_spec_cal_factor = 1. ; :VIP_irs_type = 1L ; :VIP_irs_use_missingDataFlag = 1L ; :VIP_irs_zenith_scene_mirror_angle = 180L ; :VIP_irsch1_path = "/data/aerich1" ; :VIP_irseng_path = "/data/aerieng" ; :VIP_irssum_path = "/data/aerisum" ; :VIP_jac_max_ht = 8. ; :VIP_lbl_home = "/home/tropoe/vip/src/lblrtm_v12.1/lblrtm" ; :VIP_lbl_std_atmos = 6L ; :VIP_lbl_tape3 = "" ; :VIP_lbl_temp_dir = "/tmp" ; :VIP_lbl_version = "v12.1" ; :VIP_lblrtm_forward_threshold = 0. ; :VIP_lblrtm_jac_interpol_npts_wnum = 10L ; :VIP_lblrtm_jac_option = 4L ; :VIP_lcloud_ssp = "/home/tropoe/vip/src/input/ssp_db_files/ssp_db.mie_wat.gamma_sigma_0p100" ; :VIP_max_PBL_height = 5. ; :VIP_max_iterations = 10L ; :VIP_min_PBL_height = 0.3 ; :VIP_mod_temp_ht_offset = -0.02 ; :VIP_mod_temp_noise_adder_hts = 0., 5., 20. ; :VIP_mod_temp_noise_adder_val = 20., 4., 4. ; :VIP_mod_temp_prof_maxht = 15. ; :VIP_mod_temp_prof_minht = 0. ; :VIP_mod_temp_prof_path = "/data/sonde" ; :VIP_mod_temp_prof_type = 1L ; :VIP_mod_temp_time_delta = 1. ; :VIP_mod_wv_ht_offset = -0.02 ; :VIP_mod_wv_noise_mult_hts = 0., 5., 20. ; :VIP_mod_wv_noise_mult_val = 8., 5., 3. ; :VIP_mod_wv_prof_maxht = 15. ; :VIP_mod_wv_prof_minht = 0. ; :VIP_mod_wv_prof_path = "/data/sonde" ; :VIP_mod_wv_prof_type = 1L ; :VIP_mod_wv_time_delta = 1. ; :VIP_monortm_exec = "/home/tropoe/vip/src/monortm_v5.0/monortm/monortm_v5.0_linux_intel_sgl" ; :VIP_monortm_jac_option = 2L ; :VIP_monortm_spec = "/home/tropoe/vip/src/monortm_v5.0/monolnfl_v1.0/TAPE3.spectral_lines.dat.0_55.v5.0_veryfast" ; :VIP_monortm_version = "v5.0" ; :VIP_monortm_wrapper = "/home/tropoe/vip/src/monortm_v5.0/wrapper/monortm_v5" ; :VIP_mwr_elev_field = "elevation" ; :VIP_mwr_freq_field = "freq" ; :VIP_mwr_n_tb_fields = 2L ; :VIP_mwr_path = "/data/mwr" ; :VIP_mwr_rootname = "mwrlos" ; :VIP_mwr_tb_bias = "0.0,0.0" ; :VIP_mwr_tb_field1_tbmax = 100. ; :VIP_mwr_tb_field_names = "tbsky23,tbsky31" ; :VIP_mwr_tb_freqs = "23.8,31.4" ; :VIP_mwr_tb_noise = "0.3,0.3" ; :VIP_mwr_tb_replicate = 1L ; :VIP_mwr_time_delta = 0.083 ; :VIP_mwr_type = 1L ; :VIP_mwrscan_elev_field = "elev" ; :VIP_mwrscan_elevations = "20,160" ; :VIP_mwrscan_freq_field = "freq" ; :VIP_mwrscan_n_elevations = 2L ; :VIP_mwrscan_n_tb_fields = 0L ; :VIP_mwrscan_path = "None" ; :VIP_mwrscan_rootname = "mwr" ; :VIP_mwrscan_tb_bias = "0.0,0.0" ; :VIP_mwrscan_tb_field1_tbmax = 330. ; :VIP_mwrscan_tb_field_names = "tbsky23,tbsky31" ; :VIP_mwrscan_tb_freqs = "23.8,31.4" ; :VIP_mwrscan_tb_noise = "0.3,0.3" ; :VIP_mwrscan_time_delta = 0.25 ; :VIP_mwrscan_type = 0L ; :VIP_nudge_PBL_height = 0.5 ; :VIP_output_akernal = 1L ; :VIP_output_clobber = 1L ; :VIP_output_path = "/data/tropoe" ; :VIP_output_rootname = "mostropoeM1.c1" ; :VIP_path_std_atmos = "/home/tropoe/vip/src/input/idl_code/std_atmosphere.idl" ; :VIP_plot_comment = "" ; :VIP_plot_dewpt_lim = -15., 25. ; :VIP_plot_lwp_cbh_threshold = 8. ; :VIP_plot_output = 0L ; :VIP_plot_path = "/data/tropoe" ; :VIP_plot_rh_lim = 0., 100. ; :VIP_plot_rootname = "mostropoeM1.c1" ; :VIP_plot_temp_lim = -10., 20. ; :VIP_plot_theta_lim = 290., 320. ; :VIP_plot_thetae_lim = 290., 320. ; :VIP_plot_tres_min_gap = 15L ; :VIP_plot_tuncert_lim = 0., 3. ; :VIP_plot_wvmr_lim = 0., 20. ; :VIP_plot_wvuncert_lim = 0., 3. ; :VIP_plot_xlim = 0., 24. ; :VIP_plot_ylim = 0., 2. ; :VIP_prior_ch4_mn = 1.793, 0., -5. ; :VIP_prior_ch4_sd = 0.0538, 0.0015, 3. ; :VIP_prior_chimney_ht = 0. ; :VIP_prior_co2_mn = 409.232821210688, 5., -5. ; :VIP_prior_co2_sd = 2., 15., 3. ; :VIP_prior_iReff_mn = 25. ; :VIP_prior_iReff_sd = 8. ; :VIP_prior_itau_mn = 0. ; :VIP_prior_itau_sd = 50. ; :VIP_prior_lReff_mn = 8. ; :VIP_prior_lReff_sd = 4. ; :VIP_prior_lwp_mn = 0. ; :VIP_prior_lwp_sd = 200. ; :VIP_prior_n2o_mn = 0.31, 0., -5. ; :VIP_prior_n2o_sd = 0.0093, 1.e-05, 3. ; :VIP_prior_q_iht = 1. ; :VIP_prior_q_ival = 1. ; :VIP_prior_t_iht = 1. ; :VIP_prior_t_ival = 1. ; :VIP_prior_tq_cov_val = 1. ; :VIP_qc_gamma_value = 5. ; :VIP_qc_rms_value = 10. ; :VIP_recenter_input = 0. ; :VIP_recenter_prior = 1L ; :VIP_retrieve_ch4 = 0L ; :VIP_retrieve_co2 = 0L ; :VIP_retrieve_icloud = 0L ; :VIP_retrieve_lcloud = 1L ; :VIP_retrieve_n2o = 0L ; :VIP_retrieve_temp = 1L ; :VIP_retrieve_wvmr = 1L ; :VIP_spectral_bands = "612.0-618.0,624.0-660.0,674.0-713.0,713.0-722.0,538.0-588.0,793.0-804.0,860.1-864.0,872.2-877.5,898.2-905.4" ; :VIP_station_alt = -8. ; :VIP_station_lat = 71.323 ; :VIP_station_lon = -156.609 ; :VIP_station_pres = 1000. ; :VIP_station_psfc_max = 1050. ; :VIP_station_psfc_min = 800. ; :VIP_success = 1L ; :VIP_superadiabatic_maxht = 0.3 ; :VIP_tag = "tropoe" ; :VIP_tres = 5L ; :VIP_zgrid = "0.000, 0.010, 0.021, 0.033, 0.046, 0.061, 0.077, 0.095, 0.114, 0.136, 0.159, 0.185, 0.214, 0.245, 0.280, 0.318, 0.359, 0.405, 0.456, 0.512, 0.573, 0.640, 0.714, 0.795, 0.885, 0.983, 1.092, 1.211, 1.342, 1.486, 1.645, 1.819, 2.011, 2.223, 2.455, 2.710, 2.991, 3.300, 3.640, 4.014, 4.426, 4.879, 5.376, 5.924, 6.526, 7.189, 7.918, 8.720, 9.602,10.572,11.639,12.813,14.104,15.525,17.087" ; :_NCProperties = "version=2,netcdf=4.9.3-development,hdf5=1.12.2" ; :Total_clock_execution_time_in_s = "55265.249824" ; }