netcdf nsavisstpx2daquminnisX1.c1.20240430.230000 { dimensions: line = 312 ; elem = 80 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 GMT" ; base_time:string = "2024-04-30, 00:00:00 GMT" ; float broadband_longwave_flux(line, elem) ; broadband_longwave_flux:long_name = "Broadband LW flux" ; broadband_longwave_flux:units = "W/m^2" ; broadband_longwave_flux:valid_min = 0.f ; broadband_longwave_flux:valid_max = 500.f ; broadband_longwave_flux:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float broadband_shortwave_albedo(line, elem) ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:long_name = "Broadband SW albedo" ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:units = "%" ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:valid_min = 0.f ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:valid_max = 150.f ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float cloud_bottom_height(line, elem) ; cloud_bottom_height:long_name = "Cloud bottom height" ; cloud_bottom_height:units = "km" ; cloud_bottom_height:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_bottom_height:valid_max = 25.f ; cloud_bottom_height:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float cloud_bottom_pressure(line, elem) ; cloud_bottom_pressure:long_name = "Cloud bottom pressure" ; cloud_bottom_pressure:units = "hPa" ; cloud_bottom_pressure:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_bottom_pressure:valid_max = 1050.f ; cloud_bottom_pressure:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float cloud_effective_height(line, elem) ; cloud_effective_height:long_name = "Cloud effective height" ; cloud_effective_height:units = "km" ; cloud_effective_height:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_effective_height:valid_max = 25.f ; cloud_effective_height:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float cloud_effective_pressure(line, elem) ; cloud_effective_pressure:long_name = "Effective cloud pressure" ; cloud_effective_pressure:units = "hPa" ; cloud_effective_pressure:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_effective_pressure:valid_max = 1050.f ; cloud_effective_pressure:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float cloud_effective_temperature(line, elem) ; cloud_effective_temperature:long_name = "Effective cloud temperature" ; cloud_effective_temperature:units = "K" ; cloud_effective_temperature:valid_min = 160.f ; cloud_effective_temperature:valid_max = 340.f ; cloud_effective_temperature:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; int cloud_phase(line, elem) ; cloud_phase:long_name = "Cloud phase" ; cloud_phase:units = "unitless" ; cloud_phase:value_0 = "clear over snow/ice" ; cloud_phase:value_1 = "water" ; cloud_phase:value_2 = "ice" ; cloud_phase:value_3 = "no retrieval" ; cloud_phase:value_4 = "clear" ; cloud_phase:value_5 = "bad retrieval" ; cloud_phase:value_6 = "suspected water" ; cloud_phase:value_7 = "suspected ice" ; cloud_phase:valid_min = 0 ; cloud_phase:valid_max = 7 ; cloud_phase:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float cloud_top_height(line, elem) ; cloud_top_height:long_name = "Cloud top height" ; cloud_top_height:units = "km" ; cloud_top_height:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_top_height:valid_max = 25.f ; cloud_top_height:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float cloud_top_pressure(line, elem) ; cloud_top_pressure:long_name = "Cloud top pressure" ; cloud_top_pressure:units = "hPa" ; cloud_top_pressure:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_top_pressure:valid_max = 1050.f ; cloud_top_pressure:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float effective_radius(line, elem) ; effective_radius:long_name = "Effective particle radius" ; effective_radius:units = "um" ; effective_radius:valid_min = 0.f ; effective_radius:valid_max = 150.f ; effective_radius:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float latitude(line, elem) ; latitude:long_name = "North latitude" ; latitude:units = "degree_N" ; latitude:valid_min = -90.f ; latitude:valid_max = 90.f ; latitude:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float liquid_water_path(line, elem) ; liquid_water_path:long_name = "Liquid or Ice Water Path" ; liquid_water_path:units = "g/m^2" ; liquid_water_path:valid_min = 0.f ; liquid_water_path:valid_max = 6000.f ; liquid_water_path:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float longitude(line, elem) ; longitude:long_name = "East longitude" ; longitude:units = "degree_E" ; longitude:valid_min = -180.f ; longitude:valid_max = 180.f ; longitude:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float reflectance_nir(line, elem) ; reflectance_nir:long_name = "Near Infrared reflectance (1.61 um)" ; reflectance_nir:units = "unitless" ; reflectance_nir:valid_min = 0.f ; reflectance_nir:valid_max = 12.5f ; reflectance_nir:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float reflectance_vis(line, elem) ; reflectance_vis:long_name = "Visible reflectance (0.63 um)" ; reflectance_vis:units = "unitless" ; reflectance_vis:valid_min = 0.f ; reflectance_vis:valid_max = 12.5f ; reflectance_vis:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float reflectance_vis86(line, elem) ; reflectance_vis86:long_name = "Visible reflectance (0.86 um)" ; reflectance_vis86:units = "unitless" ; reflectance_vis86:valid_min = 0.f ; reflectance_vis86:valid_max = 12.5f ; reflectance_vis86:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float solar_zenith_angle(line, elem) ; solar_zenith_angle:long_name = "Solar zenith angle" ; solar_zenith_angle:units = "degree" ; solar_zenith_angle:valid_min = 0.f ; solar_zenith_angle:valid_max = 180.f ; solar_zenith_angle:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float temperature_ir(line, elem) ; temperature_ir:long_name = "Infrared Channel temperature (10.8 um)" ; temperature_ir:units = "K" ; temperature_ir:valid_min = 160.f ; temperature_ir:valid_max = 340.f ; temperature_ir:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float temperature_sir(line, elem) ; temperature_sir:long_name = "Solar Infrared temperature (3.75 um)" ; temperature_sir:units = "K" ; temperature_sir:valid_min = 160.f ; temperature_sir:valid_max = 340.f ; temperature_sir:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float temperature_sw(line, elem) ; temperature_sw:long_name = "Split-Window Channel temperature (12.0 um)" ; temperature_sw:units = "K" ; temperature_sw:valid_min = 160.f ; temperature_sw:valid_max = 340.f ; temperature_sw:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float time(line, elem) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2024-04-30, 00:00:00 GMT" ; time:NOTE1 = "This is time of the scan line in subsetted domain" ; double time_offset(line, elem) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2024-04-30, 00:00:00 GMT" ; time_offset:NOTE1 = "This is the time of the first pixel in subsetted domain" ; float viewing_zenith_angle(line, elem) ; viewing_zenith_angle:long_name = "Viewing zenith angle" ; viewing_zenith_angle:units = "degree" ; viewing_zenith_angle:valid_min = 0.f ; viewing_zenith_angle:valid_max = 90.f ; viewing_zenith_angle:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; float visible_optical_depth(line, elem) ; visible_optical_depth:long_name = "Cloud optical depth" ; visible_optical_depth:units = "unitless" ; visible_optical_depth:valid_min = 0.f ; visible_optical_depth:valid_max = 150.f ; visible_optical_depth:coordinates = "latitude longitude" ; // global attributes: :NetCDF_Version = "netCDF 4.0.1" ; :Title = "Pixel-level cloud products subsetted from Edition 4A NASA LaRC CERES MODIS Aqua Cloud and Clear-Sky Radiation Property Dataset" ; :source = "NASA Langley Research Center" ; :version = "V4.2" ; :date = "VISST processed on May 20" ; :facility_id = "X1" ; :site_id = "nsa" ; :location = "nsa" ; :data_level = "c1" ; :missing_value = "-9999." ; :zeb_platform = "nsavisstpx2daquminnisX1." ; :history = "Mon Jun 17 15:10:00 2024: /bin/ncks -C -O -x -v temperature_wv,relative_azimuth_angle,snow,ice,igbp 04/nsavisstpx2daquminnisX1.c1.20240430.230000.cdf Make_armformat/04/nsavisstpx2daquminnisX1.c1.20240430.230000.cdf\n", "created by user mk on machine cx86a at Sat Jun 15 03:07:29 2024 UTC, using IDL 8.3" ; :input_files = "MODIS Aqua" ; :resolution = "4km" ; :reflectance_vis_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 0.659 um" ; :reflectance_vis_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 0.620 um - 0.670 um" ; :temperature_sir_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 3.75 um" ; :temperature_sir_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 3.660 um - 3.840 um" ; :temperature_ir_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 11.03 um" ; :temperature_ir_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 10.780 um - 11.280 um" ; :temperature_sw_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 12.02 um" ; :temperature_sw_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 11.770 - 12.270 um" ; :longwave_NB_BB_correlation = "The LW NB-BB correlation is given by method similar to the radiance-based approach in Doelling, D.R., M. Sun, L.T. Nguyen, M.L.Nordeen, C.O.Haney, D.F. Keyes, and P.E. Mlynczak, Advances in Geostationary-Derived Longwave Fluxes for the CERES Synoptic (SYN1deg) Product, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., Vol. 33 (3), pp. 503-521 (March 2016) doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0147.1 (with modifications). These fluxes are not part of the official MODIS-derived cloud property dataset from CERES; they were derived using information from the MODIS retrievals and included for this dataset, and are considered preliminary." ; :shortwave_NB_BB_correlation = "The SW NB-BB correlation is given by the method described in Minnis, P., K. Bedka, Q. Trepte, C. R. Yost, S. T. Bedka, B. Scarino, K. Khlopenkov, and M. M. Khaiyer, 2016: A consistent long-term cloud and clear-sky radiation property dataset from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). Climate Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (C-ATBD), CDRP-ATBD-0826 Rev 1 - NASA, NOAA CDR Program, 159 pp., DOI:10.789/V5HT2M8T, These albedoes are not part of the official MODIS-derived cloud property dataset from CERES; they were derived using information from the MODIS retrievals and included for this dataset, and are considered preliminary." ; :visible_calibration = "The MODIS calibration is documented in S. Sun-Mack, P. Minnis, Y. Chen, D. R. Doelling, B. Scarino, C. O. Haney, and W. L. Smith, Jr., 2018: Calibration changes to Terra MODIS Collection-5 radiances for CERES Edition 4 cloud retrievals. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 56, 6016-6032, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2018.2829902, and calibration references within." ; :IR_calibration = "The MODIS calibration is documented in S. Sun-Mack, P. Minnis, Y. Chen, D. R. Doelling, B. Scarino, C. O. Haney, and W. L. Smith, Jr., 2018: Calibration changes to Terra MODIS Collection-5 radiances for CERES Edition 4 cloud retrievals. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 56, 6016-6032, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2018.2829902, and calibration references within." ; :VISST = "NASA Langley cloud and radiation products are produced using VISST (Visible Infrared Solar-infrared Split-Window Technique), SIST (Solar-infrared Infrared Split-Window Technique) and SINT (Solar-infrared Infrared Near-Infrared Technique), an algorithm suite collectively called SatCORPS (Satellite Cloud Observations and Radiative Property retrieval System). SatCORPS uses Aqua MODIS channels to detect clouds and retrieve cloud microphysics. Atmospheric profiles input to SatCORPS are obtained from the GMAO GEOS-541 reanalysis product. REFERENCES: Trepte, Q. Z., P. Minnis, S. Sun-Mack, C. R. Yost, Y. Chen, Z. Jin, F.-L. Chang, W. L. Smith, Jr., K. M. Bedka, and T. L. Chee, 2019: Global cloud detection for CERES Edition 4 using Terra and Aqua MODIS data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 57, 9410-9449, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2019.2926620; Minnis, P., Sun-Mack, S., Chen, Y., Chang, F.-L., Yost, C. R., Smith, W. L., Jr., Heck, P. W., Arduini, R. F., Bedka, S. T., Yi, Y., Hong, G., Jin, Z., Painemal, D., Palikonda, R., Scarino, B., Spangenberg D. A., Smith, R. A., Trepte, Q. Z., Yang, P., and Xie, Y, 2020: CERES MODIS cloud product retrievals for Edition 4, Part I: Algorithm changes. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., submitted; Yost, C., Minnis, P., Sun-Mack, S., Chen, Y. Smith, W.L. Jr. 2020: CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4, Part II: Comparisons to CloudSat and CALIPSO, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Remote Sens., submitted." ; :DATA_VERSION_NOTE = "This file includes retrievals of cloud and clear-sky radiation properties for a subsetted area of a swath represented within a MODIS file. Selected parameters over this domain have been subsetted from part of a MODIS-derived cloud and clear-sky radiation product (Edition 4A, CC Code: 404403), produced at the NASA Langley Research Center, which was sponsored by the CERES program described at This data may be reprocessed in the future and replaced." ; :Acknowledgements = "These data were produced by the CERES project and any paper using this data should reference the following papers: 1) Trepte, Q. Z., P. Minnis, S. Sun-Mack, C. R. Yost, Y. Chen, Z. Jin, F.-L. Chang, W. L. Smith, Jr., K. M. Bedka, and T. L. Chee, 2019: Global cloud detection for CERES Edition 4 using Terra and Aqua MODIS data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 57, 9410-9449, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2019.2926620; Minnis, P., S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, F.-L. Chang, C.R. Yost, W.L. Smith, P.W. Heck, R.F.Arduini, S.T. Bedka, Y. Yi, G. Hong, Z. Jin, D. Painemal, R. Palikonda, B. Scarino, D.A. Spangenberg, R.A. Smith, Q.Z.Trepte, P. Yang, and Y. Xie, \"CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4--Part I: Algorithm Changes,\" in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3008866.; C. R. Yost, P. Minnis, S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen and W. L. Smith, \"CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4--Part II: Comparisons to CloudSat and CALIPSO,\" in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3015155." ; :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.7.5 (Homepage =, Code =" ; }