netcdf olikasacradvqvpM1.c0.20170630.002533 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (26 currently) bound = 2 ; range = 667 ; sweep = 3 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "2017-06-30 00:25:33 0:00" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; base_time:ancillary_variables = "time_offset" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2017-06-30 00:25:33 0:00" ; time_offset:ancillary_variables = "base_time" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2017-06-30 00:25:33 0:00" ; time:bounds = "time_bounds" ; time:calendar = "gregorian" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; double time_bounds(time, bound) ; time_bounds:long_name = "Time cell bounds" ; int sweep(sweep) ; sweep:long_name = "Coordinate variable for sweep" ; sweep:units = "1" ; sweep:comment = "sweep_index_number_0_based" ; float elevation_angle(time, sweep) ; elevation_angle:long_name = "Elevation angle of the PPI scan" ; elevation_angle:units = "degree" ; elevation_angle:missing_value = -9999.f ; float range(range) ; range:long_name = "Range_to_measurement_volume" ; range:units = "m" ; range:spacing_is_constant = "true" ; range:meters_to_center_of_first_gate = "" ; range:meters_between_gates = "" ; range:axis = "radial_range_coordinate" ; range:standard_name = "projection_range_coordinate" ; range:bounds = "range_bounds" ; float range_bounds(range, bound) ; range_bounds:long_name = "Range cell bounds" ; range_bounds:units = "m" ; range_bounds:bound_offsets = -15.f, 15.f ; float scan_rate(time) ; scan_rate:long_name = "Scan rate, positive for clockwise or increasing elevation" ; scan_rate:units = "degree/s" ; scan_rate:standard_name = "antenna_angle_scan_rate" ; scan_rate:missing_value = -9999.f ; float radar_beam_width_h ; radar_beam_width_h:long_name = "Radar beam width, horizontal channel" ; radar_beam_width_h:units = "degree" ; radar_beam_width_h:meta_group = "radar_parameters" ; radar_beam_width_h:standard_name = "half_power_radar_beam_width_h_channel" ; double altitude_agl ; altitude_agl:long_name = "Altitude above ground level" ; altitude_agl:units = "m" ; altitude_agl:standard_name = "height" ; float qvp_reflectivity(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_reflectivity:long_name = "Quasi-vertical profile of reflectivity" ; qvp_reflectivity:units = "dBZ" ; qvp_reflectivity:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_reflectivity_std(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_reflectivity_std:long_name = "Standard deviation of quasi-vertical profile of reflectivity" ; qvp_reflectivity_std:units = "dBZ" ; qvp_reflectivity_std:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_diff_reflectivity(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_diff_reflectivity:long_name = "Quasi-vertical profile of differential reflectivity" ; qvp_diff_reflectivity:units = "dB" ; qvp_diff_reflectivity:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_diff_reflectivity_std(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_diff_reflectivity_std:long_name = "Standard deviation of quasi-vertical profile of differential reflectivity" ; qvp_diff_reflectivity_std:units = "dB" ; qvp_diff_reflectivity_std:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_corr_coeff(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_corr_coeff:long_name = "Quasi-vertical profile of correlation coefficient" ; qvp_corr_coeff:units = "1" ; qvp_corr_coeff:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_corr_coeff_std(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_corr_coeff_std:long_name = "Standard deviation quasi-vertical profile of correlation coefficient" ; qvp_corr_coeff_std:units = "1" ; qvp_corr_coeff_std:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_specific_diff_phase(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_specific_diff_phase:long_name = "Quasi-vertical profile of differential phase" ; qvp_specific_diff_phase:units = "degree/km" ; qvp_specific_diff_phase:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_specific_diff_phase_std(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_specific_diff_phase_std:long_name = "Standard deviation quasi-vertical profile of differential phase" ; qvp_specific_diff_phase_std:units = "degree/km" ; qvp_specific_diff_phase_std:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_ldr_h(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_ldr_h:long_name = "Quasi-vertical profile of linear depolarization ratio from horizontal transmit" ; qvp_ldr_h:units = "dB" ; qvp_ldr_h:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_ldr_h_std(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_ldr_h_std:long_name = "Standard deviation quasi-vertical profile of linear depolarization ratio from horizontal transmit" ; qvp_ldr_h_std:units = "dB" ; qvp_ldr_h_std:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_sw(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_sw:long_name = "Quasi-vertical profile of spectrum width" ; qvp_sw:units = "m/s" ; qvp_sw:missing_value = -9999.f ; float qvp_sw_std(time, range, sweep) ; qvp_sw_std:long_name = "Standard deviation quasi-vertical profile of spectrum width" ; qvp_sw_std:units = "m/s" ; qvp_sw_std:missing_value = -9999.f ; int number_of_points_used(time, range, sweep) ; number_of_points_used:long_name = "Number of points used for estimate" ; number_of_points_used:units = "count" ; number_of_points_used:missing_value = -9999 ; float elevation_height(time, range, sweep) ; elevation_height:long_name = "Vertical levels for corresponding elevation range" ; elevation_height:units = "m" ; elevation_height:missing_value = -9999.f ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "North latitude" ; lat:units = "degree_N" ; lat:valid_min = -90.f ; lat:valid_max = 90.f ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "East longitude" ; lon:units = "degree_E" ; lon:valid_min = -180.f ; lon:valid_max = 180.f ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "Altitude above mean sea level" ; alt:units = "m" ; alt:standard_name = "altitude" ; // global attributes: :command_line = "sacradvqvp -s oli -f M1 -b 20170611 -e 20170701 -n sacradvqvpc0 -D --max-runtime 0" ; :tittle = "SACR ADVance Quasi-Vertical Profile (SACR-ADV-QVP) product" ; :process_version = "vap-sacradvqvp-0.1-0.el6" ; :dod_version = "kasacradvqvp-c0-1.0" ; :input_datastreams = "olikasacrppivhM1.a1 : 1.10 : 20170630.002533-20170630.123757" ; :site_id = "oli" ; :platform_id = "kasacradvqvp" ; :facility_id = "M1" ; :data_level = "c0" ; :location_description = "North Slope of Alaska (NSA), Oliktok Point, Alaska" ; :datastream = "olikasacradvqvpM1.c0" ; :doi = "10.5439/1326961" ; :Conventions = "ARM-1.2 CF/Radial" ; :history = "created by user singh on machine amber at 2018-10-26 21:20:19, using vap-sacradvqvp-0.1-0.el6" ; }