netcdf sgpaerich2C1.a2.950725.001426 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (164 currently) wnum = 2532 ; wnum2 = 1919 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "25-Jul-95,0:14:26 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 1995-07-25 00:14:26 0:00" ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; float hotBBTemp(time) ; hotBBTemp:long_name = "Hot Blackbody Temperature" ; hotBBTemp:units = "K" ; hotBBTemp:precision = "1.E-2" ; hotBBTemp:missing_value = "-9999." ; float coldBBTemp(time) ; coldBBTemp:long_name = "Cold Blackbody Temperature" ; coldBBTemp:units = "K" ; coldBBTemp:precision = "1.E-2" ; coldBBTemp:missing_value = "-9999." ; float reflectedTemp(time) ; reflectedTemp:long_name = "Reflected Temperature" ; reflectedTemp:units = "K" ; reflectedTemp:precision = "1.E-2" ; reflectedTemp:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor0(time) ; thermistor0:long_name = "Ambient Air near BBs" ; thermistor0:units = "C" ; thermistor0:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor0:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor1(time) ; thermistor1:long_name = "MB100 2nd Port" ; thermistor1:units = "C" ; thermistor1:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor1:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor2(time) ; thermistor2:long_name = "Reflected Temperature" ; thermistor2:units = "C" ; thermistor2:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor2:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor3(time) ; thermistor3:long_name = "Hatch Open Indicator" ; thermistor3:units = "C" ; thermistor3:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor3:missing_value = "-9999." ; thermistor3:hatch_open_is_true = "The Hatch Open Indicator obtains a value of 301K (28C) when the hatch is open" ; thermistor3:hatch_open_is_false = "The Hatch Open Indicator obtains a value of 157K (-116C) when the hatch is NOT open (not necessarily closed)" ; float thermistor4(time) ; thermistor4:long_name = "HBB #1" ; thermistor4:units = "C" ; thermistor4:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor4:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor5(time) ; thermistor5:long_name = "ABB #1" ; thermistor5:units = "C" ; thermistor5:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor5:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor6(time) ; thermistor6:long_name = "HBB #2" ; thermistor6:units = "C" ; thermistor6:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor6:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor7(time) ; thermistor7:long_name = "ABB #2" ; thermistor7:units = "C" ; thermistor7:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor7:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor8(time) ; thermistor8:long_name = "Electronics Air" ; thermistor8:units = "C" ; thermistor8:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor8:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor9(time) ; thermistor9:long_name = "Fixed Resistor #1 (2.6774K Ohms)" ; thermistor9:units = "C" ; thermistor9:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor9:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor10(time) ; thermistor10:long_name = "Hatch Closed Indicator" ; thermistor10:units = "C" ; thermistor10:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor10:missing_value = "-9999." ; thermistor10:hatch_closed_is_true = "The Hatch Closed Indicator obtains a value of 304K (31C) when the hatch is closed" ; thermistor10:hatch_closed_is_false = "The Hatch Closed Indicator obtains a value of 148K (-125C) when the hatch is NOT closed (not necessarily open)" ; float thermistor11(time) ; thermistor11:long_name = "Outside Air" ; thermistor11:units = "C" ; thermistor11:precision = "1.E-2" ; thermistor11:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor12(time) ; thermistor12:long_name = "Spare #1" ; thermistor12:units = "C" ; thermistor12:precision = "1.E0" ; thermistor12:missing_value = "-9999." ; float thermistor13(time) ; thermistor13:long_name = "Spare #2" ; thermistor13:units = "C" ; thermistor13:precision = "1.E0" ; thermistor13:missing_value = "-9999." ; float pressure(time) ; pressure:long_name = "Pressure" ; pressure:units = "hPa" ; pressure:precision = "1.E-2" ; pressure:missing_value = "-9999." ; float humidity_relative(time) ; humidity_relative:long_name = "Relative Humidity" ; humidity_relative:units = "Percent" ; humidity_relative:precision = "1.E-2" ; humidity_relative:missing_value = "-9999." ; float timeHHMMSS(time) ; timeHHMMSS:long_name = "Time (HHMMSS)" ; timeHHMMSS:units = "HHMMSS" ; timeHHMMSS:precision = "1.E0" ; timeHHMMSS:missing_value = "-9999." ; float timeBomemHHMM(time) ; timeBomemHHMM:long_name = "Bomem Time" ; timeBomemHHMM:units = "HHMMSS" ; timeBomemHHMM:precision = "1.E0" ; timeBomemHHMM:missing_value = "-9999." ; float originalRecordNumber(time) ; originalRecordNumber:long_name = "Original Record Number in CVI or RVI file" ; originalRecordNumber:units = "unitless" ; originalRecordNumber:precision = "1.E0" ; originalRecordNumber:missing_value = "-9999." ; float dataType(time) ; dataType:long_name = "Initial data quality flag" ; dataType:units = "unitless" ; dataType:interpretation_of_values = "2 implies good data, other values indicate suspect data" ; dataType:precision = "1.E0" ; dataType:missing_value = "-9999." ; float wnum(wnum) ; wnum:long_name = "wavenumbers for mean radiance spectra" ; wnum:units = "cm-1" ; wnum:independent_interval = "0.482147 cm-1" ; wnum:range_of_values = "[1799.855469,3020.170166]" ; wnum:precision = "1.E-4" ; wnum:missing_value = "-9999." ; float mean_rad(time, wnum) ; mean_rad:long_name = "Mean of radiance spectra ensemble" ; mean_rad:units = "mW/(m2 sr cm-1)" ; mean_rad:precision = "1.E-4" ; mean_rad:missing_value = "-9999." ; float wnum2(wnum2) ; wnum2:long_name = "wavenumbers for standard deviation of radiance spectra" ; wnum2:units = "cm-1" ; wnum2:independent_interval = "0.482147 cm-1" ; wnum2:range_of_values = "[1799.855469,2724.613770]" ; wnum2:precision = "1.E-4" ; wnum2:missing_value = "-9999." ; float standard_dev_mean_rad(time, wnum2) ; standard_dev_mean_rad:long_name = "Standard deviation of radiance spectra ensemble" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:units = "mW/(m2 sr cm-1)" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:precision = "1.E-4" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:missing_value = "-9999." ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "north latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees" ; lat:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "east longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees" ; lon:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "meters above Mean Sea Level" ; // global attributes: :Date = "Sat Sep 30 07:00:45 1995" ; :Version = "$Id: aerical.c,v 1.4 1995/08/18 16:23:29 d3h797 Exp d3h797 $" ; :Info_Versions = "$Id:,v 1.1 1995/07/07 18:42:05 d3h797 Exp $\n", "$Id:,v 1.2 1995/07/24 23:18:08 d3h797 Exp $\n", "$Id:,v 1.2 1995/08/14 17:29:48 d3h797 Exp $" ; :Command_Line = "aerical -s 950725.000000 -e 950726.000000" ; :Input_Platforms = "sgpaerich1C1.a1, sgpaerich2C1.a1, sgpaerisummaryC1.a1" ; :BW_Version = "Working_3_0" ; :Input_File\(s\) = "950725C1.RNI 950725F1.CVI950725C2.RNI 950725F2.CVI" ; :Site_Id = "SGP" ; :Facility_Id = "C1" ; :Sample_Integration_Period = "nominally 2 sec, e.g. single sample time" ; :Averaging_Interval = " 3 minutes, e.g. sky dwell time" ; :Mirror_Position = "S" ; :Apodization_Indicator = "0.0" ; :Sky_Sample_Number = "45.0 scans" ; :Effective_Laser_Wavenumber = "15798.34 cm-1" ; :SSEC_Stamp = "SSEC" ; :AERI_Stamp = "AERI" ; :Instrument_Unit_Number = "0000" ; :Field_Of_View_Half_Angle = "0.0150 Radians" ; :Channel_Number = "2" ; :SSEC_Format_Version = "1.000" ; :Year = "95" ; :Month = "7" ; :Day = "25" ; :Date_In_YYMMDD = "950725" ; :Word_Type = "2" ; :AERI_System_Software_Release_Number = "1" ; :Data_Scale_Factor = "10000000" ; :Spectrum_Point_Count = "2532 Points" ; :Wavenumber_Interval = "0.48214722 cm-1" ; :Minimum_Wavenumber = "1799.855469 cm-1" ; :Maximum_Wavenumber = "3020.170166 cm-1" ; :Number_Of_Words_Per_Record = "2632" ; :Number_Of_Words_In_Header = "100" ; :View_Angle_From_The_Vertical = "0.00 Degrees" ; :Hot_Blackbody_Emissivity = "0.9933" ; :Cold_Blackbody_Emissivity = "0.9933" ; :Comments = "CURRENT vector fields are mean_rad, standard_dev_mean_rad" ; :Comment = "The time assigned to each data point indicates the end of any period of averaging of the geophysical data." ; :Use_of_hatch_indicators = "sky data is valid ONLY if hatch_open_is_true AND hatch_closed_is_false" ; :Reproc_Version = "2.200000" ; :Reproc_ThermalTempGradient = "0.240000" ; :Reproc_ApexWeight = "0.786000" ; :Reproc_HotBBcavityFactor = "12.790000" ; :Reproc_Explanation = "Using the Recal_* coefficients, the AERI spectra were corrected on 950531 in order to remove 2 biases: one from an obstruction in the instruments sky field of view (FOV), and the other to adjust for two minor systematic errors in characterizing the hot BB reference source. Please see PIF number P950525.4 for more information." ; :zeb_platform = "sgpaerich2C1.a2" ; :history = "created by Zeb DataStore, 30-Sep-95,7:12:17, $RCSfile: DFA_NetCDF.c,v $ $Revision: $\n", "" ; }