netcdf sgpaerilbldiffssC1.c1.960927.082054 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (19 currently) wavenumber = 5124 ; channel = 2 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "27-Sep-96,8:20:54 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 1996-09-27 08:20:54 0:00" ; float channel(channel) ; channel:long_name = "AERI channel number used as a coordinate in the channel dimension" ; channel:units = "unitless" ; channel:valid_range = "[1,2] integers only" ; channel:explanation_of_value_1 = "wavenumbers from 550.1299 to 1799.8549" ; channel:explanation_of_value_2 = "wavenumbers from 1800.3376 to 3020.1699" ; float sonde_offset_time(time) ; sonde_offset_time:long_name = "AERI sample time minus Sonde release time" ; sonde_offset_time:units = "seconds" ; float surface_temp_from_aeri_used(time) ; surface_temp_from_aeri_used:long_name = "Logical flag indicating if the AERI sample was used to derive the surface temperature value for driving the model" ; surface_temp_from_aeri_used:units = "unitless" ; float transparent_region_dq_flag(time) ; transparent_region_dq_flag:long_name = "Indicator of large residuals in channel 1 transparent region" ; transparent_region_dq_flag:units = "unitless" ; transparent_region_dq_flag:valid_range = "1 if the mean residuals for the channel 1 transparent region exceed thresholds, 0 otherwise" ; transparent_region_dq_flag:calc = "If mean_resid_ch_pro_unsat(time,0,8) < -3.0 (mW/m2 ster cm-1) .OR. mean_resid_ch_pro_unsat(time,0,8) > 10.0 (mW/m2 ster cm-1) then flag is 1.0 else flag is 0.0" ; transparent_region_dq_flag:comment = "A value of 1 indicates that the validation should not be used in the analysis of clear sky cases and warns that one or more of the inputs to the validation may be suspect." ; transparent_region_dq_flag:comment2 = "The set of elements where the `nonclear_flag` is equal to 0 .AND. this flag is equal to 1 reflect the cases where the transparent region residuals are outside the thresholds yet are indicated as clear." ; float mean_AERI_BT(time, channel) ; mean_AERI_BT:long_name = "Average of brightness temperatures calculated from AERI radiances within spectral windows, ch1:[1142.20,1147.03] & ch2:[2506.20,2511.02]" ; mean_AERI_BT:units = "degK" ; mean_AERI_BT:Explanation_of_value_-0.777 = "This value is inserted if the average of the radiance data is negative" ; mean_AERI_BT:Explanation_of_value_-0.777_2 = "The brightness temp cannot be computed if the average is negative" ; float integ_resid_ch_unsat(time, channel) ; integ_resid_ch_unsat:long_name = "Integral of the AERI minus LBLRTM residuals for wavenumbers within each channel that are not saturated" ; integ_resid_ch_unsat:units = "mW/(m2 sr)" ; integ_resid_ch_unsat:comment = "This field may be used as an overall quality indicator for each clear sky validation. Suggested cutoffs by channel are {3000,50} mW/(m2 ster)" ; float wavenumber(wavenumber) ; wavenumber:long_name = "wavenumbers for residuals" ; wavenumber:units = "cm-1" ; wavenumber:independent_interval = "0.4821 cm-1" ; wavenumber:range_of_values = "[550.1299,3020.1699]" ; wavenumber:precision = "1.E-4" ; float rad_difference(time, wavenumber) ; rad_difference:long_name = "AERI radiance spectra minus LBLRTM radiance spectra" ; rad_difference:units = "mW/(m2 sr cm-1)" ; rad_difference:signif_digits = "within [1.E-4,1.E-3], depends on wavenumber" ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "north latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees" ; lat:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "east longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees" ; lon:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "meters above Mean Sea Level" ; // global attributes: :Date = "Tue Oct 1 07:50:29 1996" ; :Version = "Release_4_3" ; :Command_Line = "qmeaerilblss -s 960927.000000 -e 960928.000000" ; :Input_Platforms = "sgpaeri01ch1C1.a1, sgpaeri01ch2C1.a1, sgpaeri01summaryC1.a1, sgplblch1ssC1.c1, sgplblch2ssC1.c1, sgp30smosE13.a1" ; :BW_Version = "Release_3_2" ; :Metadata_note_for_AERI = "Since the global metadata items from ch2 are always a subset of ch1, and the summary metadata items are always exactly the same as ch1, only the ch1 global metadata items are copied here" ; :Metadata_note_for_LBL = "It is possible for the global metadata for ch1 and ch2 to be different. When it is, both metadata values will be inserted for the same key, separated by a semicolon. If both values are the same for the same key, the common key will be written out" ; :Additional_Info_On_Signif_Digits = "Residuals reflect precision of both AERI radiances, 1.E-4, and LBLRTM output, accurate to 5 decimal places. The magnitude of the input radiances vary by 1.E+4, making the number of significant digits vary by wavenumber" ; :Missing_value = "-0.999" ; :AERI_Version = "Release_3_3" ; :AERI_Input_Platforms = "none; ingest from external file" ; :AERI_parFileDateYYMMDD = "960927.0 YYMMDD" ; :AERI_parFileDateYYMMDD_description = "Date of the file containing instrument specific parameters" ; :AERI_AERIunitNumber = "1.0 " ; :AERI_AERIunitNumber_description = "AERI instrument unit serial number" ; :AERI_sceneViewDuration = "195.0 Seconds" ; :AERI_sceneViewDuration_description = "Duration of scene view" ; :AERI_coadditionsCount = "45.0 " ; :AERI_coadditionsCount_description = "Number of complete (forward+backward) interferogram scans in sample average" ; :AERI_sceneMirrorPosition = "83.0 " ; :AERI_sceneMirrorPosition_description = "Instrument scene mirror position identifier" ; :AERI_sceneMirPosCount = "3.0 " ; :AERI_sceneMirPosCount_description = "Number of views in a sequence" ; :AERI_calibratedSceneID = "83.0 " ; :AERI_calibratedSceneID_description = "Type of scene that has been calibrated (ASCII character as float)" ; :AERI_systemReleaseNumber = "2.3 " ; :AERI_systemReleaseNumber_description = "Version number of Operational Software" ; :AERI_NLAPPwgt = "100000.0 " ; :AERI_NLAPPwgt_description = "Scale factor used in nonlinearity application" ; :AERI_NLAPPeff = "0.7000 " ; :AERI_NLAPPeff_description = "AERI Modulation efficiency used in nonlinearity correction" ; :AERI_NLAPPfback = "1.0000 " ; :AERI_NLAPPfback_description = "AERI detector background flux used in nonlin correction" ; :AERI_NLAPPhzpd0 = "15118.9004 " ; :AERI_NLAPPhzpd0_description = "Hot BB zero path difference value used as reference in nonlin" ; :AERI_NLAPPczpd0 = "-27268.6992 " ; :AERI_NLAPPczpd0_description = "Cold BB zero path difference value used as reference in nonlin" ; :AERI_NLAPPnmax = "2.0 " ; :AERI_NLAPPnmax_description = "Number of terms (NMAX) used in nonlinearity application" ; :AERI_NLAPPan1 = "1.00000000 " ; :AERI_NLAPPan1_description = "First nonlinearity coefficient" ; :AERI_NLAPPan2 = "-5.8440001e-08 " ; :AERI_NLAPPan2_description = "Second nonlinearity coefficient" ; :AERI_FFOVhalfAngle = "0.0161 radians" ; :AERI_FFOVhalfAngle_description = "Field of view half angle used in finite FOV correction" ; :AERI_numberOfTerms = "2.0 " ; :AERI_numberOfTerms_description = "Number of terms used in finite field of view correction" ; :AERI_originalLaserWavenumber = "15798.7998 cm-1" ; :AERI_originalLaserWavenumber_description = "Original laser wavenumber assumed for this instrument" ; :AERI_outputLaserWavenumber = "15799.0000 cm-1" ; :AERI_outputLaserWavenumber_description = "Laser wavenumber used in definition of output wavenumber scale" ; :AERI_originalInterferogramSize = "8192.0 32-bit words" ; :AERI_originalInterferogramSize_description = "Size of buffer holding initial spectrum" ; :AERI_expandedInterferogramSize = "65536.0 32-bit words" ; :AERI_expandedInterferogramSize_description = "Size of buffer holding expanded spectrum before interpolation" ; :AERI_Critical_raw_input_files = "960927.SUM 960927C1.RNC 960927C2.RNC 960927F1.CSV 960927F2.CSV" ; :AERI_Comment = "The time assigned to each data point indicates the center of any period of averaging of the geophysical state" ; :AERI_Comment_on_time = "The time assigned to each data point is identical to the Time and timeHHMMSS fields" ; :AERI_Ingest_OHWHIO_version = "$State: Release2_3 $" ; :AERI_Instrument_OHWHIO_version = "$State: Release2_3 $" ; :LBL_Version = "Release_3_4" ; :LBL_Input_Platforms = "sgplblsondeC1.c1, sgpaeri01summaryC1.a1" ; :LBL_BW_Version = "Release_3_2" ; :LBL_Title = "LBLRTM runs using LBL/MWR rescaled sondes (sgplblsondeC1.c1) as inputs" ; :LBL_liblbl_Version = "Release_3_0\n", "" ; :LBL_interp_threshold_level = "100 hPa" ; :LBL_Continuum = "on" ; :LBL_ALFA0 = "0.040" ; :LBL_DPTMIN = "0.0002" ; :LBL_DPTFAC = "0.0010" ; :LBL_CO2_Mixing_Ratio = "360.00" ; :LBL_Minimum_Boundary_Alt = "0.320" ; :LBL_Maximum_Boundary_Alt = "68.000" ; :LBL_Molecules = "H20, CO2, O3, N20, CO, CH4, O2" ; :LBL_Cross_Sections = "CCL4,F11,F12 ; None" ; :LBL_Scanning_Function = "FFT sinc" ; :LBL_Scanning_Interval = "[ 547.7192, 1803.7127] ; [ 1796.4804, 3022.0985]" ; :LBL_Spectral_Spacing = "0.48214700" ; :LBL_H2O_Scale_Factor = "1.326" ; :LBL_LBLRTM_ID = "Rundeck for 960927.082800 lblrtm.c,v 2.17 1996/07/23 21:52:58 d3a230 R LBLRTM 96/10/01 6:00:11 ; Rundeck for 960927.082800 lblrtm.c,v 2.17 1996/07/23 21:52:58 d3a230 R LBLRTM 96/10/01 6:25:56" ; :LBL_Version_lblrtm = "3.26" ; :LBL_Version_contnm = "3.7" ; :LBL_Version_fftscn = "3.4" ; :LBL_Version_lblatm = "3.13" ; :LBL_Version_lbllow = "NOT USED" ; :LBL_Version_ncargks = "NOT USED" ; :LBL_Version_oprop = "3.23" ; :LBL_Version_postsub = "NOT USED" ; :LBL_Version_pltlbl = "3.2" ; :LBL_Version_testmm = "NOT USED" ; :LBL_Version_xmerge = "3.19" ; :LBL_Version_util_xxx = "3.2" ; :LBL_Version_solar = "NOT USED" ; :LBL_Continuum_Version = "ckd_2.2" ; :LBL_Hitran_Version = "hitran92.dat" ; :LBL_LBLRTM_Version = "3.1" ; :LBL_lnfl_Header = "LINE FILE FOR LBLRTM: 400-1900 cm-1 (ARM Ch1) LNFL 2.6 REJ ISOTOP I 94/06/16 20:35:21 ; LINE FILE FOR LBLRTM: 1650-3650 cm-1 (ARM Ch2) LNFL 2.6 REJ ISOTOP I 94/03/07 15:20:35" ; :LBL_lnfl_Molecules = "H2O CO2 O3 N2O CO CH4 O2" ; :LBL_lnfl_Count = "7334 15966 11184 3652 0 3483 60 ; 10471 13627 2549 4263 171 5742 3" ; :LBL_lnfl_Coupled_Lines = "0 258 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" ; :LBL_lnfl_NLTE_Lines = "0 0 0 0 0 0 0" ; :LBL_lnfl_Sum_LBLRTM_Strengths = "7.9803E-21 1.4257E-20 1.5723E-20 9.7551E-21 .0000E+00 4.0510E-21 3.0904E-30 ; 3.0354E-21 4.3206E-20 6.6031E-22 2.6927E-20 4.8926E-21 3.7798E-21 1.0157E-31" ; :LBL_lnfl_Lowest_Line = "400.222 ; 1650.034" ; :LBL_lnfl_Highest_Line = "1899.996 ; 3649.996" ; :LBL_lnfl_Number_Lines = "41679 ; 36826" ; :LBL_history = "created by Zeb DataStore, 1-Oct-96,7:48:48, $RCSfile: DFA_NetCDF.c,v $ $Revision: 3.47 $\n", "" ; :zeb_platform = "sgpaerilbldiffssC1.c1" ; :history = "created by Zeb DataStore, 1-Oct-96,7:50:32, $RCSfile: DFA_NetCDF.c,v $ $Revision: 3.47 $\n", "" ; }