netcdf sgpgoes16X1.a1.20240213.204000 { dimensions: line = 1280 ; sample = 700 ; variables: float ABI-BT-ch07(line, sample) ; ABI-BT-ch07:units = "temp_deg_k" ; ABI-BT-ch07:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch07:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch07:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch07:_Unsigned = "true" ; ABI-BT-ch07:sensor_band_bit_depth = 14b ; ABI-BT-ch07:resolution = "y: 0.000056 rad x: 0.000056 rad" ; ABI-BT-ch07:coordinates = "band_id band_wavelength t y x" ; ABI-BT-ch07:grid_mapping = "goes_imager_projection" ; ABI-BT-ch07:cell_methods = "t: point area: point" ; ABI-BT-ch07:ancillary_variables = "DQF" ; ABI-BT-ch07:sceneID = "Full Disk" ; ABI-BT-ch07:_FillValue = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch07:add_offset = 0. ; ABI-BT-ch07:scale_factor = 1. ; ABI-BT-ch07:long_name = "ABI-BT-ch07" ; ABI-BT-ch07:standard_name = "ABI-BT-ch07" ; ABI-BT-ch07:valid_range = 197.3053f, 360.0057f ; ABI-BT-ch07:percent_qc = 78.335 ; float ABI-BT-ch08(line, sample) ; ABI-BT-ch08:units = "temp_deg_k" ; ABI-BT-ch08:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch08:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch08:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch08:_Unsigned = "true" ; ABI-BT-ch08:sensor_band_bit_depth = 12b ; ABI-BT-ch08:resolution = "y: 0.000056 rad x: 0.000056 rad" ; ABI-BT-ch08:coordinates = "band_id band_wavelength t y x" ; ABI-BT-ch08:grid_mapping = "goes_imager_projection" ; ABI-BT-ch08:cell_methods = "t: point area: point" ; ABI-BT-ch08:ancillary_variables = "DQF" ; ABI-BT-ch08:sceneID = "Full Disk" ; ABI-BT-ch08:_FillValue = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch08:add_offset = 0. ; ABI-BT-ch08:scale_factor = 1. ; ABI-BT-ch08:long_name = "ABI-BT-ch08" ; ABI-BT-ch08:standard_name = "ABI-BT-ch08" ; ABI-BT-ch08:valid_range = 188.5891f, 260.4404f ; ABI-BT-ch08:percent_qc = 78.335 ; float ABI-BT-ch13(line, sample) ; ABI-BT-ch13:units = "temp_deg_k" ; ABI-BT-ch13:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch13:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch13:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch13:_Unsigned = "true" ; ABI-BT-ch13:sensor_band_bit_depth = 12b ; ABI-BT-ch13:resolution = "y: 0.000056 rad x: 0.000056 rad" ; ABI-BT-ch13:coordinates = "band_id band_wavelength t y x" ; ABI-BT-ch13:grid_mapping = "goes_imager_projection" ; ABI-BT-ch13:cell_methods = "t: point area: point" ; ABI-BT-ch13:ancillary_variables = "DQF" ; ABI-BT-ch13:sceneID = "Full Disk" ; ABI-BT-ch13:_FillValue = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch13:add_offset = 0. ; ABI-BT-ch13:scale_factor = 1. ; ABI-BT-ch13:long_name = "ABI-BT-ch13" ; ABI-BT-ch13:standard_name = "ABI-BT-ch13" ; ABI-BT-ch13:valid_range = 187.3873f, 317.8958f ; ABI-BT-ch13:percent_qc = 78.336 ; float ABI-BT-ch16(line, sample) ; ABI-BT-ch16:units = "temp_deg_k" ; ABI-BT-ch16:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch16:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch16:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch16:_Unsigned = "true" ; ABI-BT-ch16:sensor_band_bit_depth = 10b ; ABI-BT-ch16:resolution = "y: 0.000056 rad x: 0.000056 rad" ; ABI-BT-ch16:coordinates = "band_id band_wavelength t y x" ; ABI-BT-ch16:grid_mapping = "goes_imager_projection" ; ABI-BT-ch16:cell_methods = "t: point area: point" ; ABI-BT-ch16:ancillary_variables = "DQF" ; ABI-BT-ch16:sceneID = "Full Disk" ; ABI-BT-ch16:_FillValue = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-BT-ch16:add_offset = 0. ; ABI-BT-ch16:scale_factor = 1. ; ABI-BT-ch16:long_name = "ABI-BT-ch16" ; ABI-BT-ch16:standard_name = "ABI-BT-ch16" ; ABI-BT-ch16:valid_range = 188.5036f, 291.5138f ; ABI-BT-ch16:percent_qc = 78.336 ; float ABI-Ref-ch02(line, sample) ; ABI-Ref-ch02:units = "albedo*100%" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-Ref-ch02:valid_min = 0.f ; ABI-Ref-ch02:valid_max = 100.f ; ABI-Ref-ch02:_Unsigned = "true" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:sensor_band_bit_depth = 12b ; ABI-Ref-ch02:resolution = "y: 0.000014 rad x: 0.000014 rad" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:coordinates = "band_id band_wavelength t y x" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:grid_mapping = "goes_imager_projection" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:cell_methods = "t: point area: point" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:ancillary_variables = "DQF" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:sceneID = "Full Disk" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:_FillValue = -3.402823e+38f ; ABI-Ref-ch02:add_offset = 0. ; ABI-Ref-ch02:scale_factor = 1. ; ABI-Ref-ch02:long_name = "ABI-Ref-ch02" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:standard_name = "ABI-Ref-ch02" ; ABI-Ref-ch02:valid_range = 0.06140924f, 69.25649f ; ABI-Ref-ch02:percent_qc = 78.335 ; float latitude(line, sample) ; latitude:units = "degrees" ; latitude:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; latitude:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; latitude:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; float longitude(line, sample) ; longitude:units = "degrees" ; longitude:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; longitude:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; longitude:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; float rel_azimuth(line, sample) ; rel_azimuth:units = "degrees" ; rel_azimuth:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; rel_azimuth:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; rel_azimuth:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; float sat_zenith(line, sample) ; sat_zenith:units = "degrees" ; sat_zenith:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; sat_zenith:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; sat_zenith:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; float sun_zenith(line, sample) ; sun_zenith:units = "degrees" ; sun_zenith:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; sun_zenith:valid_min = -3.402823e+38f ; sun_zenith:valid_max = 3.402823e+38f ; float time(line, sample) ; time:units = "seconds" ; time:missing_value = -3.402823e+38f ; time:description = "seconds since 00:00 UTC at each pixel" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=|hdf5libversion=1.8.19" ; :Conventions = "CF-1.7" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table (v35, 20 July 2016)" ; :project = "GOES" ; :production_site = "WCDAS" ; :production_environment = "OE" ; :orbital_slot = "GOES-East" ; :platform_ID = "G16" ; :satellite = "goes-16" ; :instrument_type = "GOES-R Series Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)" ; :scene_id = "Full Disk" ; :instrument_ID = "FM1" ; :keywords = "SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING > VISIBLE WAVELENGTHS > VISIBLE RADIANCE" ; :keywords_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords, Version" ; :iso_series_metadata_id = "a70be540-c38b-11e0-962b-0800200c9a66" ; :license = "Unclassified data. Access is restricted to approved users only." ; :processing_level = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) L1b" ; :cdm_data_type = "Image" ; :dataset_name = "" ; :production_data_source = "Realtime" ; :timeline_id = "ABI Mode 6" ; :date_created = "2024-02-13T20:49:55.1Z" ; :time_coverage_start = "2024-02-13T20:40:20.6Z" ; :pass_date = 45334 ; :pass_date\\units = "std_date" ; :start_time = 74420. ; :start_time\\units = "std_time" ; :time_coverage_end = "2024-02-13T20:49:51.4Z" ; :LUT_Filenames = "SpaceLookParams(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_13_00_00)-739861842.0.h5 QTableBand02(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_07_00_00)-582860861.0.h5 CalTargetTimeIntervals(FM1A_CDRL79RevP_DO_08_00_01)-611906620.0.h5 BandSaturationLimits(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_08_00_00)-600000000.0.h5 SolarSpaceLookParams(FM1A_ADR1233_DO_13_00_00)-739861842.0.h5 DeadRowListParams(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_08_00_00)-600000000.0.h5 Mirror_Record(FM1A_CDRL79RevG_DO_07_00_00)-582860861.0.h5 KalmanAstroConsts(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_08_00_00)-600000000.0.xml KalmanFilterControls(FM1A_CDRL79RevJ_DO_13_00_00_NOMINAL)-739861842.0.xml KalmanMeasMaxSensibles(FMAA_INT_ONLY_DO_09_01_00)-631775400.0.xml KalmanPreprocessorControls(FM1A_CDRL79RevJ_DO_13_00_00)-739861842.0.xml KalmanReferenceData(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_08_00_00)-888.0.xml KalmanStarCatalogs(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_08_00_00)-600000000.0.xml ABI_NavigationRDP_Band02(FM1A_CDRL79RevJ_DO_07_00_00)-582860861.0.xml ABI_NavigationParameters_Band02(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_07_00_00)-582860861.0.xml ABI_ResamplingImplementation_Band02(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_07_02_00)-602129336.0.xml ABI_ResamplingParameters_Band02(FM1A_CDRL79RevJ_DO_11_00_00)-660662768.0.xml StarLookParams(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_08_00_00)-600000000.0.h5 StarDetectionParams(FM1A_CDRL79RevJ_DO_07_00_00)-582860861.0.xml ResamplingScaledConversion(FMAA_INT_ONLY_DO_08_00_00)-1111.0.xml BlockReleaseRegions(FMAA_INT_ONLY_DO_08_00_00)-2222.0.csv VNIR_RetrievalParameters(FM1A_CDRL79RevH_DO_08_00_00)-600000000.0.h5 SCT_Record(FM1A_CDRL79RevM_DO_09_00_00)-600765435.0.h5 ICM_ConversionConsts(FM1A_CDRL43-18_DO_09_01_00)-600765500.0.h5 ICM_SensorCoefficients(FM1A_TMABI_18_159_TMABI_18_533_DO_09_05_00)-665800000.0.h5 ABI_HarmonizationCoefficients(FM1A_CDRL79RevL_DO_12_00_00)-721111111.0.xml" ; :cspp_geo_grb_version = "CSPP Geo GRB v1.0.27" ; :cspp_geo_grb_production_host = "" ; :cspp_geo_grb_reconstruction_end = "2024-02-13 20:50:00.625919" ; :projection = 6 ; :et_affine = -0.5, 0., 0., 0.5, 640.5, 350.5 ; :projection_name = "mercator" ; :center_lat = 36.605 ; :center_lat\\units = "std_latitude" ; :center_lon = -97.485 ; :center_lon\\units = "std_longitude" ; :map_angle = 0. ; :map_angle\\units = "radians" ; :proj_param = 0. ; :proj_param\\units = "std_latitude" ; :equator_radius = 6378.137 ; :equator_radius\\units = "km" ; :flattening = 0. ; :sensor = 8 ; :sensor_name = "svissr" ; :time_adjust = 0. ; :time_adjust\\units = "std_time" ; :attitude = 0., 0., 0. ; :attitude\\units = "radians" ; :sensor_tilt = 0. ; :sensor_tilt\\units = "radians" ; :scan_samples = 2500 ; :scan_rates = 2.7777777778, 6944.4444445, 0. ; :miss_algn_mat = 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1. ; :use_orbele = 0 ; :use_orbele\\units = "boolean" ; :step_line_ang = 0.000125748092206693 ; :step_line_ang\\units = "radians" ; :step_samp_ang = 0.000125748092206693 ; :step_samp_ang\\units = "radians" ; :center_line = 1250.5 ; :center_samp = 1250.5 ; :interp_points = 11 ; :scan_time = 0.179927999998561, 90.1799279992786, 180.179927998559, 270.179927997839, 360.179927997119, 450.179927996399, 540.179927995679, 630.179927994959, 720.179927994239, 810.179927993519, 900.179927992799 ; :scan_time\\units = "seconds" ; :x_pos = 39991876.0530752, 39903344.07771, 39813093.4031517, 39721127.9166376, 39627451.5792642, 39532068.4258176, 39434982.564599, 39336198.177247, 39235719.5185593, 39133550.9163084, 39029696.7710552 ; :x_pos\\units = "meters" ; :y_pos = 13358620.6531763, 13620793.9348588, 13882380.5477272, 14143369.2248388, 14403748.7250045, 14663507.8332736, 14922635.3614156, 15181120.1484065, 15438951.0609025, 15696116.9937247, 15952606.8703357 ; :y_pos\\units = "meters" ; :z_pos = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ; :z_pos\\units = "meters" ; :x_head = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ; :y_head = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ; :z_head = -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. ; :sensor_tilt_arr = -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949, -1.5707963267949 ; :sensor_tilt_arr\\units = "radians" ; :sensor_twist = 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979, 3.14159265358979 ; :sensor_twist\\units = "radians" ; :satellite_roll = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ; :satellite_roll\\units = "radians" ; :satellite_pitch = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ; :satellite_pitch\\units = "radians" ; :satellite_yaw = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ; :satellite_yaw\\units = "radians" ; :nutation_mat = 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. ; :created_by = "SeaSpace TeraScan" ; :naming_authority = "com.seaspace" ; :institution = "SeaSpace Corporation" ; :title = "ABI L1b Reflectance" ; :group = "Band" ; :good_data_ABI-Ref-ch02 = 100.002 ; :spatial_resolution = "2km at nadir" ; :pass_date_epoch = "1900 Jan 0.0" ; :pass_date_units = "days since 1899/12/31 00:00 UTC" ; :start_time_units = "seconds since 00:00 UTC of pass date" ; :line\\coord = "y" ; :line\\scale = 1. ; :line\\offset = 0. ; :sample\\coord = "x" ; :sample\\scale = 1. ; :sample\\offset = 0. ; }