netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144 { dimensions: time = 90 ; z = 226 ; variables: float ADVTR(time, z) ; ADVTR:long_name = "Turbulent advective transport of TKE (Resolved)" ; ADVTR:units = "m2/s3" ; ADVTR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float ADVTRS(time, z) ; ADVTRS:long_name = "Turbulent+pressure transport of TKE (SGS)" ; ADVTRS:units = "m2/s3" ; ADVTRS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float AREAPREC(time) ; AREAPREC:long_name = "Surface Precip. Fraction" ; AREAPREC:units = "" ; float AREAPRTHR(time) ; AREAPRTHR:long_name = "GCSS Precip. over threshold Area Fraction" ; AREAPRTHR:units = "" ; AREAPRTHR:_FillValue = -1.f ; float AUP(time, z) ; AUP:long_name = "domain fraction occupied by updrafts" ; AUP:units = "" ; AUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float BUOYA(time, z) ; BUOYA:long_name = "Buoyancy production of TKE (resolved)" ; BUOYA:units = "m2/s3" ; BUOYA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float BUOYAS(time, z) ; BUOYAS:long_name = "Buoyancy production of TKE (SGS)" ; BUOYAS:units = "m2/s3" ; BUOYAS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float CAPE(time) ; CAPE:long_name = "CAPE" ; CAPE:units = "J/kg" ; float CAPEOBS(time) ; CAPEOBS:long_name = "CAPEOBS" ; CAPEOBS:units = "J/kg" ; float CDN(time, z) ; CDN:long_name = "downdraft core Fraction" ; CDN:units = "" ; CDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float CIN(time) ; CIN:long_name = "CIN" ; CIN:units = "J/kg" ; float CINOBS(time) ; CINOBS:long_name = "CINOBS" ; CINOBS:units = "J/kg" ; float CLD(time, z) ; CLD:long_name = "cloud Fraction" ; CLD:units = "" ; CLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float CLD245(time) ; CLD245:long_name = "Cloud Fraction above 245K level" ; CLD245:units = "" ; float CLDHI(time) ; CLDHI:long_name = "High Cloud Fraction" ; CLDHI:units = "" ; float CLDLOW(time) ; CLDLOW:long_name = "Low Cloud Fraction" ; CLDLOW:units = "" ; float CLDMID(time) ; CLDMID:long_name = "Middle Cloud Fraction" ; CLDMID:units = "" ; float CLDSHD(time) ; CLDSHD:long_name = "Shaded Cloud Fraction" ; CLDSHD:units = "" ; float COR(time, z) ; COR:long_name = "core Fraction" ; COR:units = "" ; COR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float CORECL(time, z) ; CORECL:long_name = "Cloudy Updraft core fraction" ; CORECL:units = "" ; CORECL:missing_value = -9999.f ; float COREDNCL(time, z) ; COREDNCL:long_name = "Cloudy Downdraft core fraction" ; COREDNCL:units = "" ; COREDNCL:missing_value = -9999.f ; float CWP(time) ; CWP:long_name = "Cloud Water Path" ; CWP:units = "g/m2" ; float DIFTR(time, z) ; DIFTR:long_name = "SGS transport of TKE (Resolved)" ; DIFTR:units = "m2/s3" ; DIFTR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DISSIP(time, z) ; DISSIP:long_name = "Dissipation (Resolved)" ; DISSIP:units = "m2/s3" ; DISSIP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DISSIPS(time, z) ; DISSIPS:long_name = "Dissipation (SGS)" ; DISSIPS:units = "m2/s3" ; DISSIPS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DSE(time, z) ; DSE:long_name = "Dry static energy" ; DSE:units = "K" ; DSE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DSECDN(time, z) ; DSECDN:long_name = "Mean dry static energy in downdraft core" ; DSECDN:units = "K" ; DSECDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DSECLD(time, z) ; DSECLD:long_name = "Mean dry static energy in cloud" ; DSECLD:units = "K" ; DSECLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DSECOR(time, z) ; DSECOR:long_name = "Mean dry static energy in core" ; DSECOR:units = "K" ; DSECOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DSEENV(time, z) ; DSEENV:long_name = "Mean dry static energy in unsaturated environment" ; DSEENV:units = "K" ; DSEENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DSESDN(time, z) ; DSESDN:long_name = "Mean dry static energy in saturated downdrafts" ; DSESDN:units = "K" ; DSESDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float DSESUP(time, z) ; DSESUP:long_name = "Mean dry static energy in saturated updrafts" ; DSESUP:units = "K" ; DSESUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float ENV(time, z) ; ENV:long_name = "unsaturated environment Fraction" ; ENV:units = "" ; ENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float GWP(time) ; GWP:long_name = "Grauple Water Path" ; GWP:units = "g/m2" ; float HFCDN(time, z) ; HFCDN:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE in downdraft core" ; HFCDN:units = "K" ; HFCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFCDNA(time, z) ; HFCDNA:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE anomaly in downdraft core" ; HFCDNA:units = "K" ; HFCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFCLD(time, z) ; HFCLD:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE in cloud" ; HFCLD:units = "K" ; HFCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFCLDA(time, z) ; HFCLDA:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE anomaly in cloud" ; HFCLDA:units = "K" ; HFCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFCOR(time, z) ; HFCOR:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE in core" ; HFCOR:units = "K" ; HFCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFCORA(time, z) ; HFCORA:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE anomaly in core" ; HFCORA:units = "K" ; HFCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFENV(time, z) ; HFENV:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE in unsaturated environment" ; HFENV:units = "K" ; HFENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFENVA(time, z) ; HFENVA:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE anomaly in unsaturated environment" ; HFENVA:units = "K" ; HFENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFSDN(time, z) ; HFSDN:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE in saturated downdrafts" ; HFSDN:units = "K" ; HFSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFSDNA(time, z) ; HFSDNA:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE anomaly in saturated downdrafts" ; HFSDNA:units = "K" ; HFSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFSUP(time, z) ; HFSUP:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE in saturated updrafts" ; HFSUP:units = "K" ; HFSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HFSUPA(time, z) ; HFSUPA:long_name = "Mean Frozen MSE anomaly in saturated updrafts" ; HFSUPA:units = "K" ; HFSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HLADV(time, z) ; HLADV:long_name = "Advective Transport of HL" ; HLADV:units = "K/day" ; HLADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HLDIFF(time, z) ; HLDIFF:long_name = "Diffusive Transport of HL" ; HLDIFF:units = "K/day" ; HLDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HLLAT(time, z) ; HLLAT:long_name = "Latent Heating of HL" ; HLLAT:units = "K/day" ; HLLAT:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HLRAD(time, z) ; HLRAD:long_name = "Radiative Heating of HL" ; HLRAD:units = "K/day" ; HLRAD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HLSTOR(time, z) ; HLSTOR:long_name = "Liquid-ice static energy storage" ; HLSTOR:units = "K/day" ; HLSTOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float HYDRO(time, z) ; HYDRO:long_name = "Total fraction of hydrometeors" ; HYDRO:units = "" ; HYDRO:missing_value = -9999.f ; float ISCCPALB(time) ; ISCCPALB:long_name = "ISCCP Cloud Albedo" ; ISCCPALB:units = "" ; ISCCPALB:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPHGH(time) ; ISCCPHGH:long_name = "ISCCP High Cloud Fraction (tau > 0.3)" ; ISCCPHGH:units = "" ; ISCCPHGH:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPLOW(time) ; ISCCPLOW:long_name = "ISCCP Low Cloud Fraction (tau > 0.3)" ; ISCCPLOW:units = "" ; ISCCPLOW:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPMID(time) ; ISCCPMID:long_name = "ISCCP Middle Cloud Fraction (tau > 0.3)" ; ISCCPMID:units = "" ; ISCCPMID:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPPTOP(time) ; ISCCPPTOP:long_name = "ISCCP Cloud-Top Pressure" ; ISCCPPTOP:units = "mb" ; ISCCPPTOP:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPTAU(time) ; ISCCPTAU:long_name = "ISCCP Optical Path" ; ISCCPTAU:units = "" ; ISCCPTAU:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPTB(time) ; ISCCPTB:long_name = "ISCCP Brightness Temperature" ; ISCCPTB:units = "K" ; ISCCPTB:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPTBCLR(time) ; ISCCPTBCLR:long_name = "ISCCP Brightness Temperature (Clear Sky)" ; ISCCPTBCLR:units = "K" ; ISCCPTBCLR:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ISCCPTOT(time) ; ISCCPTOT:long_name = "ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (tau > 0.3)" ; ISCCPTOT:units = "" ; ISCCPTOT:_FillValue = -1.f ; float IWP(time) ; IWP:long_name = "Ice Water Path" ; IWP:units = "g/m2" ; float LHF(time) ; LHF:long_name = "Latent Heat Flux" ; LHF:units = "W/m2" ; float LHFOBS(time) ; LHFOBS:long_name = "Observed Latent Heat Flux" ; LHFOBS:units = "W/m2" ; float LWDS(time) ; LWDS:long_name = "Downward LW flux at sfc" ; LWDS:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNS(time) ; LWNS:long_name = "Net LW flux at sfc" ; LWNS:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNSC(time) ; LWNSC:long_name = "Net LW flux at sfc (Clear Sky)" ; LWNSC:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNT(time) ; LWNT:long_name = "Net LW flux at Top-of-Model)" ; LWNT:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNTOA(time) ; LWNTOA:long_name = "Net LW flux at TOA" ; LWNTOA:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNTOAC(time) ; LWNTOAC:long_name = "Net LW flux at TOA (Clear Sky)" ; LWNTOAC:units = "W/m2" ; float LWP(time) ; LWP:long_name = "GCSS Liquid Water Path" ; LWP:units = "g/m2" ; LWP:_FillValue = -1.f ; float LWP2(time) ; LWP2:long_name = "GCSS Variance of Liquid Water Path" ; LWP2:units = "(g/m2)^2" ; LWP2:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MC(time, z) ; MC:long_name = "Cloud mass flux" ; MC:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MCDNS(time, z) ; MCDNS:long_name = "Downdraft saturated cloud mass flux" ; MCDNS:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MCDNS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MCDNU(time, z) ; MCDNU:long_name = "Downdraft unsaturated mass flux" ; MCDNU:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MCDNU:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MCR(time, z) ; MCR:long_name = "Core mass flux" ; MCR:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MCR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MCRDNS(time, z) ; MCRDNS:long_name = "Downdraft cloud core mass flux" ; MCRDNS:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MCRDNS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MCRDNU(time, z) ; MCRDNU:long_name = "Downdraft unsaturated core mass flux" ; MCRDNU:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MCRDNU:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MCRUP(time, z) ; MCRUP:long_name = "Updraft core mass flux" ; MCRUP:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MCRUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MCUP(time, z) ; MCUP:long_name = "Updraft cloud mass flux" ; MCUP:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MCUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFCDN(time, z) ; MFCDN:long_name = "Mass flux in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFCDN:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MFCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFCLD(time, z) ; MFCLD:long_name = "Mass flux in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFCLD:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MFCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFCOR(time, z) ; MFCOR:long_name = "Mass flux in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFCOR:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MFCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFENV(time, z) ; MFENV:long_name = "Mass flux in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFENV:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MFENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHCDN(time, z) ; MFHCDN:long_name = "RHO*W*HF in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHCDN:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHCDNA(time, z) ; MFHCDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*HF anomaly in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHCDNA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHCLD(time, z) ; MFHCLD:long_name = "RHO*W*HF in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHCLD:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHCLDA(time, z) ; MFHCLDA:long_name = "RHO*W*HF anomaly in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHCLDA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHCOR(time, z) ; MFHCOR:long_name = "RHO*W*HF in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHCOR:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHCORA(time, z) ; MFHCORA:long_name = "RHO*W*HF anomaly in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHCORA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHENV(time, z) ; MFHENV:long_name = "RHO*W*HF in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHENV:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHENVA(time, z) ; MFHENVA:long_name = "RHO*W*HF anomaly in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHENVA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHSDN(time, z) ; MFHSDN:long_name = "RHO*W*HF in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHSDN:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHSDNA(time, z) ; MFHSDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*HF anomaly in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHSDNA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHSUP(time, z) ; MFHSUP:long_name = "RHO*W*HF in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHSUP:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFHSUPA(time, z) ; MFHSUPA:long_name = "RHO*W*HF anomaly in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFHSUPA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFHSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTCDN(time, z) ; MFQTCDN:long_name = "RHO*W*QT in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTCDN:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTCDNA(time, z) ; MFQTCDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*QT anomaly in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTCDNA:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTCLD(time, z) ; MFQTCLD:long_name = "RHO*W*QT in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTCLD:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTCLDA(time, z) ; MFQTCLDA:long_name = "RHO*W*QT anomaly in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTCLDA:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTCOR(time, z) ; MFQTCOR:long_name = "RHO*W*QT in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTCOR:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTCORA(time, z) ; MFQTCORA:long_name = "RHO*W*QT anomaly in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTCORA:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTENV(time, z) ; MFQTENV:long_name = "RHO*W*QT in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTENV:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTENVA(time, z) ; MFQTENVA:long_name = "RHO*W*QT anomaly in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTENVA:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTSDN(time, z) ; MFQTSDN:long_name = "RHO*W*QT in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTSDN:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTSDNA(time, z) ; MFQTSDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*QT anomaly in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTSDNA:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTSUP(time, z) ; MFQTSUP:long_name = "RHO*W*QT in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTSUP:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFQTSUPA(time, z) ; MFQTSUPA:long_name = "RHO*W*QT anomaly in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFQTSUPA:units = "g/m2/s" ; MFQTSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFSDN(time, z) ; MFSDN:long_name = "Mass flux in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFSDN:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MFSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFSUP(time, z) ; MFSUP:long_name = "Mass flux in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFSUP:units = "kg/m2/s" ; MFSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLCDN(time, z) ; MFTLCDN:long_name = "RHO*W*TL in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLCDN:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLCDNA(time, z) ; MFTLCDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*TL anomaly in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLCDNA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLCLD(time, z) ; MFTLCLD:long_name = "RHO*W*TL in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLCLD:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLCLDA(time, z) ; MFTLCLDA:long_name = "RHO*W*TL anomaly in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLCLDA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLCOR(time, z) ; MFTLCOR:long_name = "RHO*W*TL in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLCOR:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLCORA(time, z) ; MFTLCORA:long_name = "RHO*W*TL anomaly in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLCORA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLENV(time, z) ; MFTLENV:long_name = "RHO*W*TL in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLENV:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLENVA(time, z) ; MFTLENVA:long_name = "RHO*W*TL anomaly in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLENVA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLSDN(time, z) ; MFTLSDN:long_name = "RHO*W*TL in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLSDN:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLSDNA(time, z) ; MFTLSDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*TL anomaly in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLSDNA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLSUP(time, z) ; MFTLSUP:long_name = "RHO*W*TL in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLSUP:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTLSUPA(time, z) ; MFTLSUPA:long_name = "RHO*W*TL anomaly in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTLSUPA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTLSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVCDN(time, z) ; MFTVCDN:long_name = "RHO*W*TV in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVCDN:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVCDNA(time, z) ; MFTVCDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*TV anomaly in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVCDNA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVCLD(time, z) ; MFTVCLD:long_name = "RHO*W*TV in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVCLD:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVCLDA(time, z) ; MFTVCLDA:long_name = "RHO*W*TV anomaly in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVCLDA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVCOR(time, z) ; MFTVCOR:long_name = "RHO*W*TV in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVCOR:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVCORA(time, z) ; MFTVCORA:long_name = "RHO*W*TV anomaly in core averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVCORA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVENV(time, z) ; MFTVENV:long_name = "RHO*W*TV in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVENV:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVENVA(time, z) ; MFTVENVA:long_name = "RHO*W*TV anomaly in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVENVA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVSDN(time, z) ; MFTVSDN:long_name = "RHO*W*TV in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVSDN:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVSDNA(time, z) ; MFTVSDNA:long_name = "RHO*W*TV anomaly in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVSDNA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVSUP(time, z) ; MFTVSUP:long_name = "RHO*W*TV in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVSUP:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MFTVSUPA(time, z) ; MFTVSUPA:long_name = "RHO*W*TV anomaly in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; MFTVSUPA:units = "K kg/m2/s" ; MFTVSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MISRTOT(time) ; MISRTOT:long_name = "MISR Total Cloud Fraction" ; MISRTOT:units = "" ; MISRTOT:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MISRZTOP(time) ; MISRZTOP:long_name = "MISR Cloud-Top Height" ; MISRZTOP:units = "km" ; MISRZTOP:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISHGH(time) ; MODISHGH:long_name = "MODIS High Cloud Fraction (tau > 0.3)" ; MODISHGH:units = "" ; MODISHGH:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISIWP(time) ; MODISIWP:long_name = "MODIS Ice Water Path" ; MODISIWP:units = "g/m2" ; MODISIWP:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISLOW(time) ; MODISLOW:long_name = "MODIS Low Cloud Fraction" ; MODISLOW:units = "" ; MODISLOW:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISLWP(time) ; MODISLWP:long_name = "MODIS Liquid Water Path" ; MODISLWP:units = "g/m2" ; MODISLWP:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISMID(time) ; MODISMID:long_name = "MODIS Middle Cloud Fraction" ; MODISMID:units = "" ; MODISMID:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISPTOP(time) ; MODISPTOP:long_name = "MODIS Cloud-Top Pressure" ; MODISPTOP:units = "mb" ; MODISPTOP:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISREI(time) ; MODISREI:long_name = "MODIS Effective Radius (Ice)" ; MODISREI:units = "mkm" ; MODISREI:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISREL(time) ; MODISREL:long_name = "MODIS Effective Radius (Liquid)" ; MODISREL:units = "mkm" ; MODISREL:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISTAU(time) ; MODISTAU:long_name = "MODIS Cloud Optical Path" ; MODISTAU:units = "" ; MODISTAU:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISTAUI(time) ; MODISTAUI:long_name = "MODIS Cloud Optical Path (Ice)" ; MODISTAUI:units = "" ; MODISTAUI:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISTAUL(time) ; MODISTAUL:long_name = "MODIS Cloud Optical Path (Liquid)" ; MODISTAUL:units = "" ; MODISTAUL:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISTOT(time) ; MODISTOT:long_name = "MODIS Total Cloud Fraction" ; MODISTOT:units = "" ; MODISTOT:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISTOTI(time) ; MODISTOTI:long_name = "MODIS Total Fraction (Ice)" ; MODISTOTI:units = "" ; MODISTOTI:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MODISTOTL(time) ; MODISTOTL:long_name = "MODIS Total Fraction (Liquid)" ; MODISTOTL:units = "" ; MODISTOTL:_FillValue = -1.f ; float MSE(time, z) ; MSE:long_name = "Moist static energy" ; MSE:units = "K" ; MSE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MSECDN(time, z) ; MSECDN:long_name = "Mean moist static energy in downdraft core" ; MSECDN:units = "K" ; MSECDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MSECLD(time, z) ; MSECLD:long_name = "Mean moist static energy in cloud" ; MSECLD:units = "K" ; MSECLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MSECOR(time, z) ; MSECOR:long_name = "Mean moist static energy in core" ; MSECOR:units = "K" ; MSECOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MSEENV(time, z) ; MSEENV:long_name = "Mean moist static energy in unsaturated environment" ; MSEENV:units = "K" ; MSEENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MSESDN(time, z) ; MSESDN:long_name = "Mean moist static energy in saturated downdrafts" ; MSESDN:units = "K" ; MSESDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float MSESUP(time, z) ; MSESUP:long_name = "Mean moist static energy in saturated updrafts" ; MSESUP:units = "K" ; MSESUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NC(time, z) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NC:units = "#/cm3" ; NC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCADV(time, z) ; NCADV:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to resolved vertical advection" ; NCADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NCADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCCDN(time, z) ; NCCDN:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION in downdraft core" ; NCCDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NCCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCCLD(time, z) ; NCCLD:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION in cloud" ; NCCLD:units = "#/cm3" ; NCCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCCOR(time, z) ; NCCOR:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION in core" ; NCCOR:units = "#/cm3" ; NCCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCDIFF(time, z) ; NCDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to vertical SGS transport" ; NCDIFF:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NCDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCENV(time, z) ; NCENV:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION in unsaturated environment" ; NCENV:units = "#/cm3" ; NCENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCFLXR(time, z) ; NCFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NCFLXR:units = "#/m2/s" ; NCFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCFLXS(time, z) ; NCFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NCFLXS:units = "#/m2/s" ; NCFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCLSADV(time, z) ; NCLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to large-scale vertical advecti" ; NCLSADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NCLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCMN(time) ; NCMN:long_name = "GCSS Mean Drop Number Comcentration" ; NCMN:units = "#/cm3" ; NCMN:_FillValue = -1.f ; float NCMPHY(time, z) ; NCMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to microphysical processes" ; NCMPHY:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NCMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCSDFLX(time, z) ; NCSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NCSDFLX:units = "#/m2/s" ; NCSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCSDN(time, z) ; NCSDN:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated downdrafts" ; NCSDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NCSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCSED(time, z) ; NCSED:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to sedimentation" ; NCSED:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NCSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NCSUP(time, z) ; NCSUP:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated updrafts" ; NCSUP:units = "#/cm3" ; NCSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NG(time, z) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NG:units = "#/cm3" ; NG:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGADV(time, z) ; NGADV:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to resolved vertical advection" ; NGADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NGADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGCDN(time, z) ; NGCDN:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION in downdraft core" ; NGCDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NGCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGCLD(time, z) ; NGCLD:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION in cloud" ; NGCLD:units = "#/cm3" ; NGCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGCOR(time, z) ; NGCOR:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION in core" ; NGCOR:units = "#/cm3" ; NGCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGDIFF(time, z) ; NGDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to vertical SGS transport" ; NGDIFF:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NGDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGENV(time, z) ; NGENV:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION in unsaturated environment" ; NGENV:units = "#/cm3" ; NGENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGFLXR(time, z) ; NGFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NGFLXR:units = "#/m2/s" ; NGFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGFLXS(time, z) ; NGFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NGFLXS:units = "#/m2/s" ; NGFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGLSADV(time, z) ; NGLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to large-scale vertical advection" ; NGLSADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NGLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGMPHY(time, z) ; NGMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to microphysical processes" ; NGMPHY:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NGMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGSDFLX(time, z) ; NGSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NGSDFLX:units = "#/m2/s" ; NGSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGSDN(time, z) ; NGSDN:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated downdrafts" ; NGSDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NGSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGSED(time, z) ; NGSED:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to sedimentation" ; NGSED:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NGSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NGSUP(time, z) ; NGSUP:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated updrafts" ; NGSUP:units = "#/cm3" ; NGSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NI(time, z) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NI:units = "#/cm3" ; NI:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NIADV(time, z) ; NIADV:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to resolved vertical advection" ; NIADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NIADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NICDN(time, z) ; NICDN:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION in downdraft core" ; NICDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NICDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NICLD(time, z) ; NICLD:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION in cloud" ; NICLD:units = "#/cm3" ; NICLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NICOR(time, z) ; NICOR:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION in core" ; NICOR:units = "#/cm3" ; NICOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NIDIFF(time, z) ; NIDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to vertical SGS transport" ; NIDIFF:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NIDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NIENV(time, z) ; NIENV:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION in unsaturated environment" ; NIENV:units = "#/cm3" ; NIENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NIFLXR(time, z) ; NIFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NIFLXR:units = "#/m2/s" ; NIFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NIFLXS(time, z) ; NIFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NIFLXS:units = "#/m2/s" ; NIFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NILSADV(time, z) ; NILSADV:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to large-scale vertical advection" ; NILSADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NILSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NIMPHY(time, z) ; NIMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to microphysical processes" ; NIMPHY:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NIMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NISDFLX(time, z) ; NISDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NISDFLX:units = "#/m2/s" ; NISDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NISDN(time, z) ; NISDN:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated downdrafts" ; NISDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NISDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NISED(time, z) ; NISED:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to sedimentation" ; NISED:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NISED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NISUP(time, z) ; NISUP:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated updrafts" ; NISUP:units = "#/cm3" ; NISUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NR(time, z) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NR:units = "#/cm3" ; NR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRADV(time, z) ; NRADV:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to resolved vertical advection" ; NRADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NRADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRCDN(time, z) ; NRCDN:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION in downdraft core" ; NRCDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NRCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRCLD(time, z) ; NRCLD:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION in cloud" ; NRCLD:units = "#/cm3" ; NRCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRCOR(time, z) ; NRCOR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION in core" ; NRCOR:units = "#/cm3" ; NRCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRDIFF(time, z) ; NRDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to vertical SGS transport" ; NRDIFF:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NRDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRENV(time, z) ; NRENV:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION in unsaturated environment" ; NRENV:units = "#/cm3" ; NRENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRFLXR(time, z) ; NRFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NRFLXR:units = "#/m2/s" ; NRFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRFLXS(time, z) ; NRFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NRFLXS:units = "#/m2/s" ; NRFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRLSADV(time, z) ; NRLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to large-scale vertical advection" ; NRLSADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NRLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRMN(time) ; NRMN:long_name = "GCSS Mean Rain Number Comcentration" ; NRMN:units = "#/cm3" ; NRMN:_FillValue = -1.f ; float NRMPHY(time, z) ; NRMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to microphysical processes" ; NRMPHY:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NRMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRSDFLX(time, z) ; NRSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NRSDFLX:units = "#/m2/s" ; NRSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRSDN(time, z) ; NRSDN:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated downdrafts" ; NRSDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NRSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRSED(time, z) ; NRSED:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to sedimentation" ; NRSED:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NRSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NRSUP(time, z) ; NRSUP:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated updrafts" ; NRSUP:units = "#/cm3" ; NRSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NS(time, z) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NS:units = "#/cm3" ; NS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSADV(time, z) ; NSADV:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to resolved vertical advection" ; NSADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSCDN(time, z) ; NSCDN:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION in downdraft core" ; NSCDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NSCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSCLD(time, z) ; NSCLD:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION in cloud" ; NSCLD:units = "#/cm3" ; NSCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSCOR(time, z) ; NSCOR:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION in core" ; NSCOR:units = "#/cm3" ; NSCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSDIFF(time, z) ; NSDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to vertical SGS transport" ; NSDIFF:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NSDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSENV(time, z) ; NSENV:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION in unsaturated environment" ; NSENV:units = "#/cm3" ; NSENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSFLXR(time, z) ; NSFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NSFLXR:units = "#/m2/s" ; NSFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSFLXS(time, z) ; NSFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NSFLXS:units = "#/m2/s" ; NSFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSLSADV(time, z) ; NSLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to large-scale vertical advection" ; NSLSADV:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NSLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSMPHY(time, z) ; NSMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to microphysical processes" ; NSMPHY:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NSMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSSDFLX(time, z) ; NSSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION" ; NSSDFLX:units = "#/m2/s" ; NSSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSSDN(time, z) ; NSSDN:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated downdrafts" ; NSSDN:units = "#/cm3" ; NSSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSSED(time, z) ; NSSED:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION due to sedimentation" ; NSSED:units = "#/cm3/day" ; NSSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float NSSUP(time, z) ; NSSUP:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION in saturated updrafts" ; NSSUP:units = "#/cm3" ; NSSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float PREC(time) ; PREC:long_name = "Surface Precipitation" ; PREC:units = "mm/day" ; float PREC2(time) ; PREC2:long_name = "GCSS Variance of Precipitation Rate" ; PREC2:units = "(mm/d)^2" ; PREC2:_FillValue = -1.f ; float PRECIP(time, z) ; PRECIP:long_name = "Precipitation flux" ; PRECIP:units = "mm/day" ; PRECIP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float PRECMAX(time) ; PRECMAX:long_name = "GCSS Maximum Precipitation Rate" ; PRECMAX:units = "mm/d" ; PRECMAX:_FillValue = -1.f ; float PRECMN(time) ; PRECMN:long_name = "GCSS Precipitation Rate" ; PRECMN:units = "mm/d" ; PRECMN:_FillValue = -1.f ; float PRES(time, z) ; PRES:long_name = "Pressure" ; PRES:units = "mb" ; PRES:missing_value = -9999.f ; float PRESSTR(time, z) ; PRESSTR:long_name = "Pressure transport of TKE (Resolved)" ; PRESSTR:units = "m2/s3" ; PRESSTR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float PW(time) ; PW:long_name = "Precipitable Water" ; PW:units = "mm" ; float PWOBS(time) ; PWOBS:long_name = "Observed Precipitable Water" ; PWOBS:units = "mm" ; float Ps(time) ; Ps:long_name = "Surface Pressure" ; Ps:units = "" ; float Q1C(time, z) ; Q1C:long_name = "Apparent heat source: Q1 - QR" ; Q1C:units = "K/day" ; Q1C:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Q2(time, z) ; Q2:long_name = "Apparent moisture sink: Q2" ; Q2:units = "K/day" ; Q2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Q2ADVTR(time, z) ; Q2ADVTR:long_name = "Transport of total water variance" ; Q2ADVTR:units = "1/s" ; Q2ADVTR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Q2DIFTR(time, z) ; Q2DIFTR:long_name = "SGS transport of total water variance" ; Q2DIFTR:units = "1/s" ; Q2DIFTR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Q2DISSIP(time, z) ; Q2DISSIP:long_name = "Dissipation of total water variance" ; Q2DISSIP:units = "1/s" ; Q2DISSIP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Q2GRAD(time, z) ; Q2GRAD:long_name = "Gradient production of total water variance" ; Q2GRAD:units = "1/s" ; Q2GRAD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Q2PREC(time, z) ; Q2PREC:long_name = "Precipitation production of total water variance" ; Q2PREC:units = "1/s" ; Q2PREC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QC(time, z) ; QC:long_name = "Cloud liquid water mass mixing ratio" ; QC:units = "g/kg" ; QC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QC2(time, z) ; QC2:long_name = "Variance of cloud water" ; QC2:units = "g2/kg2" ; QC2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCCDN(time, z) ; QCCDN:long_name = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio in downdraft core" ; QCCDN:units = "kg/kg" ; QCCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCCLD(time, z) ; QCCLD:long_name = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio in cloud" ; QCCLD:units = "kg/kg" ; QCCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCCOR(time, z) ; QCCOR:long_name = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio in core" ; QCCOR:units = "kg/kg" ; QCCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCENV(time, z) ; QCENV:long_name = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio in unsaturated environment" ; QCENV:units = "kg/kg" ; QCENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCFLUX(time, z) ; QCFLUX:long_name = "Liquid water flux (Resolved)" ; QCFLUX:units = "W/m2" ; QCFLUX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCI(time, z) ; QCI:long_name = "Cloud ice" ; QCI:units = "g/kg" ; QCI:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCL(time, z) ; QCL:long_name = "Cloud water" ; QCL:units = "g/kg" ; QCL:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCOEFFR(time, z) ; QCOEFFR:long_name = "Mixing ratio of QC over effective radius, EFFR = QC/QCOEFFR" ; QCOEFFR:units = "g/kg/micro" ; QCOEFFR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCOND(time, z) ; QCOND:long_name = "Total Condensate" ; QCOND:units = "g/kg" ; QCOND:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCSDN(time, z) ; QCSDN:long_name = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio in saturated downdrafts" ; QCSDN:units = "kg/kg" ; QCSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCSUP(time, z) ; QCSUP:long_name = "Cloud liquid water mixing ratio in saturated updrafts" ; QCSUP:units = "kg/kg" ; QCSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCWCDN(time, z) ; QCWCDN:long_name = "QCW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; QCWCDN:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QCWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCWCLD(time, z) ; QCWCLD:long_name = "QCW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; QCWCLD:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QCWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCWCOR(time, z) ; QCWCOR:long_name = "QCW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; QCWCOR:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QCWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCWENV(time, z) ; QCWENV:long_name = "QCW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; QCWENV:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QCWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCWSDN(time, z) ; QCWSDN:long_name = "QCW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; QCWSDN:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QCWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QCWSUP(time, z) ; QCWSUP:long_name = "QCW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; QCWSUP:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QCWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QG(time, z) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL" ; QG:units = "g/kg" ; QG:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGADV(time, z) ; QGADV:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL due to resolved vertical advection" ; QGADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QGADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGCDN(time, z) ; QGCDN:long_name = "GRAUPEL in downdraft core" ; QGCDN:units = "g/kg" ; QGCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGCLD(time, z) ; QGCLD:long_name = "GRAUPEL in cloud" ; QGCLD:units = "g/kg" ; QGCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGCOR(time, z) ; QGCOR:long_name = "GRAUPEL in core" ; QGCOR:units = "g/kg" ; QGCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGDIFF(time, z) ; QGDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL due to vertical SGS transport" ; QGDIFF:units = "g/kg/day" ; QGDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGENV(time, z) ; QGENV:long_name = "GRAUPEL in unsaturated environment" ; QGENV:units = "g/kg" ; QGENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGFLXR(time, z) ; QGFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of GRAUPEL" ; QGFLXR:units = "W/m2" ; QGFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGFLXS(time, z) ; QGFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of GRAUPEL" ; QGFLXS:units = "W/m2" ; QGFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGFRAC(time, z) ; QGFRAC:long_name = "GRAUPEL FRACTION" ; QGFRAC:units = "1" ; QGFRAC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGLSADV(time, z) ; QGLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL due to large-scale vertical advection" ; QGLSADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QGLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGMPHY(time, z) ; QGMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL due to microphysical processes" ; QGMPHY:units = "g/kg/day" ; QGMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGOEFFR(time, z) ; QGOEFFR:long_name = "Mixing ratio of GRAUPEL over effective radius, EFFR = QG/QGOEFFR" ; QGOEFFR:units = "g/kg/micro" ; QGOEFFR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGSDFLX(time, z) ; QGSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of GRAUPEL" ; QGSDFLX:units = "W/m2" ; QGSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGSDN(time, z) ; QGSDN:long_name = "GRAUPEL in saturated downdrafts" ; QGSDN:units = "g/kg" ; QGSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGSED(time, z) ; QGSED:long_name = "Tendency of GRAUPEL due to sedimentation" ; QGSED:units = "g/kg/day" ; QGSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QGSUP(time, z) ; QGSUP:long_name = "GRAUPEL in saturated updrafts" ; QGSUP:units = "g/kg" ; QGSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QHTEND(time, z) ; QHTEND:long_name = "Large-Scale Horizontal Advection Moisture Tendency" ; QHTEND:units = "g/kg/day" ; QHTEND:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QI(time, z) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE" ; QI:units = "g/kg" ; QI:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QI2(time, z) ; QI2:long_name = "Variance of cloud ice" ; QI2:units = "g2/kg2" ; QI2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIADV(time, z) ; QIADV:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE due to resolved vertical advection" ; QIADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QIADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QICDN(time, z) ; QICDN:long_name = "CLOUD ICE in downdraft core" ; QICDN:units = "g/kg" ; QICDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QICLD(time, z) ; QICLD:long_name = "CLOUD ICE in cloud" ; QICLD:units = "g/kg" ; QICLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QICOR(time, z) ; QICOR:long_name = "CLOUD ICE in core" ; QICOR:units = "g/kg" ; QICOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIDIFF(time, z) ; QIDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE due to vertical SGS transport" ; QIDIFF:units = "g/kg/day" ; QIDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIENV(time, z) ; QIENV:long_name = "CLOUD ICE in unsaturated environment" ; QIENV:units = "g/kg" ; QIENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIFLUX(time, z) ; QIFLUX:long_name = "Ice flux (Resolved)" ; QIFLUX:units = "W/m2" ; QIFLUX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIFLXR(time, z) ; QIFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of CLOUD ICE" ; QIFLXR:units = "W/m2" ; QIFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIFLXS(time, z) ; QIFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of CLOUD ICE" ; QIFLXS:units = "W/m2" ; QIFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIFRAC(time, z) ; QIFRAC:long_name = "CLOUD ICE FRACTION" ; QIFRAC:units = "1" ; QIFRAC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QILSADV(time, z) ; QILSADV:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE due to large-scale vertical advection" ; QILSADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QILSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIMPHY(time, z) ; QIMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE due to microphysical processes" ; QIMPHY:units = "g/kg/day" ; QIMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIOEFFR(time, z) ; QIOEFFR:long_name = "Mixing ratio of CLOUD ICE over effective radius, EFFR = QI/QIOEFFR" ; QIOEFFR:units = "g/kg/micro" ; QIOEFFR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QISDFLX(time, z) ; QISDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of CLOUD ICE" ; QISDFLX:units = "W/m2" ; QISDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QISDN(time, z) ; QISDN:long_name = "CLOUD ICE in saturated downdrafts" ; QISDN:units = "g/kg" ; QISDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QISED(time, z) ; QISED:long_name = "Tendency of CLOUD ICE due to sedimentation" ; QISED:units = "g/kg/day" ; QISED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QISUP(time, z) ; QISUP:long_name = "CLOUD ICE in saturated updrafts" ; QISUP:units = "g/kg" ; QISUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIWCDN(time, z) ; QIWCDN:long_name = "QIW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; QIWCDN:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QIWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIWCLD(time, z) ; QIWCLD:long_name = "QIW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; QIWCLD:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QIWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIWCOR(time, z) ; QIWCOR:long_name = "QIW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; QIWCOR:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QIWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIWENV(time, z) ; QIWENV:long_name = "QIW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; QIWENV:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QIWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIWSDN(time, z) ; QIWSDN:long_name = "QIW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; QIWSDN:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QIWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QIWSUP(time, z) ; QIWSUP:long_name = "QIW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; QIWSUP:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QIWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QN(time, z) ; QN:long_name = "Cloud water and cloud ice" ; QN:units = "g/kg" ; QN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QNCDN(time, z) ; QNCDN:long_name = "Mean QN in downdraft core" ; QNCDN:units = "g/kg" ; QNCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QNCLD(time, z) ; QNCLD:long_name = "Mean QN in cloud" ; QNCLD:units = "g/kg" ; QNCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QNCOR(time, z) ; QNCOR:long_name = "Mean QN in core" ; QNCOR:units = "g/kg" ; QNCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QNENV(time, z) ; QNENV:long_name = "Mean QN in unsaturated environment" ; QNENV:units = "g/kg" ; QNENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QNSDN(time, z) ; QNSDN:long_name = "Mean QN in saturated downdrafts" ; QNSDN:units = "g/kg" ; QNSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QNSUP(time, z) ; QNSUP:long_name = "Mean QN in saturated updrafts" ; QNSUP:units = "g/kg" ; QNSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QNUDGE(time, z) ; QNUDGE:long_name = "Large-Scale Moisture Nudging" ; QNUDGE:units = "g/kg/day" ; QNUDGE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QP(time, z) ; QP:long_name = "Rain and Snow" ; QP:units = "g/kg" ; QP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPCDN(time, z) ; QPCDN:long_name = "Mean QP in downdraft core" ; QPCDN:units = "g/kg" ; QPCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPCLD(time, z) ; QPCLD:long_name = "Mean QP in cloud" ; QPCLD:units = "g/kg" ; QPCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPCOR(time, z) ; QPCOR:long_name = "Mean QP in core" ; QPCOR:units = "g/kg" ; QPCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPENV(time, z) ; QPENV:long_name = "Mean QP in unsaturated environment" ; QPENV:units = "g/kg" ; QPENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPI(time, z) ; QPI:long_name = "Snow content" ; QPI:units = "g/kg" ; QPI:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPL(time, z) ; QPL:long_name = "Rain content" ; QPL:units = "g/kg" ; QPL:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPSDN(time, z) ; QPSDN:long_name = "Mean QP in saturated downdrafts" ; QPSDN:units = "g/kg" ; QPSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QPSUP(time, z) ; QPSUP:long_name = "Mean QP in saturated updrafts" ; QPSUP:units = "g/kg" ; QPSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QR(time, z) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN" ; QR:units = "g/kg" ; QR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRADV(time, z) ; QRADV:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN due to resolved vertical advection" ; QRADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QRADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRCDN(time, z) ; QRCDN:long_name = "RAIN in downdraft core" ; QRCDN:units = "g/kg" ; QRCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRCLD(time, z) ; QRCLD:long_name = "RAIN in cloud" ; QRCLD:units = "g/kg" ; QRCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRCOR(time, z) ; QRCOR:long_name = "RAIN in core" ; QRCOR:units = "g/kg" ; QRCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRDIFF(time, z) ; QRDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN due to vertical SGS transport" ; QRDIFF:units = "g/kg/day" ; QRDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRENV(time, z) ; QRENV:long_name = "RAIN in unsaturated environment" ; QRENV:units = "g/kg" ; QRENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRFLXR(time, z) ; QRFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of RAIN" ; QRFLXR:units = "W/m2" ; QRFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRFLXS(time, z) ; QRFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of RAIN" ; QRFLXS:units = "W/m2" ; QRFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRFRAC(time, z) ; QRFRAC:long_name = "RAIN FRACTION" ; QRFRAC:units = "1" ; QRFRAC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRLSADV(time, z) ; QRLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN due to large-scale vertical advection" ; QRLSADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QRLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRMPHY(time, z) ; QRMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN due to microphysical processes" ; QRMPHY:units = "g/kg/day" ; QRMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QROEFFR(time, z) ; QROEFFR:long_name = "Mixing ratio of RAIN over effective radius, EFFR = QR/QROEFFR" ; QROEFFR:units = "g/kg/micro" ; QROEFFR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRSDFLX(time, z) ; QRSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of RAIN" ; QRSDFLX:units = "W/m2" ; QRSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRSDN(time, z) ; QRSDN:long_name = "RAIN in saturated downdrafts" ; QRSDN:units = "g/kg" ; QRSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRSED(time, z) ; QRSED:long_name = "Tendency of RAIN due to sedimentation" ; QRSED:units = "g/kg/day" ; QRSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QRSUP(time, z) ; QRSUP:long_name = "RAIN in saturated updrafts" ; QRSUP:units = "g/kg" ; QRSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QS(time, z) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW" ; QS:units = "g/kg" ; QS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QS2(time, z) ; QS2:long_name = "Variance of saturation mixing ratio" ; QS2:units = "g2/kg2" ; QS2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSADV(time, z) ; QSADV:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW due to resolved vertical advection" ; QSADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSAT(time, z) ; QSAT:long_name = "Saturation mixing ratio" ; QSAT:units = "g/kg" ; QSAT:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSCDN(time, z) ; QSCDN:long_name = "SNOW in downdraft core" ; QSCDN:units = "g/kg" ; QSCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSCLD(time, z) ; QSCLD:long_name = "SNOW in cloud" ; QSCLD:units = "g/kg" ; QSCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSCOR(time, z) ; QSCOR:long_name = "SNOW in core" ; QSCOR:units = "g/kg" ; QSCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSDIFF(time, z) ; QSDIFF:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW due to vertical SGS transport" ; QSDIFF:units = "g/kg/day" ; QSDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSENV(time, z) ; QSENV:long_name = "SNOW in unsaturated environment" ; QSENV:units = "g/kg" ; QSENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSFLXR(time, z) ; QSFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of SNOW" ; QSFLXR:units = "W/m2" ; QSFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSFLXS(time, z) ; QSFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of SNOW" ; QSFLXS:units = "W/m2" ; QSFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSFRAC(time, z) ; QSFRAC:long_name = "SNOW FRACTION" ; QSFRAC:units = "1" ; QSFRAC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSLSADV(time, z) ; QSLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW due to large-scale vertical advection" ; QSLSADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QSLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSMPHY(time, z) ; QSMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW due to microphysical processes" ; QSMPHY:units = "g/kg/day" ; QSMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSOEFFR(time, z) ; QSOEFFR:long_name = "Mixing ratio of SNOW over effective radius, EFFR = QS/QSOEFFR" ; QSOEFFR:units = "g/kg/micro" ; QSOEFFR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSSDFLX(time, z) ; QSSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of SNOW" ; QSSDFLX:units = "W/m2" ; QSSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSSDN(time, z) ; QSSDN:long_name = "SNOW in saturated downdrafts" ; QSSDN:units = "g/kg" ; QSSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSSED(time, z) ; QSSED:long_name = "Tendency of SNOW due to sedimentation" ; QSSED:units = "g/kg/day" ; QSSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QSSUP(time, z) ; QSSUP:long_name = "SNOW in saturated updrafts" ; QSSUP:units = "g/kg" ; QSSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QT(time, z) ; QT:long_name = "Total water (no rain/snow included)" ; QT:units = "g/kg" ; QT:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QT2(time, z) ; QT2:long_name = "Variance of total water" ; QT2:units = "g2/kg2" ; QT2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTCDN(time, z) ; QTCDN:long_name = "Mean QT in downdraft core" ; QTCDN:units = "g/kg" ; QTCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTCLD(time, z) ; QTCLD:long_name = "Mean QT in cloud" ; QTCLD:units = "g/kg" ; QTCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTCOR(time, z) ; QTCOR:long_name = "Mean QT in core" ; QTCOR:units = "g/kg" ; QTCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTEND(time, z) ; QTEND:long_name = "Observed Large-Scale Moisture Tendency" ; QTEND:units = "g/kg/day" ; QTEND:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTENV(time, z) ; QTENV:long_name = "Mean QT in unsaturated environment" ; QTENV:units = "g/kg" ; QTENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTFLUX(time, z) ; QTFLUX:long_name = "Total (resolved + subgrid) total water (vapor+cloud) flux" ; QTFLUX:units = "W/m2" ; QTFLUX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTO(time, z) ; QTO:long_name = "TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID)" ; QTO:units = "g/kg" ; QTO:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTO2(time, z) ; QTO2:long_name = "Variance of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID)" ; QTO2:units = "(g/kg)^2" ; QTO2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOADV(time, z) ; QTOADV:long_name = "Tendency of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) due to resolved vertical advectio" ; QTOADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QTOADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOCDN(time, z) ; QTOCDN:long_name = "TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) in downdraft core" ; QTOCDN:units = "g/kg" ; QTOCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOCLD(time, z) ; QTOCLD:long_name = "TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) in cloud" ; QTOCLD:units = "g/kg" ; QTOCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOCOR(time, z) ; QTOCOR:long_name = "TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) in core" ; QTOCOR:units = "g/kg" ; QTOCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTODIFF(time, z) ; QTODIFF:long_name = "Tendency of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) due to vertical SGS transport" ; QTODIFF:units = "g/kg/day" ; QTODIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOENV(time, z) ; QTOENV:long_name = "TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) in unsaturated environment" ; QTOENV:units = "g/kg" ; QTOENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOFLXR(time, z) ; QTOFLXR:long_name = "Resolved flux of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID)" ; QTOFLXR:units = "W/m2" ; QTOFLXR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOFLXS(time, z) ; QTOFLXS:long_name = "Subgrid flux of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID)" ; QTOFLXS:units = "W/m2" ; QTOFLXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOLSADV(time, z) ; QTOLSADV:long_name = "Tendency of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) due to large-scale vertical advec" ; QTOLSADV:units = "g/kg/day" ; QTOLSADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOMPHY(time, z) ; QTOMPHY:long_name = "Tendency of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) due to microphysical processes" ; QTOMPHY:units = "g/kg/day" ; QTOMPHY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOSDFLX(time, z) ; QTOSDFLX:long_name = "Sedimentation flux of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID)" ; QTOSDFLX:units = "W/m2" ; QTOSDFLX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOSDN(time, z) ; QTOSDN:long_name = "TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) in saturated downdrafts" ; QTOSDN:units = "g/kg" ; QTOSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOSED(time, z) ; QTOSED:long_name = "Tendency of TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) due to sedimentation" ; QTOSED:units = "g/kg/day" ; QTOSED:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTOSUP(time, z) ; QTOSUP:long_name = "TOTAL WATER (VAPOR + CLOUD LIQUID) in saturated updrafts" ; QTOSUP:units = "g/kg" ; QTOSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTSDN(time, z) ; QTSDN:long_name = "Mean QT in saturated downdrafts" ; QTSDN:units = "g/kg" ; QTSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTSTOR(time, z) ; QTSTOR:long_name = "Total water storage" ; QTSTOR:units = "K/day" ; QTSTOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTSUP(time, z) ; QTSUP:long_name = "Mean QT in saturated updrafts" ; QTSUP:units = "g/kg" ; QTSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTWCDN(time, z) ; QTWCDN:long_name = "QTW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; QTWCDN:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QTWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTWCLD(time, z) ; QTWCLD:long_name = "QTW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; QTWCLD:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QTWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTWCOR(time, z) ; QTWCOR:long_name = "QTW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; QTWCOR:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QTWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTWENV(time, z) ; QTWENV:long_name = "QTW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; QTWENV:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QTWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTWSDN(time, z) ; QTWSDN:long_name = "QTW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; QTWSDN:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QTWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QTWSUP(time, z) ; QTWSUP:long_name = "QTW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; QTWSUP:units = "g/kg m/s" ; QTWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QV(time, z) ; QV:long_name = "Water vapor" ; QV:units = "g/kg" ; QV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVCDN(time, z) ; QVCDN:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio in downdraft core" ; QVCDN:units = "kg/kg" ; QVCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVCLD(time, z) ; QVCLD:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio in cloud" ; QVCLD:units = "kg/kg" ; QVCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVCOR(time, z) ; QVCOR:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio in core" ; QVCOR:units = "kg/kg" ; QVCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVENV(time, z) ; QVENV:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio in unsaturated environment" ; QVENV:units = "kg/kg" ; QVENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVOBS(time, z) ; QVOBS:long_name = "Observed Water vapor" ; QVOBS:units = "g/kg" ; QVOBS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVSDN(time, z) ; QVSDN:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio in saturated downdrafts" ; QVSDN:units = "kg/kg" ; QVSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVSUP(time, z) ; QVSUP:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio in saturated updrafts" ; QVSUP:units = "kg/kg" ; QVSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QVTEND(time, z) ; QVTEND:long_name = "Large-Scale Vertical Advection Moisture Tendency" ; QVTEND:units = "g/kg/day" ; QVTEND:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QWADV(time, z) ; QWADV:long_name = "Transport of total water flux" ; QWADV:units = "m s-2 K" ; QWADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QWBUOY(time, z) ; QWBUOY:long_name = "Buoyancy production of total water flux" ; QWBUOY:units = "m s-2" ; QWBUOY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QWDIFF(time, z) ; QWDIFF:long_name = "Diffusion of total water flux" ; QWDIFF:units = "m s-2 K" ; QWDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QWGRAD(time, z) ; QWGRAD:long_name = "Gradient production of total water flux" ; QWGRAD:units = "m s-2 K" ; QWGRAD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QWPREC(time, z) ; QWPREC:long_name = "Precip. production of total water flux" ; QWPREC:units = "m s-2" ; QWPREC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float QWPRES(time, z) ; QWPRES:long_name = "Pressure production of total water flux" ; QWPRES:units = "m s-2" ; QWPRES:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADLWDN(time, z) ; RADLWDN:long_name = "Downward longwave radiative flux" ; RADLWDN:units = "W/m2" ; RADLWDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADLWUP(time, z) ; RADLWUP:long_name = "Upward longwave radiative flux" ; RADLWUP:units = "W/m2" ; RADLWUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADQR(time, z) ; RADQR:long_name = "Radiative heating rate" ; RADQR:units = "K/day" ; RADQR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADQRC(time, z) ; RADQRC:long_name = "Cloudy-sky Radiative heating rate" ; RADQRC:units = "K/day" ; RADQRC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADQRLW(time, z) ; RADQRLW:long_name = "Longwave heating rate" ; RADQRLW:units = "K/day" ; RADQRLW:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADQRS(time, z) ; RADQRS:long_name = "Clear-sky Radiative heating rate" ; RADQRS:units = "K/day" ; RADQRS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADQRSW(time, z) ; RADQRSW:long_name = "Shortwave heating rate" ; RADQRSW:units = "K/day" ; RADQRSW:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADSWDN(time, z) ; RADSWDN:long_name = "Downward shortwave radiative flux" ; RADSWDN:units = "W/m2" ; RADSWDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RADSWUP(time, z) ; RADSWUP:long_name = "Upward shortwave radiative flux" ; RADSWUP:units = "W/m2" ; RADSWUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RELH(time, z) ; RELH:long_name = "Relative humidity" ; RELH:units = "per cent" ; RELH:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RHO(time, z) ; RHO:long_name = "Air density" ; RHO:units = "kg/m3" ; RHO:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RUWCDN(time, z) ; RUWCDN:long_name = "RHOUW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; RUWCDN:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RUWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RUWCLD(time, z) ; RUWCLD:long_name = "RHOUW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; RUWCLD:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RUWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RUWCOR(time, z) ; RUWCOR:long_name = "RHOUW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; RUWCOR:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RUWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RUWENV(time, z) ; RUWENV:long_name = "RHOUW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; RUWENV:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RUWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RUWSDN(time, z) ; RUWSDN:long_name = "RHOUW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; RUWSDN:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RUWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RUWSUP(time, z) ; RUWSUP:long_name = "RHOUW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; RUWSUP:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RUWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RVWCDN(time, z) ; RVWCDN:long_name = "RHOVW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; RVWCDN:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RVWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RVWCLD(time, z) ; RVWCLD:long_name = "RHOVW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; RVWCLD:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RVWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RVWCOR(time, z) ; RVWCOR:long_name = "RHOVW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; RVWCOR:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RVWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RVWENV(time, z) ; RVWENV:long_name = "RHOVW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; RVWENV:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RVWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RVWSDN(time, z) ; RVWSDN:long_name = "RHOVW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; RVWSDN:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RVWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RVWSUP(time, z) ; RVWSUP:long_name = "RHOVW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; RVWSUP:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RVWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RWP(time) ; RWP:long_name = "Rain Water Path" ; RWP:units = "g/m2" ; float RWWCDN(time, z) ; RWWCDN:long_name = "RHOWW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; RWWCDN:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RWWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RWWCLD(time, z) ; RWWCLD:long_name = "RHOWW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; RWWCLD:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RWWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RWWCOR(time, z) ; RWWCOR:long_name = "RHOWW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; RWWCOR:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RWWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RWWENV(time, z) ; RWWENV:long_name = "RHOWW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; RWWENV:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RWWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RWWSDN(time, z) ; RWWSDN:long_name = "RHOWW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; RWWSDN:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RWWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float RWWSUP(time, z) ; RWWSUP:long_name = "RHOWW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; RWWSUP:units = "kg/m/s2" ; RWWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float SDN(time, z) ; SDN:long_name = "saturated downdrafts Fraction" ; SDN:units = "" ; SDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float SHEAR(time, z) ; SHEAR:long_name = "Shear production of TKE (resolved)" ; SHEAR:units = "m2/s3" ; SHEAR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float SHEARS(time, z) ; SHEARS:long_name = "Shear production of TKE (SGS)" ; SHEARS:units = "m2/s3" ; SHEARS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float SHF(time) ; SHF:long_name = "Sensible Heat Flux" ; SHF:units = "W/m2" ; float SHFOBS(time) ; SHFOBS:long_name = "Observed Sensible Heat Flux" ; SHFOBS:units = "SHFOBS" ; float SOLIN(time) ; SOLIN:long_name = "Incoming SW flux at TOA" ; SOLIN:units = "W/m2" ; float SSE(time, z) ; SSE:long_name = "Saturation static energy" ; SSE:units = "K" ; SSE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float SST(time) ; SST:long_name = "SST" ; SST:units = "K" ; float SSTOBS(time) ; SSTOBS:long_name = "Observed SST" ; SSTOBS:units = "K" ; float SUP(time, z) ; SUP:long_name = "saturated updrafts Fraction" ; SUP:units = "" ; SUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float SWDS(time) ; SWDS:long_name = "Downward SW flux at sfc" ; SWDS:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNS(time) ; SWNS:long_name = "Net SW flux at sfc" ; SWNS:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNSC(time) ; SWNSC:long_name = "Net SW flux at sfc (Clear Sky)" ; SWNSC:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNT(time) ; SWNT:long_name = "Net SW flux at Top-of-Model" ; SWNT:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNTOA(time) ; SWNTOA:long_name = "Net SW flux at TOA" ; SWNTOA:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNTOAC(time) ; SWNTOAC:long_name = "Net SW flux at TOA (Clear Sky)" ; SWNTOAC:units = "W/m2" ; float SWP(time) ; SWP:long_name = "Snow Water Path" ; SWP:units = "g/m2" ; float T2ADVTR(time, z) ; T2ADVTR:long_name = "Transport of l.w.s.e variance" ; T2ADVTR:units = "K2/s" ; T2ADVTR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float T2DIFTR(time, z) ; T2DIFTR:long_name = "SGS transport of l.w.s.e variance" ; T2DIFTR:units = "K2/s" ; T2DIFTR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float T2DISSIP(time, z) ; T2DISSIP:long_name = "Dissipation of l.w.s.e variance" ; T2DISSIP:units = "K2/s" ; T2DISSIP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float T2GRAD(time, z) ; T2GRAD:long_name = "Gradient production of l.w.s.e variance" ; T2GRAD:units = "K2/s" ; T2GRAD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float T2PREC(time, z) ; T2PREC:long_name = "Precipitation production of l.w.s.e variance" ; T2PREC:units = "K2/s" ; T2PREC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TABS(time, z) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute temperature" ; TABS:units = "K" ; TABS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TABSOBS(time, z) ; TABSOBS:long_name = "Observed Absolute temperature" ; TABSOBS:units = "K" ; TABSOBS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TACDN(time, z) ; TACDN:long_name = "Mean TABS in downdraft core" ; TACDN:units = "K" ; TACDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TACLD(time, z) ; TACLD:long_name = "Mean TABS in cloud" ; TACLD:units = "K" ; TACLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TACOR(time, z) ; TACOR:long_name = "Mean TABS in core" ; TACOR:units = "K" ; TACOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TAENV(time, z) ; TAENV:long_name = "Mean TABS in unsaturated environment" ; TAENV:units = "K" ; TAENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TASDN(time, z) ; TASDN:long_name = "Mean TABS in saturated downdrafts" ; TASDN:units = "K" ; TASDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TASUP(time, z) ; TASUP:long_name = "Mean TABS in saturated updrafts" ; TASUP:units = "K" ; TASUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TAUQC(time, z) ; TAUQC:long_name = "Approx optical depth of cloud liquid water" ; TAUQC:units = "1" ; TAUQC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TAUQG(time, z) ; TAUQG:long_name = "Approx optical depth of GRAUPEL" ; TAUQG:units = "1" ; TAUQG:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TAUQI(time, z) ; TAUQI:long_name = "Approx optical depth of CLOUD ICE" ; TAUQI:units = "1" ; TAUQI:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TAUQR(time, z) ; TAUQR:long_name = "Approx optical depth of RAIN" ; TAUQR:units = "1" ; TAUQR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TAUQS(time, z) ; TAUQS:long_name = "Approx optical depth of SNOW" ; TAUQS:units = "1" ; TAUQS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float THETA(time, z) ; THETA:long_name = "Potential temperature" ; THETA:units = "K" ; THETA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float THETAE(time, z) ; THETAE:long_name = "Equivalent (generalized) potential temperature" ; THETAE:units = "K" ; THETAE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float THETAL(time, z) ; THETAL:long_name = "Liquid water potential temperature" ; THETAL:units = "K" ; THETAL:missing_value = -9999.f ; float THETAV(time, z) ; THETAV:long_name = "Virtual potential temperature" ; THETAV:units = "K" ; THETAV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float THTEND(time, z) ; THTEND:long_name = "Large-Scale Horizontal Advection Temperature Tendency" ; THTEND:units = "K/day" ; THTEND:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TK(time, z) ; TK:long_name = "Eddy viscosity" ; TK:units = "m2/s" ; TK:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TKE(time, z) ; TKE:long_name = "Turbulent kinetic energy (Resolved)" ; TKE:units = "m2/s2" ; TKE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TKES(time, z) ; TKES:long_name = "Turbulent kinetic energy (SGS)" ; TKES:units = "m2/s2" ; TKES:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TKH(time, z) ; TKH:long_name = "Eddy diffusivity" ; TKH:units = "m2/s" ; TKH:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TL(time, z) ; TL:long_name = "Liquid water static energy" ; TL:units = "K" ; TL:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TL2(time, z) ; TL2:long_name = "Variance of" ; TL2:units = "K2" ; TL2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLCDN(time, z) ; TLCDN:long_name = "Mean liquid-ice static energy in downdraft core" ; TLCDN:units = "K" ; TLCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLCLD(time, z) ; TLCLD:long_name = "Mean liquid-ice static energy in cloud" ; TLCLD:units = "K" ; TLCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLCOR(time, z) ; TLCOR:long_name = "Mean liquid-ice static energy in core" ; TLCOR:units = "K" ; TLCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLENV(time, z) ; TLENV:long_name = "Mean liquid-ice static energy in unsaturated environment" ; TLENV:units = "K" ; TLENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLFLUX(time, z) ; TLFLUX:long_name = "Liquid water static energy flux (Total)" ; TLFLUX:units = "W/m2" ; TLFLUX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLFLUXS(time, z) ; TLFLUXS:long_name = "Liquid water static energy flux (SGS)" ; TLFLUXS:units = "W/m2" ; TLFLUXS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLSDN(time, z) ; TLSDN:long_name = "Mean liquid-ice static energy in saturated downdrafts" ; TLSDN:units = "K" ; TLSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLSUP(time, z) ; TLSUP:long_name = "Mean liquid-ice static energy in saturated updrafts" ; TLSUP:units = "K" ; TLSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLWCDN(time, z) ; TLWCDN:long_name = "TLW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; TLWCDN:units = "Km/s" ; TLWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLWCLD(time, z) ; TLWCLD:long_name = "TLW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; TLWCLD:units = "Km/s" ; TLWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLWCOR(time, z) ; TLWCOR:long_name = "TLW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; TLWCOR:units = "Km/s" ; TLWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLWENV(time, z) ; TLWENV:long_name = "TLW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; TLWENV:units = "Km/s" ; TLWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLWSDN(time, z) ; TLWSDN:long_name = "TLW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; TLWSDN:units = "Km/s" ; TLWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TLWSUP(time, z) ; TLWSUP:long_name = "TLW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; TLWSUP:units = "Km/s" ; TLWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TNUDGE(time, z) ; TNUDGE:long_name = "Large-Scale Temperature Nudging" ; TNUDGE:units = "K/day" ; TNUDGE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TQ(time, z) ; TQ:long_name = "CoVariance of HL and QT" ; TQ:units = "K2" ; TQ:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TTEND(time, z) ; TTEND:long_name = "Observed Large-Scale Temperature Tendency" ; TTEND:units = "K/day" ; TTEND:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVCDN(time, z) ; TVCDN:long_name = "Mean THETAV in downdraft core" ; TVCDN:units = "K" ; TVCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVCDNA(time, z) ; TVCDNA:long_name = "Mean THETAV anomaly in downdraft core" ; TVCDNA:units = "K" ; TVCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVCLD(time, z) ; TVCLD:long_name = "Mean THETAV in cloud" ; TVCLD:units = "K" ; TVCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVCLDA(time, z) ; TVCLDA:long_name = "Mean THETAV anomaly in cloud" ; TVCLDA:units = "K" ; TVCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVCOR(time, z) ; TVCOR:long_name = "Mean THETAV in core" ; TVCOR:units = "K" ; TVCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVCORA(time, z) ; TVCORA:long_name = "Mean THETAV anomaly in core" ; TVCORA:units = "K" ; TVCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVENV(time, z) ; TVENV:long_name = "Mean THETAV in unsaturated environment" ; TVENV:units = "K" ; TVENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVENVA(time, z) ; TVENVA:long_name = "Mean THETAV anomaly in unsaturated environment" ; TVENVA:units = "K" ; TVENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVFLUX(time, z) ; TVFLUX:long_name = "Buoyancy flux (Resolved)" ; TVFLUX:units = "W/m2" ; TVFLUX:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVSDN(time, z) ; TVSDN:long_name = "Mean THETAV in saturated downdrafts" ; TVSDN:units = "K" ; TVSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVSDNA(time, z) ; TVSDNA:long_name = "Mean THETAV anomaly in saturated downdrafts" ; TVSDNA:units = "K" ; TVSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVSUP(time, z) ; TVSUP:long_name = "Mean THETAV in saturated updrafts" ; TVSUP:units = "K" ; TVSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVSUPA(time, z) ; TVSUPA:long_name = "Mean THETAV anomaly in saturated updrafts" ; TVSUPA:units = "K" ; TVSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVTEND(time, z) ; TVTEND:long_name = "Large-Scale Vertical Advection Temperature Tendency" ; TVTEND:units = "K/day" ; TVTEND:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVWCDN(time, z) ; TVWCDN:long_name = "TVW in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; TVWCDN:units = "Km/s" ; TVWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVWCLD(time, z) ; TVWCLD:long_name = "TVW in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; TVWCLD:units = "Km/s" ; TVWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVWCOR(time, z) ; TVWCOR:long_name = "TVW in core averaged over the whole domain" ; TVWCOR:units = "Km/s" ; TVWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVWENV(time, z) ; TVWENV:long_name = "TVW in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; TVWENV:units = "Km/s" ; TVWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVWSDN(time, z) ; TVWSDN:long_name = "TVW in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; TVWSDN:units = "Km/s" ; TVWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TVWSUP(time, z) ; TVWSUP:long_name = "TVW in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; TVWSUP:units = "Km/s" ; TVWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TWADV(time, z) ; TWADV:long_name = "Transport of l.w.s.e flux" ; TWADV:units = "m s-2 K" ; TWADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TWBUOY(time, z) ; TWBUOY:long_name = "Buoyancy production of l.w.s.e flux" ; TWBUOY:units = "m s-2 K" ; TWBUOY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TWDIFF(time, z) ; TWDIFF:long_name = "Diffusion of l.w.s.e flux" ; TWDIFF:units = "m s-2 K" ; TWDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TWGRAD(time, z) ; TWGRAD:long_name = "Gradient production of l.w.s.e flux" ; TWGRAD:units = "m s-2 K" ; TWGRAD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TWPREC(time, z) ; TWPREC:long_name = "Precip. production of l.w.s.e flux" ; TWPREC:units = "m s-2 K" ; TWPREC:missing_value = -9999.f ; float TWPRES(time, z) ; TWPRES:long_name = "Pressure production of l.w.s.e flux" ; TWPRES:units = "m s-2 K" ; TWPRES:missing_value = -9999.f ; float U(time, z) ; U:long_name = "x wind component" ; U:units = "m/s" ; U:missing_value = -9999.f ; float U2(time, z) ; U2:long_name = "Variance of the x wind component" ; U2:units = "m2/s2" ; U2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UADV(time, z) ; UADV:long_name = "Resolved zonal momentum flux convergence" ; UADV:units = "m/s/day" ; UADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UCDN(time, z) ; UCDN:long_name = "Mean U in downdraft core" ; UCDN:units = "m/s" ; UCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UCDNA(time, z) ; UCDNA:long_name = "Mean U anomaly in downdraft core" ; UCDNA:units = "m/s" ; UCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UCLD(time, z) ; UCLD:long_name = "Mean U in cloud" ; UCLD:units = "m/s" ; UCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UCLDA(time, z) ; UCLDA:long_name = "Mean U anomaly in cloud" ; UCLDA:units = "m/s" ; UCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UCOR(time, z) ; UCOR:long_name = "Mean U in core" ; UCOR:units = "m/s" ; UCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UCORA(time, z) ; UCORA:long_name = "Mean U anomaly in core" ; UCORA:units = "m/s" ; UCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UDIFF(time, z) ; UDIFF:long_name = "Subgrid zonal momentum flux convergence" ; UDIFF:units = "m/s/day" ; UDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UENV(time, z) ; UENV:long_name = "Mean U in unsaturated environment" ; UENV:units = "m/s" ; UENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UENVA(time, z) ; UENVA:long_name = "Mean U anomaly in unsaturated environment" ; UENVA:units = "m/s" ; UENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float ULSADVV(time, z) ; ULSADVV:long_name = "Large-scale vertical advection of Zonal velocity" ; ULSADVV:units = "m/s/day" ; ULSADVV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UMAX(time) ; UMAX:long_name = "Maximum Horizontal Wind" ; UMAX:units = "m/s" ; float UNUDGE(time, z) ; UNUDGE:long_name = "Zonal velocity nudging" ; UNUDGE:units = "m/s/day" ; UNUDGE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UOBS(time, z) ; UOBS:long_name = "Observed x wind component" ; UOBS:units = "m/s" ; UOBS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UPGFCDN(time, z) ; UPGFCDN:long_name = "Zonal pressure gradient in downdraft core" ; UPGFCDN:units = "m/s2" ; UPGFCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UPGFCLD(time, z) ; UPGFCLD:long_name = "Zonal pressure gradient in cloud" ; UPGFCLD:units = "m/s2" ; UPGFCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UPGFCOR(time, z) ; UPGFCOR:long_name = "Zonal pressure gradient in core" ; UPGFCOR:units = "m/s2" ; UPGFCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UPGFENV(time, z) ; UPGFENV:long_name = "Zonal pressure gradient in unsaturated environment" ; UPGFENV:units = "m/s2" ; UPGFENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UPGFSDN(time, z) ; UPGFSDN:long_name = "Zonal pressure gradient in saturated downdrafts" ; UPGFSDN:units = "m/s2" ; UPGFSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UPGFSUP(time, z) ; UPGFSUP:long_name = "Zonal pressure gradient in saturated updrafts" ; UPGFSUP:units = "m/s2" ; UPGFSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float URESID(time, z) ; URESID:long_name = "Zonal velocity budget residual" ; URESID:units = "m/s/day" ; URESID:missing_value = -9999.f ; float USDN(time, z) ; USDN:long_name = "Mean U in saturated downdrafts" ; USDN:units = "m/s" ; USDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float USDNA(time, z) ; USDNA:long_name = "Mean U anomaly in saturated downdrafts" ; USDNA:units = "m/s" ; USDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float USTOR(time, z) ; USTOR:long_name = "Zonal velocity storage" ; USTOR:units = "m/s/day" ; USTOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float USUP(time, z) ; USUP:long_name = "Mean U in saturated updrafts" ; USUP:units = "m/s" ; USUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float USUPA(time, z) ; USUPA:long_name = "Mean U anomaly in saturated updrafts" ; USUPA:units = "m/s" ; USUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UTENDCOR(time, z) ; UTENDCOR:long_name = "Zonal velocity tendency due to Coriolis effect" ; UTENDCOR:units = "m/s/day" ; UTENDCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UW(time, z) ; UW:long_name = "x-momentum flux (Total)" ; UW:units = "m2/s2" ; UW:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWCDN(time, z) ; UWCDN:long_name = "UW in downdraft core" ; UWCDN:units = "m2/s2" ; UWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWCLD(time, z) ; UWCLD:long_name = "UW in cloud" ; UWCLD:units = "m2/s2" ; UWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWCOR(time, z) ; UWCOR:long_name = "UW in core" ; UWCOR:units = "m2/s2" ; UWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWENV(time, z) ; UWENV:long_name = "UW in unsaturated environment" ; UWENV:units = "m2/s2" ; UWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSB(time, z) ; UWSB:long_name = "x-momentum flux (SGS)" ; UWSB:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSB:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSBCDN(time, z) ; UWSBCDN:long_name = "Subgrid UW in downdraft core" ; UWSBCDN:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSBCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSBCLD(time, z) ; UWSBCLD:long_name = "Subgrid UW in cloud" ; UWSBCLD:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSBCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSBCOR(time, z) ; UWSBCOR:long_name = "Subgrid UW in core" ; UWSBCOR:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSBCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSBENV(time, z) ; UWSBENV:long_name = "Subgrid UW in unsaturated environment" ; UWSBENV:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSBENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSBSDN(time, z) ; UWSBSDN:long_name = "Subgrid UW in saturated downdrafts" ; UWSBSDN:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSBSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSBSUP(time, z) ; UWSBSUP:long_name = "Subgrid UW in saturated updrafts" ; UWSBSUP:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSBSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSDN(time, z) ; UWSDN:long_name = "UW in saturated downdrafts" ; UWSDN:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float UWSUP(time, z) ; UWSUP:long_name = "UW in saturated updrafts" ; UWSUP:units = "m2/s2" ; UWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float V(time, z) ; V:long_name = "y wind component" ; V:units = "m/s" ; V:missing_value = -9999.f ; float V2(time, z) ; V2:long_name = "Variance of the y wind component" ; V2:units = "m2/s2" ; V2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VADV(time, z) ; VADV:long_name = "Resolved meridioinal momentum flux convergence" ; VADV:units = "m/s/day" ; VADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VCDN(time, z) ; VCDN:long_name = "Mean V in downdraft core" ; VCDN:units = "m/s" ; VCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VCDNA(time, z) ; VCDNA:long_name = "Mean V anomaly in downdraft core" ; VCDNA:units = "m/s" ; VCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VCLD(time, z) ; VCLD:long_name = "Mean V in cloud" ; VCLD:units = "m/s" ; VCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VCLDA(time, z) ; VCLDA:long_name = "Mean V anomaly in cloud" ; VCLDA:units = "m/s" ; VCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VCOR(time, z) ; VCOR:long_name = "Mean V in core" ; VCOR:units = "m/s" ; VCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VCORA(time, z) ; VCORA:long_name = "Mean V anomaly in core" ; VCORA:units = "m/s" ; VCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VDIFF(time, z) ; VDIFF:long_name = "Subgrid meridioinal momentum flux convergence" ; VDIFF:units = "m/s/day" ; VDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VENV(time, z) ; VENV:long_name = "Mean V in unsaturated environment" ; VENV:units = "m/s" ; VENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VENVA(time, z) ; VENVA:long_name = "Mean V anomaly in unsaturated environment" ; VENVA:units = "m/s" ; VENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VLSADVV(time, z) ; VLSADVV:long_name = "Large-scale vertical advection of meridional velocity" ; VLSADVV:units = "m/s/day" ; VLSADVV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VNUDGE(time, z) ; VNUDGE:long_name = "Meridional velocity nudging" ; VNUDGE:units = "m/s/day" ; VNUDGE:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VOBS(time, z) ; VOBS:long_name = "Observed y wind component" ; VOBS:units = "m/s" ; VOBS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VPGFCDN(time, z) ; VPGFCDN:long_name = "Meridional pressure gradient in downdraft core" ; VPGFCDN:units = "m/s2" ; VPGFCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VPGFCLD(time, z) ; VPGFCLD:long_name = "Meridional pressure gradient in cloud" ; VPGFCLD:units = "m/s2" ; VPGFCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VPGFCOR(time, z) ; VPGFCOR:long_name = "Meridional pressure gradient in core" ; VPGFCOR:units = "m/s2" ; VPGFCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VPGFENV(time, z) ; VPGFENV:long_name = "Meridional pressure gradient in unsaturated environment" ; VPGFENV:units = "m/s2" ; VPGFENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VPGFSDN(time, z) ; VPGFSDN:long_name = "Meridional pressure gradient in saturated downdrafts" ; VPGFSDN:units = "m/s2" ; VPGFSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VPGFSUP(time, z) ; VPGFSUP:long_name = "Meridional pressure gradient in saturated updrafts" ; VPGFSUP:units = "m/s2" ; VPGFSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VRESID(time, z) ; VRESID:long_name = "Meridional velocity budget residual" ; VRESID:units = "m/s/day" ; VRESID:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VSDN(time, z) ; VSDN:long_name = "Mean V in saturated downdrafts" ; VSDN:units = "m/s" ; VSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VSDNA(time, z) ; VSDNA:long_name = "Mean V anomaly in saturated downdrafts" ; VSDNA:units = "m/s" ; VSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VSTOR(time, z) ; VSTOR:long_name = "Meridional velocity storage" ; VSTOR:units = "m/s/day" ; VSTOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VSUP(time, z) ; VSUP:long_name = "Mean V in saturated updrafts" ; VSUP:units = "m/s" ; VSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VSUPA(time, z) ; VSUPA:long_name = "Mean V anomaly in saturated updrafts" ; VSUPA:units = "m/s" ; VSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VTENDCOR(time, z) ; VTENDCOR:long_name = "Meridional velocity budget residual" ; VTENDCOR:units = "m/s/day" ; VTENDCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VW(time, z) ; VW:long_name = "y-momentum flux (Total)" ; VW:units = "m2/s2" ; VW:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWCDN(time, z) ; VWCDN:long_name = "VW in downdraft core" ; VWCDN:units = "m2/s2" ; VWCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWCLD(time, z) ; VWCLD:long_name = "VW in cloud" ; VWCLD:units = "m2/s2" ; VWCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWCOR(time, z) ; VWCOR:long_name = "VW in core" ; VWCOR:units = "m2/s2" ; VWCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWENV(time, z) ; VWENV:long_name = "VW in unsaturated environment" ; VWENV:units = "m2/s2" ; VWENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSB(time, z) ; VWSB:long_name = "y-momentum flux (SGS)" ; VWSB:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSB:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSBCDN(time, z) ; VWSBCDN:long_name = "Subgrid VW in downdraft core" ; VWSBCDN:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSBCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSBCLD(time, z) ; VWSBCLD:long_name = "Subgrid VW in cloud" ; VWSBCLD:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSBCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSBCOR(time, z) ; VWSBCOR:long_name = "Subgrid VW in core" ; VWSBCOR:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSBCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSBENV(time, z) ; VWSBENV:long_name = "Subgrid VW in unsaturated environment" ; VWSBENV:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSBENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSBSDN(time, z) ; VWSBSDN:long_name = "Subgrid VW in saturated downdrafts" ; VWSBSDN:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSBSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSBSUP(time, z) ; VWSBSUP:long_name = "Subgrid VW in saturated updrafts" ; VWSBSUP:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSBSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSDN(time, z) ; VWSDN:long_name = "VW in saturated downdrafts" ; VWSDN:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float VWSUP(time, z) ; VWSUP:long_name = "VW in saturated updrafts" ; VWSUP:units = "m2/s2" ; VWSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float W2(time, z) ; W2:long_name = "Variance of the z wind component" ; W2:units = "m2/s2" ; W2:missing_value = -9999.f ; float W2ADV(time, z) ; W2ADV:long_name = "WU advection (Resolved)" ; W2ADV:units = "m2/s3" ; W2ADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float W2BUOY(time, z) ; W2BUOY:long_name = "W2 buoyancy (Resolved)" ; W2BUOY:units = "m2/s3" ; W2BUOY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float W2DIFF(time, z) ; W2DIFF:long_name = "W2 diffusion (Resolved)" ; W2DIFF:units = "m2/s3" ; W2DIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float W2PRES(time, z) ; W2PRES:long_name = "W2 pressure (Resolved)" ; W2PRES:units = "m2/s3" ; W2PRES:missing_value = -9999.f ; float W2REDIS(time, z) ; W2REDIS:long_name = "W2 pressure redistribution(Resolved)" ; W2REDIS:units = "m2/s3" ; W2REDIS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float W3(time, z) ; W3:long_name = "Third moment of the vertical velocity" ; W3:units = "m3/s3" ; W3:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WCDN(time, z) ; WCDN:long_name = "Mean W in downdraft core" ; WCDN:units = "m/s" ; WCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WCDNA(time, z) ; WCDNA:long_name = "W in downdraft core averaged over the whole domain" ; WCDNA:units = "m/s" ; WCDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WCLD(time, z) ; WCLD:long_name = "Mean W in cloud" ; WCLD:units = "m/s" ; WCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WCLDA(time, z) ; WCLDA:long_name = "W in cloud averaged over the whole domain" ; WCLDA:units = "m/s" ; WCLDA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WCOR(time, z) ; WCOR:long_name = "Mean W in core" ; WCOR:units = "m/s" ; WCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WCORA(time, z) ; WCORA:long_name = "W in core averaged over the whole domain" ; WCORA:units = "m/s" ; WCORA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WENV(time, z) ; WENV:long_name = "Mean W in unsaturated environment" ; WENV:units = "m/s" ; WENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WENVA(time, z) ; WENVA:long_name = "W in unsaturated environment averaged over the whole domain" ; WENVA:units = "m/s" ; WENVA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WMAX(time) ; WMAX:long_name = "Maximum Updraft Velocity" ; WMAX:units = "m/s" ; float WOBS(time, z) ; WOBS:long_name = "Observed large-scale vert. velocity" ; WOBS:units = "m/s" ; WOBS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WPGFCDN(time, z) ; WPGFCDN:long_name = "Vertical pressure gradient in downdraft core" ; WPGFCDN:units = "m/s2" ; WPGFCDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WPGFCLD(time, z) ; WPGFCLD:long_name = "Vertical pressure gradient in cloud" ; WPGFCLD:units = "m/s2" ; WPGFCLD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WPGFCOR(time, z) ; WPGFCOR:long_name = "Vertical pressure gradient in core" ; WPGFCOR:units = "m/s2" ; WPGFCOR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WPGFENV(time, z) ; WPGFENV:long_name = "Vertical pressure gradient in unsaturated environment" ; WPGFENV:units = "m/s2" ; WPGFENV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WPGFSDN(time, z) ; WPGFSDN:long_name = "Vertical pressure gradient in saturated downdrafts" ; WPGFSDN:units = "m/s2" ; WPGFSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WPGFSUP(time, z) ; WPGFSUP:long_name = "Vertical pressure gradient in saturated updrafts" ; WPGFSUP:units = "m/s2" ; WPGFSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WSDN(time, z) ; WSDN:long_name = "Mean W in saturated downdrafts" ; WSDN:units = "m/s" ; WSDN:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WSDNA(time, z) ; WSDNA:long_name = "W in saturated downdrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; WSDNA:units = "m/s" ; WSDNA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WSKEW(time, z) ; WSKEW:long_name = "Vertical velocity skewness W3/(W2)^3/2" ; WSKEW:units = "" ; WSKEW:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WSTAR3(time, z) ; WSTAR3:long_name = "Value at inversion is w*^3 (conv. vel. scale)" ; WSTAR3:units = "m3/s3" ; WSTAR3:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WSUP(time, z) ; WSUP:long_name = "Mean W in saturated updrafts" ; WSUP:units = "m/s" ; WSUP:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WSUPA(time, z) ; WSUPA:long_name = "W in saturated updrafts averaged over the whole domain" ; WSUPA:units = "m/s" ; WSUPA:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WUADV(time, z) ; WUADV:long_name = "WU advection (Resolved)" ; WUADV:units = "m2/s3" ; WUADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WUANIZ(time, z) ; WUANIZ:long_name = "WU return to anisotropy (Resolved)" ; WUANIZ:units = "m2/s3" ; WUANIZ:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WUBUOY(time, z) ; WUBUOY:long_name = "WU buoyancy (Resolved)" ; WUBUOY:units = "m2/s3" ; WUBUOY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WUDIFF(time, z) ; WUDIFF:long_name = "WU diffusion (Resolved)" ; WUDIFF:units = "m2/s3" ; WUDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WUPRES(time, z) ; WUPRES:long_name = "WU pressure (Resolved)" ; WUPRES:units = "m2/s3" ; WUPRES:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WUSHEAR(time, z) ; WUSHEAR:long_name = "WU shear(Resolved)" ; WUSHEAR:units = "m2/s3" ; WUSHEAR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WVADV(time, z) ; WVADV:long_name = "WV advection (Resolved)" ; WVADV:units = "m2/s3" ; WVADV:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WVANIZ(time, z) ; WVANIZ:long_name = "WV return to anisotropy (Resolved)" ; WVANIZ:units = "m2/s3" ; WVANIZ:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WVBUOY(time, z) ; WVBUOY:long_name = "WV buoyancy (Resolved)" ; WVBUOY:units = "m2/s3" ; WVBUOY:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WVDIFF(time, z) ; WVDIFF:long_name = "WV diffusion (Resolved)" ; WVDIFF:units = "m2/s3" ; WVDIFF:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WVPRES(time, z) ; WVPRES:long_name = "WV pressure (Resolved)" ; WVPRES:units = "m2/s3" ; WVPRES:missing_value = -9999.f ; float WVSHEAR(time, z) ; WVSHEAR:long_name = "WV shear (Resolved)" ; WVSHEAR:units = "m2/s3" ; WVSHEAR:missing_value = -9999.f ; float ZCB(time) ; ZCB:long_name = "GCSS Mean Cloud-base Height" ; ZCB:units = "km" ; ZCB:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ZCB2(time) ; ZCB2:long_name = "GCSS Variance of Cloud-base Height" ; ZCB2:units = "km" ; ZCB2:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ZCBMIN(time) ; ZCBMIN:long_name = "GCSS Minimum Cloud-base Height" ; ZCBMIN:units = "km" ; ZCBMIN:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ZCT(time) ; ZCT:long_name = "GCSS Mean Cloud-top Height" ; ZCT:units = "km" ; ZCT:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ZCT2(time) ; ZCT2:long_name = "GCSS Variance of Cloud-top Height" ; ZCT2:units = "km2" ; ZCT2:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ZCTMAX(time) ; ZCTMAX:long_name = "GCSS Maximum Cloud-top Height" ; ZCTMAX:units = "km" ; ZCTMAX:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ZINV(time) ; ZINV:long_name = "GCSS Inversion Height" ; ZINV:units = "km" ; ZINV:_FillValue = -1.f ; float ZINV2(time) ; ZINV2:long_name = "GCSS Variance of the Inversion Height" ; ZINV2:units = "km2" ; ZINV2:_FillValue = -1.f ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "day" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :SAM\ version = "" ; :caseid = "" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:54:27 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144.2Dcom_1 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (90 currently) y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float CLD(time, y, x) ; CLD:long_name = "Cloud Frequency" ; CLD:units = "%" ; float CWP(time, y, x) ; CWP:long_name = "Cloud Water Path" ; CWP:units = "mm" ; float IWP(time, y, x) ; IWP:long_name = "Ice Path" ; IWP:units = "mm" ; float LWNS(time, y, x) ; LWNS:long_name = "Net LW at the surface" ; LWNS:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNSC(time, y, x) ; LWNSC:long_name = "Net clear-sky LW at the surface" ; LWNSC:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNT(time, y, x) ; LWNT:long_name = "Net LW at TOA" ; LWNT:units = "W/m2" ; float LWNTC(time, y, x) ; LWNTC:long_name = "Clear-Sky Net LW at TOA" ; LWNTC:units = "W/m2" ; float PSFC(time, y, x) ; PSFC:long_name = "P at the surface" ; PSFC:units = "mbar" ; float PW(time, y, x) ; PW:long_name = "Precipitable Water" ; PW:units = "mm" ; float Prec(time, y, x) ; Prec:long_name = "Surface Precip. Rate" ; Prec:units = "mm/day" ; float SOLIN(time, y, x) ; SOLIN:long_name = "Solar TOA insolation" ; SOLIN:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNS(time, y, x) ; SWNS:long_name = "Net SW at the surface" ; SWNS:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNSC(time, y, x) ; SWNSC:long_name = "Net Clear-sky SW at the surface" ; SWNSC:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNT(time, y, x) ; SWNT:long_name = "Net SW at TOA" ; SWNT:units = "W/m2" ; float SWNTC(time, y, x) ; SWNTC:long_name = "Net Clear-Sky SW at TOA" ; SWNTC:units = "W/m2" ; float SWVP(time, y, x) ; SWVP:long_name = "Saturated Water Vapor Path" ; SWVP:units = "mm" ; float TB(time, y, x) ; TB:long_name = "Cloud top temperature (Instantaneous)" ; TB:units = "K" ; float U200(time, y, x) ; U200:long_name = "U at 200 mb" ; U200:units = "m/s" ; float U850(time, y, x) ; U850:long_name = "850 mbar zonal velocity" ; U850:units = "m/s" ; float USFC(time, y, x) ; USFC:long_name = "U at the surface" ; USFC:units = "m/s" ; float V200(time, y, x) ; V200:long_name = "V at 200 mb" ; V200:units = "m/s" ; float V850(time, y, x) ; V850:long_name = "850 mbar meridional velocity" ; V850:units = "m/s" ; float VSFC(time, y, x) ; VSFC:long_name = "V at the surface" ; VSFC:units = "m/s" ; float W500(time, y, x) ; W500:long_name = "W at 500 mb" ; W500:units = "m/s" ; float ZC(time, y, x) ; ZC:long_name = "Cloud top height (Instantaneous)" ; ZC:units = "km" ; float ZE(time, y, x) ; ZE:long_name = "Echo top height (Instantaneous)" ; ZE:units = "km" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "day" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:55:02 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000001200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:56:02 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000002400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:57 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000003600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:50:48 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000004800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:12 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000006000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:44:10 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000007200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:49:32 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000008400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:46:48 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000009600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:10 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000010800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:44:46 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000012000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:49:23 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000013200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:48:46 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000014400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:46:05 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000015600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:53:54 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000016800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:45:44 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000018000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:42:41 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000019200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:45:26 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000020400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:41 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000021600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:56:11 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000022800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:44:53 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000024000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:48:38 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000025200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:19 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000026400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:33 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000027600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:52:25 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000028800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:45:01 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000030000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:42:32 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000031200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:18 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000032400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:54:02 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000033600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:49:10 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000034800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:48:54 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000036000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:03 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000037200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:55:12 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000038400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:48:21 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000039600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:43:25 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000040800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:55:45 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000042000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:44:26 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000043200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:45:57 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000044400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:48:29 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000045600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:46:55 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000046800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:52:16 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000048000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:52:49 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000049200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:46:22 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000050400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:52:59 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000051600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:43:52 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000052800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:43 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000054000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:44:18 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000055200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:45:36 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000056400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:49:52 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000057600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:50:05 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000058800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:49:02 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000060000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:55:28 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000061200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:45:18 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000062400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:54:10 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000063600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:48:12 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000064800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:43:44 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000066000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:49 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000067200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:43:17 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000068400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:50:31 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000069600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:42:48 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000070800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:50:22 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000072000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:48:04 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000073200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:50:14 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000074400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:46:38 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000075600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:42:24 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000076800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:27 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000078000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:52:41 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000079200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:47:25 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000080400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:54:17 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000081600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:50:38 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000082800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:44:34 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000084000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:52:33 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000085200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:46:31 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000086400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:55:36 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000087600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:56:18 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000088800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:45:10 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000090000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:54:29 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000091200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:42:59 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000092400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:36 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000093600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:55:21 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000094800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:53:06 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000096000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:50:55 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000097200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:59 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000098400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:51 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000099600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:46:13 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000100800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:43:34 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000102000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:55:53 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000103200 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:51:03 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000104400 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:52:07 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000105600 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:44:01 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000106800 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:54:36 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ================================================== netcdf sgp20160830_alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144_144_0000108000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) z = 226 ; y = 144 ; x = 144 ; variables: float NC(time, z, y, x) ; NC:long_name = "CLOUD WATER NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NC:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NG(time, z, y, x) ; NG:long_name = "GRAUPEL NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NG:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NI(time, z, y, x) ; NI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NI:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NR(time, z, y, x) ; NR:long_name = "RAIN NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NR:units = "#/cm3 " ; float NS(time, z, y, x) ; NS:long_name = "SNOW NUMBER CONCENTRATION " ; NS:units = "#/cm3 " ; float PP(time, z, y, x) ; PP:long_name = "Pressure Perturbation " ; PP:units = "Pa " ; float QG(time, z, y, x) ; QG:long_name = "GRAUPEL " ; QG:units = "g/kg " ; float QI(time, z, y, x) ; QI:long_name = "CLOUD ICE " ; QI:units = "g/kg " ; float QN(time, z, y, x) ; QN:long_name = "Non-precipitating Condensate (Water+Ice) " ; QN:units = "g/kg " ; float QP(time, z, y, x) ; QP:long_name = "Precipitating Water (Rain+Snow) " ; QP:units = "g/kg " ; float QR(time, z, y, x) ; QR:long_name = "RAIN " ; QR:units = "g/kg " ; float QRAD(time, z, y, x) ; QRAD:long_name = "Radiative heating rate " ; QRAD:units = "K/day " ; float QS(time, z, y, x) ; QS:long_name = "SNOW " ; QS:units = "g/kg " ; float QV(time, z, y, x) ; QV:long_name = "Water Vapor " ; QV:units = "g/kg " ; float TABS(time, z, y, x) ; TABS:long_name = "Absolute Temperature " ; TABS:units = "K " ; float U(time, z, y, x) ; U:long_name = "X Wind Component " ; U:units = "m/s " ; float V(time, z, y, x) ; V:long_name = "Y Wind Component " ; V:units = "m/s " ; float W(time, z, y, x) ; W:long_name = "Z Wind Component " ; W:units = "m/s " ; float p(z) ; p:units = "mb" ; p:long_name = "pressure" ; float time(time) ; time:units = "d" ; time:long_name = "time" ; float x(x) ; x:units = "m" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "m" ; float z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:long_name = "height" ; // global attributes: :_NCProperties = "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.4.1|hdf5libversion=1.8.16" ; :doi = "10.5439/1342961" ; :contacts = ", LASSO PI: William Gustafson (, LASSO Co-PI: Andrew Vogelmann (" ; :process_version = "Alpha 2 Release" ; :site_id = "sgp" ; :facility_id = "C1" ; :location_description = "Southern Great Plains (SGP), Lamont, Oklahoma" ; :date = "20160830" ; :site = "sgp" ; :fac = "C1" ; :simulation_id_number = 104 ; :model_type = "SAM" ; :model_version = "6.10.8" ; :output_domain_size = "14.4 km" ; :output_number_of_levels = 226 ; :output_horizontal_grid_spacing = "100 m" ; :config_large_scale_forcing = "MSDA" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_scale = "75 km" ; :config_large_scale_forcing_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_surface_treatment = "MSDA" ; :config_surface_treatment_specifics = "msda_lasso_fnl_dp61L10_Sb_mp8 (v20161203)" ; :config_initial_condition = "Sounding" ; :config_initial_condition_specifics = "sgpsondewnpnC1" ; :config_aerosol = "Constant" ; :config_forecast_time = "15 h" ; :config_boundary_method = "Periodic" ; :config_microphysics = "Morrison 2-MOM (M2005)" ; :config_nickname = "alpha2.msda_75km_ls.msda_75km_sf.sonde_init.144" ; :config_comments = "Alpha 2" ; :simulation_origin_host = "cumulus-login2" ; :history = "Thu Sep 7 22:43:07 2017: ncks -O --fl_fmt=netcdf4 --deflate=2 /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/ /gpfs/wolf/cli120/proj-shared/d3m088/alpha2/toprocess/sgplassodiagobsmodC1.m1/20160830/sim0104/raw_model/" ; :NCO = "\"4.6.4\"" ; } ==================================================