netcdf sgpqmeaeriprofC1.c1.20040126.001044 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (48 currently) height = 20 ; strlen = 10 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "26-Jan-2004,0:10:44 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2004-01-26 00:10:44 0:00" ; float height(height) ; height:long_name = "Height array for the profile" ; height:units = "meters above ground level" ; float integ_vap_retrieval(time) ; integ_vap_retrieval:long_name = "Integrated vapor column from the retrieved profiles" ; integ_vap_retrieval:units = "cm" ; integ_vap_retrieval:comment = "Integration is over the static field `height`, not the entire column through the atmosphere" ; integ_vap_retrieval:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float integ_vap_partial_sonde(time) ; integ_vap_partial_sonde:long_name = "Integrated vapor from the sonde profiles, which have been averaged to the static field `height`" ; integ_vap_partial_sonde:units = "cm" ; integ_vap_partial_sonde:comment = "Integration is over the static field `height`, not the entire sonde flight" ; integ_vap_partial_sonde:averaging_comment = "Sonde data is averaged in 50.0 meter bins, centered upon the AERIPROF heights" ; integ_vap_partial_sonde:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float integ_vap_entire_sonde(time) ; integ_vap_entire_sonde:long_name = "Integrated vapor from the entire sonde profile" ; integ_vap_entire_sonde:units = "cm" ; integ_vap_entire_sonde:comment = "Integration is over the entire sonde flight" ; integ_vap_entire_sonde:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float temperature_resid(time, height) ; temperature_resid:long_name = "Residual temperature profile: retrieved - sonde" ; temperature_resid:units = "degC" ; temperature_resid:comment = "Original sonde profile is averaged to match the altitude of the retrieved profile" ; temperature_resid:averaging_comment = "Sonde data is averaged in 50.0 meter bins, centered upon the AERIPROF heights" ; temperature_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float dewpoint_resid(time, height) ; dewpoint_resid:long_name = "Residual dewpoint temperature profile: retrieved - sonde" ; dewpoint_resid:units = "degC" ; dewpoint_resid:comment = "Original sonde profile is averaged to match the altitude of the retrieved profile" ; dewpoint_resid:averaging_comment = "Sonde data is averaged in 50.0 meter bins, centered upon the AERIPROF heights" ; dewpoint_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float mixing_ratio_resid(time, height) ; mixing_ratio_resid:long_name = "Residual mixing ratio profile: retrieved - sonde" ; mixing_ratio_resid:units = "g/kg" ; mixing_ratio_resid:comment = "Original sonde tdry, rh, and pres profiles are used to compute a mixing ratio profile, which is then averaged to match the altitude of the retrieved profile" ; mixing_ratio_resid:averaging_comment = "Sonde data is averaged in 50.0 meter bins, centered upon the AERIPROF heights" ; mixing_ratio_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float temperature_RMSE(time) ; temperature_RMSE:long_name = "Root mean square error from the temperature residual profile" ; temperature_RMSE:units = "degC" ; temperature_RMSE:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float dewpoint_RMSE(time) ; dewpoint_RMSE:long_name = "Root mean square error from the dewpoint temperature residual profile" ; dewpoint_RMSE:units = "degC" ; dewpoint_RMSE:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float mixing_ratio_RMSE(time) ; mixing_ratio_RMSE:long_name = "Root mean square error from the mixing ratio residual profile" ; mixing_ratio_RMSE:units = "g/kg" ; mixing_ratio_RMSE:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float sonde_offset_time(time) ; sonde_offset_time:long_name = "Retrieved profile sample time minus sonde launch time" ; sonde_offset_time:units = "seconds" ; sonde_offset_time:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float sonde_max_height(time) ; sonde_max_height:long_name = "Maximum height of the sonde" ; sonde_max_height:units = "hPa" ; sonde_max_height:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; char sonde_serial_number(time, strlen) ; sonde_serial_number:long_name = "Serial number of the sonde" ; sonde_serial_number:units = "unitless" ; sonde_serial_number:missing_value = "0" ; float cloudBaseHeight(time) ; cloudBaseHeight:long_name = "Cloud base height used during retrieval" ; cloudBaseHeight:units = "meters AGL" ; cloudBaseHeight:comment = "Taken from the {Belfort laser ceilometer OR Micropulse lidar}" ; cloudBaseHeight:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float totalPrecipitalWater(time) ; totalPrecipitalWater:long_name = "Total precipital water used to constrain the retrieval" ; totalPrecipitalWater:units = "cm" ; totalPrecipitalWater:comment = "Taken from the platform sgp5mwravgC1.c1" ; totalPrecipitalWater:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float water_flag(time) ; water_flag:long_name = "Flag indicating where the initial surface water measurements are from: 0-> SMOS, 1-> AERI" ; water_flag:units = "unitless" ; water_flag:comment = "The AERI\'s rh sensor may not provide an accurate estimate of the atmospheric relative humidity, since it is enclosed" ; water_flag:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float mixing_ratio_25m_tower(time) ; mixing_ratio_25m_tower:long_name = "Mixing ratio calculated from the 25 meter tower inputs" ; mixing_ratio_25m_tower:units = "g/kg" ; mixing_ratio_25m_tower:comment = "Since barametric pressure is not recorded at 25 meters, this is calculated using the SMOS surface measurements and the hypsometric equation" ; mixing_ratio_25m_tower:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float mixing_ratio_25m_resid(time) ; mixing_ratio_25m_resid:long_name = "Mixing ratio residual at 25 meters: vertically interpolated retrieved value - 25 meter tower value" ; mixing_ratio_25m_resid:units = "g/kg" ; mixing_ratio_25m_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float temperature_25m_resid(time) ; temperature_25m_resid:long_name = "Temperature residual at 25 meters: vertically interpolated retrieved value - 25 meter tower value" ; temperature_25m_resid:units = "degC" ; temperature_25m_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float dewpoint_25m_resid(time) ; dewpoint_25m_resid:long_name = "Dewpoint temperature residual at 25 meters: vertically interpolated retrieved value - 25 meter tower value" ; dewpoint_25m_resid:units = "degC" ; dewpoint_25m_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float time_offset_25m_tower(time) ; time_offset_25m_tower:long_name = "Time offset between retrieval and 25 meter tower samples: retrieval time - tower time" ; time_offset_25m_tower:units = "seconds" ; time_offset_25m_tower:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float mixing_ratio_60m_tower(time) ; mixing_ratio_60m_tower:long_name = "Mixing ratio calculated from the 60 meter tower inputs" ; mixing_ratio_60m_tower:units = "g/kg" ; mixing_ratio_60m_tower:comment = "Since barametric pressure is not recorded at 60 meters, this is calculated using the SMOS surface measurements and the hypsometric equation" ; mixing_ratio_60m_tower:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float mixing_ratio_60m_resid(time) ; mixing_ratio_60m_resid:long_name = "Mixing ratio residual at 60 meters: vertically interpolated retrieved value - 60 meter tower value" ; mixing_ratio_60m_resid:units = "g/kg" ; mixing_ratio_60m_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float temperature_60m_resid(time) ; temperature_60m_resid:long_name = "Temperature residual at 60 meters: vertically interpolated retrieved value - 60 meter tower value" ; temperature_60m_resid:units = "degC" ; temperature_60m_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float dewpoint_60m_resid(time) ; dewpoint_60m_resid:long_name = "Dewpoint temperature residual at 60 meters: vertically interpolated retrieved value - 60 meter tower value" ; dewpoint_60m_resid:units = "degC" ; dewpoint_60m_resid:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float time_offset_60m_tower(time) ; time_offset_60m_tower:long_name = "Time offset between retrieval and 60 meter tower samples: retrieval time - tower time" ; time_offset_60m_tower:units = "seconds" ; time_offset_60m_tower:missing_value = "-9999.000" ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "north latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees" ; lat:valid_min = -90.f ; lat:valid_max = 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "east longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees" ; lon:valid_min = -180.f ; lon:valid_max = 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "meters above Mean Sea Level" ; // global attributes: :Date = "Wed Jan 28 18:01:15 2004" ; :Version = "$State: process-vap-qmeaeriprof-1.8-1 $" ; :Command_Line = "qmeaeriprof -d 20040126" ; :Input_Platforms = "sgpaeriprofC1.c1, sgpsondewnpnC1.b1, sgpsondewnpnC1.a1, sgpsondewrpnC1.b1, sgpsondewrpnC1.a1, sgp30twr25mC1.b1, sgp30twr25mC1.a1, sgp30twr60mC1.b1, sgp30twr60mC1.a1, sgp30smosE13.b1, sgp30smosE13.a1" ; :BW_Version = "Working_4_1" ; :Aeriprof_version = "$State: process-vap-aeriprof-1.19-0 $" ; :SSEC_retrieval_version = "$SSEC_id: aeriret.for 2.0 1999/10/27 BenH Release_2_0 BenH $ " ; :Sample_time_comment = "The sample times in this platform are a subset of the retrieval sample times" ; :Platform_description = "Quality measurement experiment to compare the profiles physically retrieved from the AERI radiance data against the radiosonde and tower in-situ measurements" ; :zeb_platform = "sgpqmeaeriprofC1.c1" ; :history = "created by the Zebra DataStore library, 28-Jan-2004,18:01:15, $RCSfile: DFA_NetCDF.c,v $ $Revision: 3.54 $\n", "" ; }