netcdf sgprwptempC1.c1.20060514.000025 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (24 currently) height = 49 ; strlen = 10 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "14-May-2006,0:00:25 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2006-05-14 00:00:25 0:00" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2006-05-14 00:00:00 0:00" ; float height(height) ; height:long_name = "Array of heights for the range gates of the RASS." ; height:units = "km" ; height:resolution_915 = 0.01f ; height:resolution_50 = 0.01f ; float virtual_temp(time, height) ; virtual_temp:long_name = "Beam 0 virtual temperature." ; virtual_temp:units = "degC" ; virtual_temp:resolution_915 = 0.01f ; virtual_temp:resolution_50 = 0.01f ; virtual_temp:missing_value = -9999.f ; float dq_virtual_temp(time, height) ; dq_virtual_temp:long_name = "Data quality profile for the virtual temperature profile for the RASS." ; dq_virtual_temp:units = "unitless" ; dq_virtual_temp:comment = "An objective method checking deltas in altitude and time, flagging all points if they fall in the appropriate category." ; dq_virtual_temp:valid_min = 0.f ; dq_virtual_temp:valid_max = 7.f ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_0 = "Point is ok." ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_1 = "Height was above the MAX_HEIGHT." ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_2 = "Data has a value of MISSING." ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_3 = "Data is BLANK." ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_4 = "There are no valid data(above & below) in the sample." ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_5 = "There were no points(above & below) that fall within the limit inc/dec range." ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_6 = "There were no valid points(before & after) within the time range." ; dq_virtual_temp:explanation_of_dq_value_7 = "There were no valid data(before & after) in time." ; dq_virtual_temp:deltas_915 = "3 K/100 m(max temp increase); 2 K/100 m(max temp decrease)." ; dq_virtual_temp:deltas_50 = "3 K/150 m(max temp increase); 2.5 K/100 m(max temp decrease)." ; dq_virtual_temp:delta_time = "5 K/hr(max time change between levels)." ; float sonde_virt_temp(time, height) ; sonde_virt_temp:long_name = "Array of heights for the range gate of SONDE that corresponds to the RASS heights." ; sonde_virt_temp:units = "degC" ; sonde_virt_temp:comment = "The 2 nearest SONDE altitudes that \"bracket\" the RASS altitudes are interpolated linearly to calculate the virtual temperature." ; sonde_virt_temp:missing_value = -9999.f ; float sonde_time_offset(time) ; sonde_time_offset:long_name = "The difference(in seconds) between the RASS sample time and the SONDE sample time." ; sonde_time_offset:units = "seconds" ; sonde_time_offset:comment = "A negative value implies SONDE obs was t seconds AFTER the RASS sample; 0 implies the SONDE obs occurred at the SAME time as the RASS sample; a positive value implies the SONDE obs was t seconds BEFORE the RASS sample." ; sonde_time_offset:missing_value = -9999.f ; char sonde_serial_number(time, strlen) ; sonde_serial_number:long_name = "Serial serial number." ; sonde_serial_number:units = "unitless" ; sonde_serial_number:missing_value = -9999.f ; float aeri_virt_temp(time, height) ; aeri_virt_temp:long_name = "Array of heights for the range gate of AERI that corresponds to the RASS heights." ; aeri_virt_temp:units = "degC" ; aeri_virt_temp:comment = "The 2 nearest AERI altitudes that \"bracket\" the RASS altitudes are interpolated linearly to calculate the virtual temperature." ; aeri_virt_temp:missing_values = -9999.f ; float aeri_time_offset(time) ; aeri_time_offset:long_name = "The difference(in seconds) between the RASS sample time and the AERI sample time." ; aeri_time_offset:units = "seconds" ; aeri_time_offset:comment = "A negative value implies AERI obs was t seconds AFTER the RASS sample; 0 implies the AERI obs occurred at the SAME time as the RASS sample; a positive value implies the AERI obs was t seconds BEFORE the RASS sample." ; aeri_time_offset:missing_values = -9999.f ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "north latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees" ; lat:valid_min = -90.f ; lat:valid_max = 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "east longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees" ; lon:valid_min = -180.f ; lon:valid_max = 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "meters above Mean Sea Level" ; // global attributes: :Date = "Mon May 15 21:18:51 2006" ; :Version = "$State: process-vap-rwptemp-4.11-2 $" ; :Command_Line = "rwptemp -d 20060514" ; :Input_Platforms = "sgp915rwptempconC1.a1, sgpsondewnpnC1.b1" ; :BW_Version = "$State: ds-dsutil-bw-4.3-0 $" ; :platform_description = "This platform contains combined virtual temperature and data quality profiles for the consensus temperature profiles from the rwp .a2 platforms." ; :comment = "The lower 23 height bins are from the 915 MHz instrument, while the upper 26 height bins are from the 50 MHz instrument." ; :zeb_platform = "sgprwptempC1.c1" ; :history = "created by user dsmgr on machine garnet at 15-May-2006,21:18:51, using $State: ds-zebra-zeblib-4.13-0 $" ; }