netcdf smtaerich1nf1turnX1.c1.20160207.000324 { dimensions: time = 3344 ; wnum = 2714 ; hatch_dim = 3344 ; scalar = 1 ; time1 = 3344 ; wavenumber1 = 2714 ; variables: int date ; int base_time ; base_time:longname = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds" ; base_time:string = "07-FEB-2016,00:03:24 GMT" ; double wnum(wnum) ; wnum:longname = "Wave number in reciprocal centimeters" ; wnum:units = "cm^-1" ; wnum:precision = "1E-4" ; wnum:missing_value = "-9999.0" ; wnum:range_of_values = "[491.812 1799.935]" ; wnum:long_name = "Wave number in reciprocal centimeters" ; wnum:independent_interval = "0.48217" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:longname = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2016-02-07 00:03:24 GMT" ; float missingDataFlag(time) ; missingDataFlag:longname = "Logical flag indicating that a data record is missing (true/false)" ; missingDataFlag:units = "count" ; missingDataFlag:precision = "1E0" ; float sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift(time) ; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift:longname = "Maximum departure from ideal of the mirror position over the course of all contributing views. Typically two hot, two ambient, and one scene view are examined." ; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift:units = "count" ; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift:precision = "1E-1" ; float BBcavityFactor(time) ; BBcavityFactor:longname = "Blackbody cavity geometry factor" ; BBcavityFactor:units = "count" ; BBcavityFactor:precision = "1E-3" ; float HBBtempOffset(time) ; HBBtempOffset:longname = "Corrective offset for final hot blackbody average temperature" ; HBBtempOffset:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; HBBtempOffset:precision = "1E-3" ; float ABBtempOffset(time) ; ABBtempOffset:longname = "Corrective offset for final ambient blackbody average temperature" ; ABBtempOffset:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; ABBtempOffset:precision = "1E-3" ; float HBBbottomTempWeight(time) ; HBBbottomTempWeight:longname = "Weight factor for bottom used in calculating hot blackbody temperature average" ; HBBbottomTempWeight:units = "%/100" ; HBBbottomTempWeight:precision = "1E-3" ; float HBBapexTempWeight(time) ; HBBapexTempWeight:longname = "Weight factor for apex used in calculating hot blackbody temperature average" ; HBBapexTempWeight:units = "%/100" ; HBBapexTempWeight:precision = "1E-3" ; float HBBtopTempWeight(time) ; HBBtopTempWeight:longname = "Weight factor for top used in calculating hot blackbody temperature average" ; HBBtopTempWeight:units = "%/100" ; HBBtopTempWeight:precision = "1E-3" ; float ABBbottomTempWeight(time) ; ABBbottomTempWeight:longname = "Weight factor for bottom used in calculating ambient blackbody temperature average" ; ABBbottomTempWeight:units = "%/100" ; ABBbottomTempWeight:precision = "1E-3" ; float ABBapexTempWeight(time) ; ABBapexTempWeight:longname = "Weight factor for apex used in calculating ambient blackbody temperature average" ; ABBapexTempWeight:units = "%/100" ; ABBapexTempWeight:precision = "1E-3" ; float ABBtopTempWeight(time) ; ABBtopTempWeight:longname = "Weight factor for top used in calculating ambient blackbody temperature average" ; ABBtopTempWeight:units = "%/100" ; ABBtopTempWeight:precision = "1E-3" ; float calibratedSceneID(time) ; calibratedSceneID:longname = "Type of scene that has been calibrated (ASCII character as float)" ; calibratedSceneID:units = "count" ; calibratedSceneID:precision = "1E-0" ; double calibrationHBBtemp(time) ; calibrationHBBtemp:longname = "Hot blackbody temperature used in calibration" ; calibrationHBBtemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; calibrationHBBtemp:precision = "1E-3" ; double calibrationCBBtemp(time) ; calibrationCBBtemp:longname = "Cold blackbody temperature used in calibration" ; calibrationCBBtemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; calibrationCBBtemp:precision = "1E-3" ; double calibrationAmbientTemp(time) ; calibrationAmbientTemp:longname = "Ambient temperature used in calibration" ; calibrationAmbientTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; calibrationAmbientTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float channelNumber(time) ; channelNumber:longname = "Instrument data channel number" ; channelNumber:units = "count" ; channelNumber:precision = "1E0" ; float sceneMirPosEncoderDrift(time) ; sceneMirPosEncoderDrift:longname = "Difference between actual and ideal motor encoder values for current view; indicative of quality of the mirror positioning." ; sceneMirPosEncoderDrift:units = "count" ; sceneMirPosEncoderDrift:precision = "1E0" ; float HBBmaxTempDiff(time) ; HBBmaxTempDiff:longname = "Maximum Temperature Difference Between HBB Thermistors" ; HBBmaxTempDiff:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; HBBmaxTempDiff:precision = "1E-3" ; float ABBmaxTempDiff(time) ; ABBmaxTempDiff:longname = "Maximum Temperature Difference Between ABB Thermistors" ; ABBmaxTempDiff:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; ABBmaxTempDiff:precision = "1E-3" ; float maxRoll(time) ; maxRoll:longname = "Maximum roll of the interferometer during scan. Roll axis is coincident with the axis of mirror rotation. Zero value indicates level." ; maxRoll:units = "degrees" ; maxRoll:precision = "1E0" ; float maxPitch(time) ; maxPitch:longname = "Maximum pitch of the interferometer during scan. Pitch axis is perpendicular to the axis of mirror rotation. Zero value indicates level." ; maxPitch:units = "degrees" ; maxPitch:precision = "1E0" ; float opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity(time) ; opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity:longname = "Relative humidity measured in the optics compartment atop the interferometer." ; opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity:units = "%" ; opticsCompartmentRelativeHumidity:precision = "1E0" ; float sceneMirrorMotorStep(time) ; sceneMirrorMotorStep:longname = "Motor step value given to motor controller to achieve proper mirror positioning" ; sceneMirrorMotorStep:units = "count" ; sceneMirrorMotorStep:precision = "1E0" ; float sceneMirrorAngle(time) ; sceneMirrorAngle:longname = "Scene mirror view angle in non-negative degrees, measured clockwise looking into interferometer window." ; sceneMirrorAngle:units = "degrees" ; sceneMirrorAngle:precision = "1E-2" ; float maxSampleStdDev(time) ; maxSampleStdDev:longname = "Maximum Standard Deviation in Thermistor Channels 0..7" ; maxSampleStdDev:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; maxSampleStdDev:precision = "1E-3" ; float atmosphericPressure(time) ; atmosphericPressure:longname = "Observation atmospheric pressure in AERI electronics" ; atmosphericPressure:units = "millibars" ; atmosphericPressure:precision = "1E-1" ; float interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity(time) ; interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity:longname = "Relative Humidity measured in the Interferometer Enclosure" ; interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity:units = "%" ; interferometerEnclosureRelativeHumidity:precision = "1E-1" ; float atmosphericRelativeHumidity(time) ; atmosphericRelativeHumidity:longname = "Relative humidity measured near Blackbodies. Use with Air Temperature Near BBs only." ; atmosphericRelativeHumidity:units = "%" ; atmosphericRelativeHumidity:precision = "1E-1" ; float interferometerWindowTemp(time) ; interferometerWindowTemp:longname = "Interferometer window temperature measured on the outside of the aluminum window flange" ; interferometerWindowTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; interferometerWindowTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float rainSensorIntensity(time) ; rainSensorIntensity:longname = "Rain sensor analog output: the rain sensor is located inside the hatch near the sky aperture and is used to flag the critical condition of rain falling on the AERI sky aperture. If rain is detected, the AERI scene mirror will be safed to the down looking p" ; rainSensorIntensity:units = "millimeters/hour" ; rainSensorIntensity:precision = "1E0" ; float detectorTemp(time) ; detectorTemp:longname = "Detector temperature sensed via diode near detector" ; detectorTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; detectorTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float coolerCurrent(time) ; coolerCurrent:longname = "Stirling cycle cooler current" ; coolerCurrent:units = "amperes" ; coolerCurrent:precision = "1E-3" ; float SCEtemp(time) ; SCEtemp:longname = "Signal conditioning electronics inside air temperature" ; SCEtemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; SCEtemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float motorDriverTemp(time) ; motorDriverTemp:longname = "Scene mirror motor driver heat sink temperature" ; motorDriverTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; motorDriverTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float computerTemp(time) ; computerTemp:longname = "AERI ingest computer temperature measured at back panel of computer" ; computerTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; computerTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float rackAmbientTemp(time) ; rackAmbientTemp:longname = "Electronics rack ambient temperature measured at inside top of rack" ; rackAmbientTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; rackAmbientTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float coolerPowerSupplyTemp(time) ; coolerPowerSupplyTemp:longname = "Stirling cooler power supply temperature measured at power supply frame" ; coolerPowerSupplyTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; coolerPowerSupplyTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float coolerExpanderTemp(time) ; coolerExpanderTemp:longname = "Stirling cycle cooler expander temperature" ; coolerExpanderTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; coolerExpanderTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float coolerCompressorTemp(time) ; coolerCompressorTemp:longname = "Stirling cooler compressor temperature measured at compressor heatsink" ; coolerCompressorTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; coolerCompressorTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float BBcontroller2temp(time) ; BBcontroller2temp:longname = "Blackbody controller Unit 2 power supply temperature" ; BBcontroller2temp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; BBcontroller2temp:precision = "1E-3" ; float BBcontroller1temp(time) ; BBcontroller1temp:longname = "Blackbody controller Unit 1 power supply temperature" ; BBcontroller1temp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; BBcontroller1temp:precision = "1E-3" ; float fixed12KohmResistor(time) ; fixed12KohmResistor:longname = "Resistive temperature of 12 Kohm fixed resistor located in SCE-P3 shell" ; fixed12KohmResistor:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; fixed12KohmResistor:precision = "1E-3" ; float mirrorMotorTemp(time) ; mirrorMotorTemp:longname = "Scene mirror motor case temperature" ; mirrorMotorTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; mirrorMotorTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float airNearBBsTemp(time) ; airNearBBsTemp:longname = "Ambient air temperature near blackbodies" ; airNearBBsTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; airNearBBsTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float BBsupportStructureTemp(time) ; BBsupportStructureTemp:longname = "Temperature of the AERI blackbody support structure" ; BBsupportStructureTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; BBsupportStructureTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float interferometerSecondPortTemp(time) ; interferometerSecondPortTemp:longname = "AERI interferometer temperature at second port" ; interferometerSecondPortTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; interferometerSecondPortTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float airNearInterferometerTemp(time) ; airNearInterferometerTemp:longname = "Ambient air temperature near the interferometer" ; airNearInterferometerTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; airNearInterferometerTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float outsideAirTemp(time) ; outsideAirTemp:longname = "Ambient air temperature at hatch opening" ; outsideAirTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; outsideAirTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float fixed97KohmResistor(time) ; fixed97KohmResistor:longname = "Resistive temperature of 97 Kohm fixed resistor located in SCE-P4 shell" ; fixed97KohmResistor:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; fixed97KohmResistor:precision = "1E-3" ; float fixed2500ohmResistor(time) ; fixed2500ohmResistor:longname = "Resistive temperature of 2500 Ohm fixed resistor - banana plug mounted" ; fixed2500ohmResistor:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; fixed2500ohmResistor:precision = "1E-3" ; double HBBbottomTemp(time) ; HBBbottomTemp:longname = "Hot blackbody temperature - rim bottom" ; HBBbottomTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; HBBbottomTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; double HBBapexTemp(time) ; HBBapexTemp:longname = "Hot blackbody temperature - apex" ; HBBapexTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; HBBapexTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; double HBBtopTemp(time) ; HBBtopTemp:longname = "Hot blackbody temperature - rim top" ; HBBtopTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; HBBtopTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; double ABBbottomTemp(time) ; ABBbottomTemp:longname = "Ambient blackbody temperature" ; ABBbottomTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; ABBbottomTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; double ABBapexTemp(time) ; ABBapexTemp:longname = "Ambient blackbody temperature - apex" ; ABBapexTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; ABBapexTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; double ABBtopTemp(time) ; ABBtopTemp:longname = "Ambient blackbody temperature - rim top" ; ABBtopTemp:units = "degrees_Kelvin" ; ABBtopTemp:precision = "1E-3" ; float JulianDay(time) ; JulianDay:longname = "Julian Day including day and fraction of day" ; JulianDay:units = "days" ; JulianDay:precision = "1E-5" ; float sceneMirPosEncoder(time) ; sceneMirPosEncoder:longname = "Scene mirror position encoder value" ; sceneMirPosEncoder:units = "count" ; sceneMirPosEncoder:precision = "1E0" ; float sceneMirPosCount(time) ; sceneMirPosCount:longname = "Number of views in a sequence" ; sceneMirPosCount:units = "count" ; sceneMirPosCount:precision = "1E-0" ; float sceneMirrorPosition(time) ; sceneMirrorPosition:longname = "Instrument scene mirror position identifier" ; sceneMirrorPosition:units = "count" ; sceneMirrorPosition:precision = "1E0" ; float coadditionsCount(time) ; coadditionsCount:longname = "Number of complete (forward+backward) interferogram scans in sample average" ; coadditionsCount:units = "count" ; coadditionsCount:precision = "1E0" ; float sceneViewDuration(time) ; sceneViewDuration:longname = "Duration of scene view" ; sceneViewDuration:units = "seconds" ; sceneViewDuration:precision = "1E0" ; float systemReleaseNumber(time) ; systemReleaseNumber:longname = "Version number of Operational Software" ; systemReleaseNumber:units = "count" ; systemReleaseNumber:precision = "1E-3" ; float Altitude(time) ; Altitude:longname = "Observation Altitude" ; Altitude:units = "feet" ; Altitude:precision = "1E0" ; float Longitude(time) ; Longitude:longname = "Observation longitude" ; Longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; Longitude:precision = "1E-2" ; float Latitude(time) ; Latitude:longname = "Observation latitude" ; Latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; Latitude:precision = "1E-2" ; float timeHHMMSS(time) ; timeHHMMSS:longname = "Time at center of AERI sky observation period" ; timeHHMMSS:units = "hour.minute.second" ; timeHHMMSS:precision = "1E0" ; float dateYYMMDD(time) ; dateYYMMDD:longname = "Observation date" ; dateYYMMDD:units = "" ; dateYYMMDD:precision = "1E0" ; float instrumentUnitNumber(time) ; instrumentUnitNumber:longname = "Character string containing instrument name" ; instrumentUnitNumber:units = "count" ; instrumentUnitNumber:precision = "1e0" ; float AERIunitNumber(time) ; AERIunitNumber:longname = "AERI instrument unit serial number" ; AERIunitNumber:units = "count" ; AERIunitNumber:precision = "1E0" ; float Time(time) ; Time:longname = "Time at center of AERI sky observation period" ; Time:units = "hours" ; Time:precision = "1E-4" ; double mean_rad(time, wnum) ; mean_rad:longname = "Interferometer scan directional average of radiance" ; mean_rad:units = "mw/(m2 sr cm-1)" ; mean_rad:precision = "1E4" ; mean_rad:missing_value = "-9999.0" ; double hatchOpen(hatch_dim) ; hatchOpen:long_name = "hatch open flag. 1 = open" ; hatchOpen:units = "unitless" ; hatchOpen:valid_min = 0. ; hatchOpen:valid_max = 1. ; double time(time1) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2016-02-07 00:00:00 0:00 GMT" ; double qc_time(time1) ; qc_time:long_name = "Dummy variable for compatibility with ARM AERI files" ; qc_time:units = "unitless" ; double Time_UTC_hours(time) ; Time_UTC_hours:long_name = "Time at center of AERI sky observation period" ; Time_UTC_hours:units = "hours since 2016-02-07 00:00:00 0:00 GMT" ; Time_UTC_hours:missing_value = -9999. ; float lat(scalar) ; lat:long_name = "north latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees" ; lat:valid_min = -90. ; lat:valid_max = 90. ; float lon(scalar) ; lon:long_name = "east longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees" ; lon:valid_min = -180. ; lon:valid_max = 180. ; float alt(scalar) ; alt:long_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "meters above Mean Sea Level" ; double numberOfPCs(scalar) ; numberOfPCs:long_name = "Number of principal components (PC) in PC noise filtering" ; // global attributes: :Comments = "tmp.dat" ; :FileHistory = "16928 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207C1.RLC created by SCNDIRAV.FOR ($Id: scndirav.for,v 2.408 2002/07/16 17)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 20:00:37 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/2 of 160207C1.RLC\r\n", "8055 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207F1.RLC created by AERICALV.FOR ($Id: aericalv.for,v 2.420 2002/07/16 16)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:58:46 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/5 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207F1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:57:35 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207F1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 2/5 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207F1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:57:35 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207F1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 2 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 3/5 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207F1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:57:35 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207F1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 3 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 4/5 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207F1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:57:35 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207F1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 4 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 5/5 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207F1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:57:35 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207F1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207F1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 5 of 160207F1.RLC\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207C1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 2/2 of 160207C1.RLC\r\n", "8055 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207B1.RLC created by AERICALV.FOR ($Id: aericalv.for,v 2.420 2002/07/16 16)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:59:39 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/5 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207B1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:58:10 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207B1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 2/5 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207B1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:58:10 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207B1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 2 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 3/5 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207B1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:58:10 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207B1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 3 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 4/5 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207B1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:58:10 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207B1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 4 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "## begin History of parent 5/5 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "1394 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File 160207B1.CXV created by NLAPP.FOR ($Id: nlapp.for,v 2.414 2002/07/18 15:32)\r\n", "# time of creation Fri Mar 25 19:58:10 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615 2000/03/08 19:00:32 cvs Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## begin History of parent 1/1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "668 \r\n", " \r\n", "##### begin File /cygdrive/c/FTP/AE160207/160207B1.CXS created by RWASPC.FOR ($Id: rwaspc.for,v 2.607 2005/08/19 15:2)\r\n", "# time of creation Sun Feb 7 00:03:11 2016\n", "\r\n", "S/W: WATCOM FORTRAN 77, 32-bit compiler, DMV I/O\r\n", "# OHWHIO Version : OHWHIO v20000308 $State: Exp $ $Id: ohwhio.c,v 2.615.2.1 2005/06/02 19:35:11 benh Exp $ $Name: $\r\n", "# OHWHIO Copyright : Copyright 1994-1995 UW MSN Space Science & Engineering Center \r\n", "# RGD data object version : $Id: rgdstruc.c,v 2.608 2000/01/27 19:33:12 cvs Exp $\r\n", "## end History of parent 1 of 160207B1.CXV\r\n", "## end History of parent 5 of 160207B1.RLC\r\n", "## end History of parent 2 of 160207C1.RLC\r\n", "" ; :experiment = "Integrated Characterization of Energy, Clouds, Atmospheric State, and Precipitation at Summit (ICECAPS), PIs are Ralf Bennartz, Matthew Shupe, David Turner and Von P. Walden" ; :contact = "Von P. Walden (" ; :reference_project = "Shupe et al. (2013), Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00249.1." ; :date_created = "25-Mar-2016" ; :processing_version = "Tag: v1.1\n", "100644 e23215eadb5368bd0747b0ba89789731769c6e66 0 .gitignore\n", "100644 f8a584ab17abdf9cd6bca88718d934c2317ab825 0\n", "100644 a2df48313c3bc789fa720d0653dd77668aa43fc5 0 octave/PC/paeriPC.m\n", "100644 4665a353254152ec2d5bed761365b3f881d23e4a 0 octave/PC/paeri_pcfilter.m\n", "100644 756e84026c450d8709d3fd48ba50a95ea608777e 0 octave/PC/paeri_pcfilter_driver.m\n", "100644 d6454351d37da104309f472f7fcbe5acf61cd613 0 octave/QC/apodizer.m\n", "100644 11f89f4f259125b0b412a574996b47640c0157ba 0 octave/QC/attribute_list.m\n", "100644 158a32a792de805f875e060d9e08c32c178c6084 0 octave/QC/cdfNewDim.m\n", "100644 6909ab4cc9d0dee6c2d80d3400e63f32597d4f4a 0 octave/QC/cdfNewDimSum.m\n", "100644 61a5cc6f86d26f89afe990f35887b7ca8c7e0cbd 0 octave/QC/paeriQC.m\n", "100644 315058a765042ad8efc9e8bb08ff7e8313e3a9c8 0 octave/QC/paeriQC_Flags.m\n", "100644 e7eb2c85bcd57bd4f8d2a12b25e38032b2163b38 0 octave/RM/AERI_process_amun_short.m\n", "100644 853afe955ebb86e8826faf71c04441f7f6820f13 0 octave/RM/BBemissCorr.m\n", "100644 c40ca6bceeb50f5b3495852114454997f3fd17c1 0 octave/RM/applyRM.m\n", "100644 a31fc55832bc8c7ed034634cdc7567d9eb60a251 0 octave/RM/applyRMch2.m\n", "100644 f4b6d047e6b6fcd8693834f7cdc0117312af0711 0 octave/RM/brightnessT.m\n", "100644 8ada97431b69f27cda5d49341edf616a3c24796f 0 octave/RM/doAericalv.m\n", "100644 b24a49a6a2c320a96d0f6052ef36bb2afef89fc3 0 octave/RM/ffovcmr_v2.m\n", "100644 e781151beb41e312b8f883dc0a5ea3f9ee1096d8 0 octave/RM/ft.m\n", "100644 3931010a2cdd149376157017a1773716dd7a6ba5 0 octave/RM/getWN_ELW.m\n", "100644 0bb5011dd63f3be38c934cb9fbfa2290abcd906d 0 octave/RM/get_aeri_bb_emis.m\n", "100644 08c4b9da4de413a39dfa02c4009e7c15a77c37a0 0 octave/RM/ift.m\n", "100644 e01c50833d705341600cd3645ff1c33a753c1782 0 octave/RM/paeriRM.m\n", "100644 7aacfff44299213f00274884df222bc44db39484 0 octave/RM/plancknu.m\n", "100644 f8080204b73484a8dbfff4395b4a776f8f4dbad0 0 octave/dmvtocdf_any.m\n", "100644 a461fcef6be46355ff945f7210eb0b94a5b0179b 0 octave/rd_netcdf.m\n", "100644 b7c9a1dacda50f7ff1e1b2f8a4e497e94bf63d76 0 octave/zfli/cdfNewSingleDataType.m\n", "100644 e15b7f834ee201cd8b38a303630caee0ea91dfee 0 octave/zfli/paeriZfli.m\n", "100644 51902522a0371e9637444cda288b6a684b9f1fd3 0 octave/zfli/zfliDriver_amun1.m\n", "100644 e6ad264fe530b4fcd0dd72f4eb44c3dcf6939add 0 octave/zfli/zfli_mat.m" ; :missing_data_flag = "-9999" ; :site_id = "smt" ; :facility_id = "X1: Summit, Greenland" ; :FFOVhalfAngle = "0.0230 radians" ; :FFOVhalfAngle_description = "Field of view half angle used in finite FOV correction" ; :description = "This dataset contains calibrated and quality-controlled Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) infrared spectral radiances [mW(m^2 sr cm^-1)^-1]. These spectra have also been noise-filtered using a Principal Components (PC) technique. See the reference_datastream global attribute for references. Environment and instrument related metadata are also included." ; :originalLaserWavenumber = "15799.05" ; :originalLaserWavenumber_description = "Original laser wavenumber assumed for this instrument" ; :outputLaserWavenumber = "15799.00" ; :outputLaserWavenumber_description = "Laser wavenumber used in definition of output wavenumber scale" ; :originalInterferogramSize = "8192.0" ; :originalInterferogramSize_description = "Size of buffer holding initial spectrum" ; :expandedInterferogramSize = "131072.0" ; :expandedInterferogramSize_description = "Size of buffer holding expanded spectrum before interpolation" ; :reference_datastream = "Antonelli et al. (2004) J. Geophys. Res., 109, D23102, doi:10.1029/2004JD00482 -and- Turner et al. (2006) J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 23, 1223-1238, doi:10.1175/JTECH1906.1." ; }