netcdf twpaerich1C2.b1.20090212.000232 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (3328 currently) wnum = 2655 ; wnum2 = 3070 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "12-Feb-2009,0:02:32 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2009-02-12 00:02:32 0:00" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2009-02-12 00:00:00 0:00" ; int qc_time(time) ; qc_time:long_name = "Results of quality checks on sample time" ; qc_time:units = "unitless" ; qc_time:description = "The qc_time values are calculated by comparing each sample\n", "time with the previous time (i.e. delta_t = t[n] - t[n-1]).\n", "If the \'qc_check_prior\' flag is set the first sample time\n", "from a new raw file will be compared against the time just\n", "previous to it in the stored data. If the \'qc_check_prior\'\n", "flag is not set the qc_time value for the first sample time\n", "will be set to 0\n", "\n", "The qc_time bit values are as follows:\n", "=========================================================\n", "0x0 = delta time is within the specified range\n", "0x1 = delta time is equal to 0, duplicate sample times\n", "0x2 = delta time is less than the \'delta_t_lower_limit\'\n", "0x4 = delta time is greater than the \'delta_t_upper_limit\'\n", "\n", "" ; qc_time:prior_sample_flag = 0 ; qc_time:delta_t_lower_limit = 10 ; qc_time:delta_t_upper_limit = 120 ; float Time_UTC_hours(time) ; Time_UTC_hours:long_name = "Time at center of AERI sky observation period" ; Time_UTC_hours:units = "hours since 2009-02-12 00:00:00 0:00 GMT" ; Time_UTC_hours:resolution = 0.0001f ; Time_UTC_hours:missing_value = -9999.f ; float timeHHMMSS(time) ; timeHHMMSS:long_name = "Time at center of AERI sky observation period" ; timeHHMMSS:units = "HHMMSS" ; timeHHMMSS:resolution = 1.f ; timeHHMMSS:missing_value = -9999.f ; float dateYYMMDD(time) ; dateYYMMDD:long_name = "Observation date" ; dateYYMMDD:units = "YYMMDD" ; dateYYMMDD:resolution = 1.f ; dateYYMMDD:missing_value = -9999.f ; float JulianDay(time) ; JulianDay:long_name = "Julian Day including day and fraction of day" ; JulianDay:units = "days" ; JulianDay:resolution = 1.e-05f ; JulianDay:missing_value = -9999.f ; float AERIunitNumber(time) ; AERIunitNumber:long_name = "AERI instrument unit serial number" ; AERIunitNumber:units = "unitless" ; AERIunitNumber:resolution = 1.f ; AERIunitNumber:missing_value = -9999.f ; float instrumentUnitNumber(time) ; instrumentUnitNumber:long_name = "Character string containing instrument name" ; instrumentUnitNumber:units = "unitless" ; instrumentUnitNumber:resolution = 0.f ; instrumentUnitNumber:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Latitude(time) ; Latitude:long_name = "Observation latitude" ; Latitude:units = "deg" ; Latitude:resolution = 0.01f ; Latitude:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Longitude(time) ; Longitude:long_name = "Observation longitude" ; Longitude:units = "deg" ; Longitude:resolution = 0.01f ; Longitude:missing_value = -9999.f ; float Altitude(time) ; Altitude:long_name = "Observation Altitude" ; Altitude:units = "m" ; Altitude:resolution = 1.f ; Altitude:missing_value = -9999.f ; float systemReleaseNumber(time) ; systemReleaseNumber:long_name = "Version number of Operational Software" ; systemReleaseNumber:units = "unitless" ; systemReleaseNumber:resolution = 0.001f ; systemReleaseNumber:missing_value = -9999.f ; float sceneViewDuration(time) ; sceneViewDuration:long_name = "Duration of scene view" ; sceneViewDuration:units = "s" ; sceneViewDuration:resolution = 1.f ; sceneViewDuration:missing_value = -9999.f ; float outsideAirTemp(time) ; outsideAirTemp:long_name = "Ambient air temperature at hatch opening" ; outsideAirTemp:units = "K" ; outsideAirTemp:resolution = 0.001f ; outsideAirTemp:missing_value = -9999.f ; float BBsupportStructureTemp(time) ; BBsupportStructureTemp:long_name = "Temperature of the AERI blackbody support structure" ; BBsupportStructureTemp:units = "K" ; BBsupportStructureTemp:resolution = 0.001f ; BBsupportStructureTemp:missing_value = -9999.f ; float atmosphericRelativeHumidity(time) ; atmosphericRelativeHumidity:long_name = "Relative humidity measured near Blackbodies. Use with Air Temperature Near BBs only." ; atmosphericRelativeHumidity:units = "% RH" ; atmosphericRelativeHumidity:resolution = 0.1f ; atmosphericRelativeHumidity:missing_value = -9999.f ; float atmosphericPressure(time) ; atmosphericPressure:long_name = "Observation atmospheric pressure in AERI electronics" ; atmosphericPressure:units = "hPa" ; atmosphericPressure:resolution = 0.1f ; atmosphericPressure:missing_value = -9999.f ; float sceneMirrorAngle(time) ; sceneMirrorAngle:long_name = "Scene mirror view angle in non-negative degrees, measured clockwise looking into interferometer window" ; sceneMirrorAngle:units = "deg" ; sceneMirrorAngle:resolution = 0.01f ; sceneMirrorAngle:missing_value = -9999.f ; float hatchOpen(time) ; hatchOpen:long_name = "Hatch Open Flag" ; hatchOpen:units = "Boolean with negative error conditions: 1:Open 0:Closed -1:Fault -2:Outside Valid Range -3:Neither Open Nor Closed" ; hatchOpen:resolution = 1.f ; hatchOpen:missing_value = -9999.f ; float channelNumber(time) ; channelNumber:long_name = "AERI instrument data channel number" ; channelNumber:units = "unitless" ; channelNumber:resolution = 1.f ; channelNumber:missing_value = -9999.f ; float calibrationAmbientTemp(time) ; calibrationAmbientTemp:long_name = "Ambient temperature used in calibration" ; calibrationAmbientTemp:units = "K" ; calibrationAmbientTemp:resolution = 0.001f ; calibrationAmbientTemp:missing_value = -9999.f ; float calibrationCBBtemp(time) ; calibrationCBBtemp:long_name = "Cold blackbody temperature used in calibration" ; calibrationCBBtemp:units = "K" ; calibrationCBBtemp:resolution = 0.001f ; calibrationCBBtemp:missing_value = -9999.f ; float calibrationHBBtemp(time) ; calibrationHBBtemp:long_name = "Hot blackbody temperature used in calibration" ; calibrationHBBtemp:units = "K" ; calibrationHBBtemp:resolution = 0.001f ; calibrationHBBtemp:missing_value = -9999.f ; float calibratedSceneID(time) ; calibratedSceneID:long_name = "Calibrated Scene Type Identification" ; calibratedSceneID:units = "unitless" ; calibratedSceneID:resolution = 1.f ; calibratedSceneID:missing_value = -9999.f ; float sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift(time) ; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift:long_name = "Scene Mirror Position Encoder Maximum Drift" ; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift:units = "steps" ; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift:resolution = 0.1f ; sceneMirPosEncoderMaxDrift:missing_value = -9999.f ; float wnum(wnum) ; wnum:long_name = "Wave number in reciprocal centimeters" ; wnum:units = "cm^-1" ; wnum:resolution = 1000000.f ; wnum:missing_value = -9999.f ; wnum:range_of_values = "[520.236847 1799.855560]" ; wnum:independent_interval = "0.482147" ; float mean_rad(time, wnum) ; mean_rad:long_name = "Downwelling radiance interpolated to standard wavenumber scale" ; mean_rad:units = "mW/(m^2 sr cm^-1)" ; mean_rad:resolution = 10000.f ; mean_rad:missing_value = -9999.f ; float wnum2(wnum2) ; wnum2:long_name = "Wave number in reciprocal centimeters" ; wnum2:units = "cm^-1" ; wnum2:resolution = 1000000.f ; wnum2:missing_value = -9999.f ; wnum2:range_of_values = "[520.236847 2000.012234]" ; wnum2:independent_interval = "0.482169" ; float standard_dev_mean_rad(time, wnum2) ; standard_dev_mean_rad:long_name = "Difference between the sky view\'s radiance variance and the hot black body view\'s variance" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:units = "(mW/(m^2 sr cm^-1))^2" ; standard_dev_mean_rad:resolution = 10000.f ; standard_dev_mean_rad:missing_value = -9999.f ; float missingDataFlag(time) ; missingDataFlag:long_name = "Logical flag indicating that a data record is missing (true/false)" ; missingDataFlag:units = "unitless" ; missingDataFlag:resolution = 1.f ; missingDataFlag:missing_value = -9999.f ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "north latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees" ; lat:valid_min = -90.f ; lat:valid_max = 90.f ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "east longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees" ; lon:valid_min = -180.f ; lon:valid_max = 180.f ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "meters above Mean Sea Level" ; // global attributes: :ingest_version = "process-ingest-aeri_ingest-8.0-0" ; :libingest_version = "ds-dsutil-ingest_lib-1.7-0" ; :libdslibc_version = "ds-dslib-c_lib-1.2-0" ; :libdsdb_version = "database-dsdb-c_lib-1.2-0" ; :ingest_software = " aeri_ingest.c,v 2.4 2006/10/28 07:30:11 ermold process-ingest-aeri_ingest-8.0-0 $" ; :proc_level = "b1" ; :input_source = "/data/collection/twp/twpaeriC2.00/090212.SUM" ; :site_id = "twp" ; :facility_id = "C2: Denigomodu, Nauru Island" ; :resolution_description = "The resolution field attributes refer to the number of significant\n", "digits relative to the decimal point that should be used in\n", "calculations. Using fewer digits might result in greater uncertainty;\n", "using a larger number of digits should have no effect and thus is\n", "unnecessary. However, analyses based on differences in values with\n", "a larger number of significant digits than indicated could lead to\n", "erroneous results or misleading scientific conclusions.\n", "\n", "resolution for lat= 0.001\n", "resolution for lon = 0.001\n", "resolution for alt = 1" ; :comment = "The time assigned to each data point indicates the center of any period of averaging of the geophysical state" ; :comment_on_time = "The time assigned to each data point is identical to the Time and timeHHMMSS fields" ; :averaging_int = "Use sceneViewDuration" ; :Ingest_OHWHIO_version = "$State: Release2_601 $" ; :Instrument_OHWHIO_version = "$State: Exp $" ; :sample_int = "about 20 seconds" ; :dateYYMMDD = "90212.0 YYMMDD" ; :dateYYMMDD_description = "Observation date" ; :FFOVhalfAngle = "0.0230 radians" ; :FFOVhalfAngle_description = "Field of view half angle used in finite FOV correction" ; :originalLaserWavenumber = "15799.2998 cm-1" ; :originalLaserWavenumber_description = "Original laser wavenumber assumed for this instrument" ; :outputLaserWavenumber = "15799.0000 cm-1" ; :outputLaserWavenumber_description = "Laser wavenumber used in definition of output wavenumber scale" ; :originalInterferogramSize = "8192.0 32-bit words" ; :originalInterferogramSize_description = "Size of buffer holding initial spectrum" ; :expandedInterferogramSize = "131072.0 32-bit words" ; :expandedInterferogramSize_description = "Size of buffer holding expanded spectrum before interpolation" ; :serial_number = "9" ; :zeb_platform = "twpaerich1C2.b1" ; :history = "created by user dsmgr on machine ruby at 13-Feb-2009,8:37:19, using $State: ds-zebra-zeblib-4.16-0 $" ; }