netcdf twparmbecldradC2.c1.20100101.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (8760 currently) height = 512 ; range = 2 ; variables: double base_time ; base_time:long_name = "Base time in Epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; base_time:string = "01/01/10 00:00:00, GMT" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2010-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight " ; time:units = "seconds since 2010-1-1 0:00:00 0:00" ; time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ; time:axis = "T" ; time:bounds = "time_bounds" ; double time_bounds(time, range) ; time_bounds:long_name = "Time range for the hourly averages, in time offset from midnight" ; time_bounds:units = "seconds since 2010-1-1 00:00:00.00, GMT" ; float time_frac(time) ; time_frac:long_name = "calendar day fraction of the year 2010" ; time_frac:units = "days since 2009-12-31" ; time_frac:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ; float lon ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; float lat ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_south" ; float alt ; alt:long_name = "Altitude above mean sea level" ; alt:standard_name = "altitude" ; alt:units = "m" ; float height(height) ; height:long_name = "height above ground level" ; height:standard_name = "height" ; height:units = "m" ; height:axis = "Z" ; height:positive = "up" ; float cld_frac(time, height) ; cld_frac:long_name = "Cloud Fraction based on MMCR and MPL, hourly mean" ; cld_frac:standard_name = "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer" ; cld_frac:units = "%" ; cld_frac:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_frac:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_frac:source = "ARSCL, 10s data " ; float cld_frac_MMCR(time, height) ; cld_frac_MMCR:long_name = "Cloud Fraction based on MMCR, hourly mean" ; cld_frac_MMCR:standard_name = "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer" ; cld_frac_MMCR:units = "%" ; cld_frac_MMCR:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_frac_MMCR:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_frac_MMCR:source = "ARSCL, 10s data" ; float cld_frac_MPL(time, height) ; cld_frac_MPL:long_name = "Cloud Fraction based on MPL, hourly mean" ; cld_frac_MPL:standard_name = "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer" ; cld_frac_MPL:units = "%" ; cld_frac_MPL:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_frac_MPL:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_frac_MPL:source = "ARSCL, 10s data" ; float qc_cld_frac(time, height) ; qc_cld_frac:long_name = "Data Quality Check for cld_frac" ; qc_cld_frac:units = "unitless" ; qc_cld_frac:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float qc_cld_frac_source(time) ; qc_cld_frac_source:long_name = "Data Quality Flag for cld_frac source, indicating most prevailing data source as MMCR, MPL or both" ; qc_cld_frac_source:units = "unitless" ; qc_cld_frac_source:comment = "1 -- mostly from both MMCR and MPL, 2 -- mostly from MMCR, 3 -- mostly from MPL, < 0 -- missing" ; float qc_cld_base_source(time) ; qc_cld_base_source:long_name = "Data Quality Flag indicating cloud base based on lidar/ceilometer versus MMCR" ; qc_cld_base_source:units = "unitless" ; qc_cld_base_source:comment = "0 -- 50% or more data from lidar/ceilometer, -1 -- 30% to 50% data from lidar/ceilometer, -2 -- 10% to 30% data from ;lidar/ceilometer, -3 -- less than 10% from lidar/ceilometer, -4 -- no cloud detected, -5 -- missing value" ; float tot_cld(time) ; tot_cld:long_name = "Total Cloud Fraction based on MMCR/MPL, narrow field-of-view, hourly mean" ; tot_cld:standard_name = " " ; tot_cld:units = " " ; tot_cld:missing_value = -9999.f ; tot_cld:_FillValue = -9999.f ; tot_cld:source = "ARSCL, 10s data " ; float qc_tot_cld(time) ; qc_tot_cld:long_name = "Data Quality Check for tot_cld" ; qc_tot_cld:units = "unitless" ; qc_tot_cld:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float swdn(time) ; swdn:long_name = "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, best estimate, hourly mean" ; swdn:standard_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air" ; swdn:units = "W/m2" ; swdn:missing_value = -9999.f ; swdn:_FillValue = -9999.f ; swdn:source = "QCRAD, 1min data" ; float stdev_swdn(time) ; stdev_swdn:long_name = "Standard deviation of Downwelling SW over the hour time period" ; stdev_swdn:units = "W/m2" ; stdev_swdn:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_swdn:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_swdn(time) ; qc_swdn:long_name = "Data Quality Check for swdn" ; qc_swdn:units = "unitless" ; qc_swdn:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float swdif(time) ; swdif:long_name = "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, hourly mean" ; swdif:standard_name = " " ; swdif:units = "W/m2" ; swdif:missing_value = -9999.f ; swdif:_FillValue = -9999.f ; swdif:source = "derived from swdn and swdir" ; float stdev_swdif(time) ; stdev_swdif:long_name = "Standard deviation of Downwelling SW Diffuse over the hour time period" ; stdev_swdif:units = "W/m2" ; stdev_swdif:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_swdif:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_swdif(time) ; qc_swdif:long_name = "Data Quality Check for swdif" ; qc_swdif:units = "unitless" ; qc_swdif:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float swdir(time) ; swdir:long_name = "Surface Direct Shortwave Irradiance: direct normal component of SW * the cosine of solar zenith angle, hourly mean" ; swdir:standard_name = " " ; swdir:units = "W/m2" ; swdir:missing_value = -9999.f ; swdir:_FillValue = -9999.f ; swdir:source = "QCRAD, 1min data" ; float stdev_swdir(time) ; stdev_swdir:long_name = "Standard deviation of direct SW over the hour time period" ; stdev_swdir:units = "W/m2" ; stdev_swdir:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_swdir:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_swdir(time) ; qc_swdir:long_name = "Data Quality Check for swdir" ; qc_swdir:units = "unitless" ; qc_swdir:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float swup(time) ; swup:long_name = "Surface Upwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, hourly mean" ; swup:standard_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air" ; swup:units = "W/m2" ; swup:missing_value = -9999.f ; swup:_FillValue = -9999.f ; swup:source = "QCRAD, 1min data" ; float stdev_swup(time) ; stdev_swup:long_name = "Standard deviation of Upwelling SW over the hour time period" ; stdev_swup:units = "W/m2" ; stdev_swup:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_swup:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_swup(time) ; qc_swup:long_name = "Data Quality Check for swup" ; qc_swup:units = "unitless" ; qc_swup:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float lwdn(time) ; lwdn:long_name = "Surface Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, hourly mean" ; lwdn:standard_name = "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air" ; lwdn:units = "W/m2" ; lwdn:missing_value = -9999.f ; lwdn:_FillValue = -9999.f ; lwdn:source = "QCRAD, 1min data" ; float stdev_lwdn(time) ; stdev_lwdn:long_name = "Standard deviation of Downwelling LW over the hour time period" ; stdev_lwdn:units = "W/m2" ; stdev_lwdn:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_lwdn:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_lwdn(time) ; qc_lwdn:long_name = "Data Quality Check for lwdn" ; qc_lwdn:units = "unitless" ; qc_lwdn:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float lwup(time) ; lwup:long_name = "Surface Upwelling (10 meter) Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, hourly mean" ; lwup:standard_name = "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air" ; lwup:units = "W/m2" ; lwup:missing_value = -9999.f ; lwup:_FillValue = -9999.f ; lwup:source = "QCRAD, 1min data" ; float stdev_lwup(time) ; stdev_lwup:long_name = "Standard deviation of Upwelling LW over the hour time period" ; stdev_lwup:units = "W/m2" ; stdev_lwup:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_lwup:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_lwup(time) ; qc_lwup:long_name = "Data Quality Check for lwup" ; qc_lwup:units = "unitless" ; qc_lwup:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float pwv(time) ; pwv:long_name = "Precipitable water vapor best-estimate value, hourly mean" ; pwv:standard_name = " " ; pwv:units = "cm" ; pwv:missing_value = -9999.f ; pwv:_FillValue = -9999.f ; pwv:source = "MWRRET, ~30s data" ; float stdev_pwv(time) ; stdev_pwv:long_name = "Standard deviation of Precipitable water vapor over the hour time period" ; stdev_pwv:units = "cm" ; stdev_pwv:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_pwv:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_pwv(time) ; qc_pwv:long_name = "Data Quality Check for pwv" ; qc_pwv:units = "unitless" ; qc_pwv:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float lwp(time) ; lwp:long_name = "Liquid water path best-estimate value, hourly mean" ; lwp:standard_name = "atmosphere_cloud_liquid_water_content" ; lwp:units = "g/m2" ; lwp:missing_value = -9999.f ; lwp:_FillValue = -9999.f ; lwp:source = "MWRRET, ~30s data" ; float stdev_lwp(time) ; stdev_lwp:long_name = "Standard deviation of Liquid water path best-estimate over the hour time period" ; stdev_lwp:units = "g/m2" ; stdev_lwp:missing_value = -9999.f ; stdev_lwp:_FillValue = -9999.f ; float qc_lwp(time) ; qc_lwp:long_name = "Data Quality Check for lwp" ; qc_lwp:units = "unitless" ; qc_lwp:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; float tot_cld_tsi(time) ; tot_cld_tsi:long_name = "Total Cloud Fraction, from Total Sky Imager, 100 degree FOV, hourly mean" ; tot_cld_tsi:units = " " ; tot_cld_tsi:missing_value = -9999.f ; tot_cld_tsi:_FillValue = -9999.f ; tot_cld_tsi:source = "TSI, ~30s data" ; float qc_tot_cld_tsi(time) ; qc_tot_cld_tsi:long_name = "Data Quality Check for tot_cld_tsi" ; qc_tot_cld_tsi:units = "unitless" ; qc_tot_cld_tsi:comment = "0 -- calculated from more than 50% valid points, -1 -- calculated with valid points between 30% and 50%, -2 -- valid points between 10% and 30%, -3 -- less than 10% valid points, -4 -- no valid data" ; qc_tot_cld_tsi:source = "TSI, ~30s data" ; float lw_net_TOA(time) ; lw_net_TOA:long_name = "TOA LW flux, upward positive" ; lw_net_TOA:standard_name = "toa_net_upward_longwave_flux" ; lw_net_TOA:units = "W/m2" ; lw_net_TOA:missing_value = -9999.f ; lw_net_TOA:_FillValue = -9999.f ; lw_net_TOA:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float sw_net_TOA(time) ; sw_net_TOA:long_name = "TOA net SW flux, downward positive" ; sw_net_TOA:standard_name = "toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux" ; sw_net_TOA:units = "W/m2" ; sw_net_TOA:missing_value = -9999.f ; sw_net_TOA:_FillValue = -9999.f ; sw_net_TOA:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float sw_dn_TOA(time) ; sw_dn_TOA:long_name = "TOA solar insolation" ; sw_dn_TOA:standard_name = "toa_incoming_shortwave_flux" ; sw_dn_TOA:units = "W/m2" ; sw_dn_TOA:missing_value = -9999.f ; sw_dn_TOA:_FillValue = -9999.f ; sw_dn_TOA:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float cld_low(time) ; cld_low:long_name = "Satellite-measured low level cloud" ; cld_low:standard_name = " " ; cld_low:units = "%" ; cld_low:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_low:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_low:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float cld_mid(time) ; cld_mid:long_name = "Satellite-measured middle level cloud" ; cld_mid:standard_name = " " ; cld_mid:units = "%" ; cld_mid:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_mid:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_mid:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float cld_high(time) ; cld_high:long_name = "Satellite-measured high level cloud" ; cld_high:standard_name = " " ; cld_high:units = "%" ; cld_high:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_high:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_high:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float cld_tot(time) ; cld_tot:long_name = "Satellite-measured total cloud" ; cld_tot:standard_name = "cloud_area_fraction" ; cld_tot:units = "%" ; cld_tot:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_tot:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_tot:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float cld_thick(time) ; cld_thick:long_name = "Satellite-measured cloud thickness" ; cld_thick:standard_name = " " ; cld_thick:units = "km" ; cld_thick:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_thick:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_thick:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; float cld_top(time) ; cld_top:long_name = "Satellite-measured cloud top" ; cld_top:standard_name = "cloud_top_altitude" ; cld_top:units = "km" ; cld_top:missing_value = -9999.f ; cld_top:_FillValue = -9999.f ; cld_top:source = "GOES, NASA - Langley VISST product, 30min data" ; // global attributes: :conventions = "CF-1.0" ; :title = "ARM Best Estimate (ARMBE) Product, cloud and radiation: armbecldrad, formerly known as cmbe_cldrad" ; :description = "ARM Best Estimate hourly averaged qc controlled product, derived from ARM observational Value Added Product data: ARSCL, MWRRET, QCRAD, TSI, and satellite; see source_* for the names of original files used in calculation of this product" ; :location = "TWP, C2; lon = 166.9 E, lat = 0.5 S, alt = 7.1 m MSL" ; :averaging_interval = "60 min" ; :references = "" ; :date_created = "Wed Sep 26 23:13:36 2012 UTC" ; :institution = "Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, USA" ; :software = "IDL program, R.B.McCoy, LLNL," ; :program_name = "proc_cmbe_cldrad_v2_3_twpv2_2" ; :source = "ARM VAPs: ARSCL, MWRRET, QCRAD, TSI, satellite" ; :source_arscl = "twparscl1clothC2.c1.2010*.cdf" ; :source_mwrret = "twpmwrret1liljclouC2.s1.2010*.cdf" ; :source_qcrad = "twpqcrad1longC2.s1.2010*.cdf" ; :source_tsi = "twptsiskycoverC2.b1.2010*.cdf" ; :source_satellite = "twpvisstgrid*.2010*.cdf" ; :data_arscle = " " ; :data_mwrret = "TWP.C2_cmbe_cldrad_v2.1 -- /mccoy20_data4/BestEstimates/MWRRET/twpmwrret1liljclouC2.s1_201006" ; :data_qcrad = "TWP.C2_cmbe_cldrad_v2.1 -- " ; :data_tsi = "TWP.C2_cmbe_cldrad_v2.1 -- /mccoy20_data4/BestEstimates/TSI/twptsiskycoverC2.b1_201006" ; :data_satellite = " " ; :dates_missing_arscl = " 20100101-20101231" ; :dates_missing_mwrret = " 20100410-20101231" ; :dates_missing_qcrad = " 20100611-20101231" ; :dates_missing_tsi = " 20100613-20101231" ; :dates_missing_satellite = " 20100101-20101231" ; :date_created_arscl_last_file = " " ; :version_arscl_last_file = " " ; :date_created_mwrret_last_file = "Sat Apr 17 08:06:49 2010 GMT" ; :history_mwrret_last_file = "$Id: aer_mwr_retrieval.c,v 1.63 2010/01/14 19:51:29 gaustad Exp gaustad $" ; :date_created_qcrad_last_file = "$State: vap-qcrad1long-4.6-0.sol5_10 $" ; :version_qcrad_last_file = "created by user dsmgr on machine garnet at 11-Jun-2010,6:14:06, using $State: zebra-zeblib-4.20-0.el5 $" ; :history_tsi_last_file = "created by user dsmgr on machine ruby at 12-Jun-2010,2:45:50, using $State: ds-zebra-zeblib-4.16-0 $" ; :date_created_sat_last_file = " " ; :version_sat_last_file = " " ; :history_sat_last_file = " " ; :site_id = "twp" ; :facility_id = "C2" ; :qc_standards_version = "0.1" ; :dod_version = "1.0" ; :process_version = "v2.2b" ; :input_datastreams = "twpcmbe_cldrad_v2.2a_C2" ; :input_datastreams_num = "1" ; :input_datastreams_description = "A string consisting of the datastream(s), datastream version(s), and datastream date (range)." ; :postprocessing_description = "metadata changes to meet required ARM standards" ; :postprocessing_date = "Thu Oct 11 22:58:52 2012 UTC" ; :postprocessing_commnd = "cmbe_cldrad_to_armbecldrad" ; :postprocessing_svn_tag = "9455" ; :doi = "10.5439/1039929" ; :doi_url = "" ; :suggested_citation = "see" ; :postprocessing_description_2 = "corrected qc flag description for qc_cld_frac_source and qc_cld_base_source" ; :postprocessing_date_2 = "Fri Sep 6 00:38:13 2013 UTC" ; :postprocessing_commnd_2 = "correct_qc_in_armbecldrad" ; :postprocessing_svn_tag_2 = "9626" ; :history = "postprocessed by user mccoy20 on machine at Fri Sep 6 00:38:13 2013, using IDL program correct_qc_in_armbecldrad" ; }