netcdf twparscl1clothC2.c1.20090214.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (8640 currently) nheights = 512 ; numlayers = 10 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:long_name = "Beginning Time of File" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 00:00" ; base_time:calendar_date = "Year 2009 Month 02 Day 14 00:00:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time Offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds" ; time_offset:comment = "none" ; float Heights(nheights) ; Heights:long_name = "Height of Measured Value" ; Heights:units = "m AGL" ; Heights:comment = "none" ; short Reflectivity(time, nheights) ; Reflectivity:long_name = "MMCR Reflectivity" ; Reflectivity:units = "dBZ (X100)" ; Reflectivity:comment = "Divide Reflectivity by 100 to get dBZ" ; short ReflectivityNoClutter(time, nheights) ; ReflectivityNoClutter:long_name = "MMCR Reflectivity with Clutter Removed" ; ReflectivityNoClutter:units = "dBZ (X100)" ; ReflectivityNoClutter:comment = "Divide ReflectivityNoClutter by 100 to get dBZ" ; short ReflectivityBestEstimate(time, nheights) ; ReflectivityBestEstimate:long_name = "MMCR Best Estimate of Hydrometeor Reflectivity" ; ReflectivityBestEstimate:units = "dBZ (X100)" ; ReflectivityBestEstimate:comment = "Divide ReflectivityBestEstimate by 100 to get dBZ" ; short MeanDopplerVelocity(time, nheights) ; MeanDopplerVelocity:long_name = "MMCR Mean Doppler Velocity" ; MeanDopplerVelocity:units = "m/s (X1000)" ; MeanDopplerVelocity:comment = "Divide MeanDopplerVelocity by 1000 to get m/s" ; short SpectralWidth(time, nheights) ; SpectralWidth:long_name = "MMCR Spectral Width" ; SpectralWidth:units = "m/s (X1000)" ; SpectralWidth:comment = "Divide SpectralWidth by 1000 to get m/s" ; float RadarFirstTop(time) ; RadarFirstTop:long_name = "MMCR Top Height of Lowest Detected Layer before Clutter Removal" ; RadarFirstTop:units = "m AGL" ; RadarFirstTop:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, 0. No significant detection in column, > 0. Top Height of Lowest Cloud/Clutter Layer" ; char ModeId(time, nheights) ; ModeId:long_name = "MMCR Mode I.D." ; ModeId:units = "unitless" ; ModeId:comment = "0 No significant power return, 1-5 Valid modes, 10 Data do not exist" ; short SignaltoNoiseRatio(time, nheights) ; SignaltoNoiseRatio:long_name = "MMCR Signal-to-Noise Ratio" ; SignaltoNoiseRatio:units = "dB (X100)" ; SignaltoNoiseRatio:comment = "Divide SignaltoNoiseRatio by 100 to get dB" ; float CloudBasePrecipitation(time) ; CloudBasePrecipitation:long_name = "Microwave Radiometer Wet Window/Optical Rain Gauge Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBasePrecipitation:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBasePrecipitation:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; float CloudBaseCeilometerStd(time) ; CloudBaseCeilometerStd:long_name = "BLC/VCEIL Standard Algorithm Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBaseCeilometerStd:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBaseCeilometerStd:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; float CloudBaseCeilometerCloth(time) ; CloudBaseCeilometerCloth:long_name = "BLC/VCEIL Wang and Sassen Algorithm Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBaseCeilometerCloth:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBaseCeilometerCloth:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; float CloudBaseMplZwang(time) ; CloudBaseMplZwang:long_name = "MPL Wang and Sassen Algorithm Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBaseMplZwang:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBaseMplZwang:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; float CloudBaseBestEstimate(time) ; CloudBaseBestEstimate:long_name = "LASER Cloud Base Height Best Estimate" ; CloudBaseBestEstimate:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBaseBestEstimate:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; short CloudMaskMplZwang(time, nheights) ; CloudMaskMplZwang:long_name = "MPL Wang and Sassen Algorithm Cloud Mask Occurrence" ; CloudMaskMplZwang:units = "Percent(x100)" ; CloudMaskMplZwang:comment = "-30000 Data do not exist, -20000 Beam blocked, -10000 Beam attenuated, 0 No cloud (clear), > 0 Valid cloud percent occurrence (x 100) during time interval." ; float CloudLayerBottomHeightMplZwang(time, numlayers) ; CloudLayerBottomHeightMplZwang:long_name = "Bottom Height of Hydrometeor Layer from Composite (MMCR/Wang and Sassen MPL) Algorithms" ; CloudLayerBottomHeightMplZwang:units = "m AGL" ; CloudLayerBottomHeightMplZwang:comment = "none" ; float CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang(time, numlayers) ; CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang:long_name = "Top Height of Hydrometeor Layer from Composite (MMCR/Wang and Sassen MPL) Algorithms" ; CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang:units = "m AGL" ; CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang:comment = "none" ; char qc_RadarArtifacts(time, nheights) ; qc_RadarArtifacts:long_name = "MMCR Mode Quality Control Flags" ; qc_RadarArtifacts:units = "unitless" ; qc_RadarArtifacts:comment = "0 No significant power return, 1 Significant, problem free data, 2 Second trip echo problems, 3 Coherent integration problems, 4 Second trip echo and coherent integration problems, 5 Pulse coding problems, 10 Data do not exist" ; char qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag(time, nheights) ; qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag:long_name = "MMCR Reflectivity Clutter Flags" ; qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag:units = "unitless" ; qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag:comment = "0 No significant power return, 1 Significant, problem free data, 2 Clutter and cloud contribution, 3 Clutter only contribution, 10 Data do not exist" ; float qc_CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang(time, numlayers) ; qc_CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang:long_name = "Value Indicating the Reliability of the Layer Top Height from Composite (MMCR/Wang and Sassen MPL) Algorithms" ; qc_CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang:units = "unitless" ; qc_CloudLayerTopHeightMplZwang:comment = "none" ; float qc_BeamAttenuationMplZwang(time) ; qc_BeamAttenuationMplZwang:long_name = "MPL Wang and Sassen Algorithm Beam Attenuation Assessment" ; qc_BeamAttenuationMplZwang:units = "unitless" ; qc_BeamAttenuationMplZwang:comment = "-9. Data do not exist, -2. Beam blocked, -1. Beam attenuated, 0. No cloud (clear), 1. Beam penetrated atmosphere" ; // global attributes: :Date = "Fri Jan 20 18:33:22 GMT 2012" ; :Version = "$State: Exp $" ; :Number_Input_Platforms = "3" ; :Input_Platforms = "twpsmet60sC2.b1,twpvceil25kC2.b1,twpmmcrmomC2.b1" ; :Input_Platforms_Versions = "2.1,8.2,1.16" ; :zeb_platform = "twparscl1clothC2.c1" ; :Command_Line = "arsc1/arscl2 -s YYYYMMDD -e YYYYMMDD SITE FACILITY QCFILE ZIPPING" ; :contact = " " ; :commenta = "At each height and time, the MMCR reflectivity, velocity, width and signal-to-noise ratio always come from the same mode. The mode is indicated by ModeId." ; :commentb = "MeanDopplerVelocity, ModeId, qc_RadarArtifacts, qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag, SpectralWidth, and SignaltoNoiseRatio data are reported at all range gates for which there is a significant detection, including from clutter." ; :commentc = "The value of qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag indicates whether or not the signal is from clutter." ; :commentd = "Use the appropriate reflectivity fields (e.g., with clutter, with clutter removed, or best estimate) to filter the variables discussed in commentb." ; :commente = "Missing (i.e., does not exist) data for a particular time period are indicated by a value of 10 for the ModeId, qc_RadarArtifacts, and qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag variables. The geophysical variables should contain a value of -32768 at these times." ; :commentf = "Note that -32768 is also used for the geophysical variables when there are no significant detections, in which case ModeId, qc_RadarArtifacts, and qc_ReflectivityClutterFlag are 0." ; }