netcdf twparsclcbh1clothC3.c1.20110228.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (8640 currently) variables: int base_time ; base_time:long_name = "Beginning Time of File" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 00:00" ; base_time:calendar_date = "Year 2011 Month 02 Day 28 00:00:00" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time Offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds" ; time_offset:comment = "none" ; float CloudBasePrecipitation(time) ; CloudBasePrecipitation:long_name = "Microwave Radiometer Wet Window/Optical Rain Gauge Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBasePrecipitation:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBasePrecipitation:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; float CloudBaseCeilometerStd(time) ; CloudBaseCeilometerStd:long_name = "BLC/VCEIL Standard Algorithm Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBaseCeilometerStd:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBaseCeilometerStd:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; float CloudBaseCeilometerCloth(time) ; CloudBaseCeilometerCloth:long_name = "BLC/VCEIL Clothiaux et al. Algorithm Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBaseCeilometerCloth:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBaseCeilometerCloth:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; float CloudBaseMplZwang(time) ; CloudBaseMplZwang:long_name = "MPL Wang and Sassen Algorithm Cloud Base Height" ; CloudBaseMplZwang:units = "m AGL" ; CloudBaseMplZwang:comment = "-3. Data do not exist, -2. Data exist but no retrieval, -1. Clear sky, >= 0. Valid cloud base height" ; // global attributes: :Date = "Wed Jul 27 22:14:24 GMT 2011" ; :Version = "$State: Exp $" ; :Number_Input_Platforms = "3" ; :Input_Platforms = "twp30smplcmask1zwangC3.c1,twpmetC3.b1,twpvceil25kC3.b1" ; :Input_Platforms_Versions = "?????,?????,10.2" ; :zeb_platform = "twparsclcbh1clothC3.c1" ; :Command_Line = "arsc1/arscl2 -s YYYYMMDD -e YYYYMMDD SITE FACILITY QCFILE ZIPPING" ; :contact = " " ; :comment = " " ; }