netcdf twpvisstpx04m1rv1minnisX30.c1.20060228.000000 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1907032 currently) index = 32 ; variables: int base_time ; base_time:string = "2006-02-28, 00:00:00 GMT" ; base_time:long_name = "base time in epoch" ; base_time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 GMT" ; double time_offset(time) ; time_offset:long_name = "Time offset from base_time" ; time_offset:units = "seconds since 2006-02-28 00:00:00 GMT" ; double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time offset from midnight" ; time:units = "seconds since 2006-02-28 00:00:00 GMT" ; float image_times(index) ; image_times:long_name = "Image times offset from base time" ; image_times:units = "seconds since 2006-02-28 00:00:00 GMT" ; float image_start(index) ; image_start:long_name = "Image start index" ; image_start:usage = "Images are merged together. Individual images can be extracted using the image index fields as in the following IDL example for given image n:\n", "rv = reflectance_vis(image_start(n-1):image_start(n-1)+image_numpix(n-1)-1)" ; float image_numpix(index) ; image_numpix:long_name = "Number of pixels for each image" ; float latitude(time) ; latitude:valid_min = -90.f ; latitude:valid_max = 90.f ; latitude:long_name = "north latitude" ; latitude:units = "deg" ; float longitude(time) ; longitude:valid_min = -180.f ; longitude:valid_max = 180.f ; longitude:long_name = "east longitude" ; longitude:units = "deg" ; float reflectance_vis(time) ; reflectance_vis:valid_min = 0.f ; reflectance_vis:valid_max = 1.6f ; reflectance_vis:long_name = "Visible reflectance (0.65 um)" ; reflectance_vis:units = "unitless" ; float reflectance_nir(time) ; reflectance_nir:valid_min = 0.f ; reflectance_nir:valid_max = 1.6f ; reflectance_nir:long_name = "Near Infrared reflectance (1.6 um)" ; reflectance_nir:units = "unitless" ; float temperature_sir(time) ; temperature_sir:valid_min = 160.f ; temperature_sir:valid_max = 340.f ; temperature_sir:long_name = "Solar Infrared temperature (3.9 um)" ; temperature_sir:units = "K" ; float temperature_ir(time) ; temperature_ir:valid_min = 160.f ; temperature_ir:valid_max = 340.f ; temperature_ir:long_name = "Infrared Channel temperature (10.8 um)" ; temperature_ir:units = "K" ; float temperature_sw(time) ; temperature_sw:valid_min = 160.f ; temperature_sw:valid_max = 340.f ; temperature_sw:long_name = "Split-Window Channel temperature (11.9 um)" ; temperature_sw:units = "K" ; float broadband_shortwave_albedo(time) ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:valid_min = 0.f ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:valid_max = 150.f ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:long_name = "broadband SW albedo" ; broadband_shortwave_albedo:units = "%" ; float broadband_longwave_flux(time) ; broadband_longwave_flux:valid_min = 0.f ; broadband_longwave_flux:valid_max = 400.f ; broadband_longwave_flux:long_name = "broadband LW flux" ; broadband_longwave_flux:units = "W/m^2" ; float ir_cloud_emittance(time) ; ir_cloud_emittance:valid_min = 0.f ; ir_cloud_emittance:valid_max = 1.5f ; ir_cloud_emittance:long_name = "IR cloud emittance" ; ir_cloud_emittance:units = "unitless" ; int cloud_phase(time) ; cloud_phase:valid_min = 1 ; cloud_phase:valid_max = 7 ; cloud_phase:long_name = "cloud phase" ; cloud_phase:units = "unitless" ; cloud_phase:value_1 = "water" ; cloud_phase:value_2 = "ice" ; cloud_phase:value_3 = "no retrieval" ; cloud_phase:value_4 = "clear" ; cloud_phase:value_5 = "bad retrieval" ; cloud_phase:value_6 = "suspected water" ; cloud_phase:value_7 = "suspected ice" ; float visible_optical_depth(time) ; visible_optical_depth:valid_min = 0.f ; visible_optical_depth:valid_max = 128.f ; visible_optical_depth:long_name = "cloud optical depth" ; visible_optical_depth:units = "unitless" ; float particle_size(time) ; particle_size:valid_min = 0.f ; particle_size:valid_max = 150.f ; particle_size:long_name = "effective particle radius or diameter" ; particle_size:units = "microns" ; particle_size:value_1 = "If phase=1 (water), this parameter is radius." ; particle_size:value_2 = "If phase=2 (ice), this parameter is diameter." ; float liquid_water_path(time) ; liquid_water_path:valid_min = 0.f ; liquid_water_path:valid_max = 6000.f ; liquid_water_path:long_name = "Liquid or Ice Water Path" ; liquid_water_path:units = "g/m^2" ; liquid_water_path:value_1 = "NOTE: If phase is 1 (water), this is Liquid Water Path." ; liquid_water_path:value_2 = "NOTE: If phase is 2 (ice), this is Ice Water Path." ; float cloud_effective_temperature(time) ; cloud_effective_temperature:valid_min = 160.f ; cloud_effective_temperature:valid_max = 340.f ; cloud_effective_temperature:long_name = "Effective cloud temperature" ; cloud_effective_temperature:units = "K" ; float cloud_top_pressure(time) ; cloud_top_pressure:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_top_pressure:valid_max = 1100.f ; cloud_top_pressure:long_name = "cloud top pressure" ; cloud_top_pressure:units = "hPa" ; float cloud_effective_pressure(time) ; cloud_effective_pressure:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_effective_pressure:valid_max = 1100.f ; cloud_effective_pressure:long_name = "Effective cloud pressure" ; cloud_effective_pressure:units = "hPa" ; float cloud_bottom_pressure(time) ; cloud_bottom_pressure:valid_min = 0.f ; cloud_bottom_pressure:valid_max = 1100.f ; cloud_bottom_pressure:long_name = "cloud bottom pressure" ; cloud_bottom_pressure:units = "hPa" ; float cloud_top_height(time) ; cloud_top_height:valid_min = -0.1f ; cloud_top_height:valid_max = 20.f ; cloud_top_height:long_name = "cloud top height" ; cloud_top_height:units = "km" ; float cloud_effective_height(time) ; cloud_effective_height:valid_min = -0.1f ; cloud_effective_height:valid_max = 20.f ; cloud_effective_height:long_name = "cloud effective height" ; cloud_effective_height:units = "km" ; float cloud_bottom_height(time) ; cloud_bottom_height:valid_min = -0.1f ; cloud_bottom_height:valid_max = 20.f ; cloud_bottom_height:long_name = "cloud bottom height" ; cloud_bottom_height:units = "km" ; // global attributes: :NetCDF_Version\ = "netCDF 3.5" ; :Title\ = "Pixel-level cloud products for TWP Darwin region" ; :source = "NASA Langley Research Center" ; :version\ = "V1.0" ; :date\ = "VISST processed on 12/04/2006 04:12:12" ; :facility_id\ = "X1" ; :data_level\ = "c1" ; :missing_value\ = "-9999." ; :history\ = "created by user mk on machine flux at Thu Dec 21 21:27:17 2006 UTC, using IDL 5.5" ; :input_files\ = "MTSAT" ; :reflectance_vis_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 0.65 um" ; :reflectance_vis_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 0.55 um - 0.90 um" ; :temperature_sir_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 3.9 um" ; :temperature_sir_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 3.5 um - 4.0 um" ; :temperature_ir_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 10.8 um" ; :temperature_ir_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 10.3 um - 11.3 um" ; :temperature_sw_note1 = "effective_wavelength_visst = 11.9 um" ; :temperature_sw_note2 = "spectral_width_instrument = 11.5 - 12.5 um" ; :longwave_NB_BB_correlation = "The longwave narrowband to broadband correlation is given by Mbb = a + b*Mnb + c*Mnb*Mnb + dMnb*ln(colRH), where Mbb is the broadband OLR(Wm-2), Mnb is the narrowband flux(Wm-2um-1), and colRH is the column weighted relative humidity(%) above the radiating surface. The coefficients are a=66.6503, b = 5.33554,c= -0.0126900, and d= -0.259653 (land), and a=79.3750, b = 3.839, c= 0.00866952, and d= -0.216383 (ocean). NOTE: These MTSAT nb-bb coefficients are derived from a short period over the Darwin region and are intermediary. These flux calculations replace earlier preliminary versions. REFERENCE: Minnis, P., Young, D. F., and Harrison, E. F., 1991: Examination of the Relationship between Outgoing Infrared Window and Total Longwave Fluxes Using Satellite Data. J. Climate, 4, 1114-1133." ; :shortwave_NB_BB_correlation = "The shortwave narrowband to broadband correlation is given by Abb = a + b*Anb + c*Anb*Anb + d*ln(1/cos(SZA)), where Abb is the broadband albedo (fraction), Anb is the narrowband albedo (fraction) and SZA is the solar zenith angle (deg). The coefficients are a=0.0399258,b = 0.566962, c = 0.230576, and d = 0.0279136 for land regions, and a = 0.0338147,b = 0.692883, c = 0.0781145, and d =0.0413005 for water regions. NOTE: The MTSAT nb-bb coefficients are derived from a short period over the Darwin region and are intermediary. These flux calculations replace earlier preliminary versions. REFERENCE: Minnis, P., W. L. Smith, Jr., D. P. Garber, J. K. Ayers, and D. R. Doelling, 1995: Cloud properties derived from GOES-7 for the Spring 1994 ARM Intensive Observing Period using Version 1.0.0 of the ARM satellite data analysis program. NASA RP 1366, 59 pp." ; :visible_calibration = "The MTSAT visible calibration equation is Rad(0.65um) = (g0 + g1*d + g2*d*d)*(C-C0), where g0=0.01143, g1=0.0, g2=0.0, and C= visible channel count, C0=is the visible channel offset, d is the number of days since reference. NOTE: The MTSAT visible calibration replaces earlier preliminary calculations. REFERENCE: Minnis, P., L. Nguyen, W. L. Smith, R. Palikonda, J. K. Ayers, D. R. Doelling, M. L. Nordeen, D. A. Spangenberg, D. N. Phan, M. M. Khaiyer, 2006: Large-scale cloud properties and radiative fluxes over Darwin during TWP-ICE. Proc. 16th ARM Sci. Team Mtg., Albuquerque, NM, March 27-31. (" ; :sir_calibration = "The solar infrared (3.79 um) channel calibration is Tmodis = Tmtsat*slp + off. Before Feb 13, 2006, the daytime slp was 0.9080 and off = 37.40; nighttime slp was 0.9982 and off=10.89. After Feb 13, 2006, the slp=0.9754, and off=8.40." ; :ir_calibration = "The infrared (11 um channel) calibration is Tmodis = Tmtsat*slp + off, where slp = 1.0049 and off = -1.40." ; :sw_calibration = "The split window (12 um channel) calibration is Tmodis = Tmtsat*slp + off, where slp = 1.0137 and off = -3.47." ; :VISST = "NASA-Langley cloud and radiation products are produced using the VISST (Visible Infrared Solar-infrared Split-Window Technique), SIST (Solar-infrared Infrared Split-Window Technique) and SINT (Solar-infrared Infrared Near-Infrared Technique). The techniques use MTSAT channels to detect clouds and retrieve cloud microphysics. Atmospheric profiles are obtained from GFS-AVN. REFERENCE: Minnis, P., et al., 2001: A near-real time method for deriving cloud and radiation properties from satellites for weather and climate studies. Proc. AMS 11th Conf. Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography,Madison, WI, Oct. 15-18, 477-480." ; :ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS = "We request that users of the data for research leading to conference-level or peer-reviewed publications reference the dataset to: Minnis, P., L. Nguyen, W. L. Smith, R. Palikonda, J. K. Ayers, D. R. Doelling, M. L. Nordeen, D. A. Spangenberg, D. N. Phan, M. M. Khaiyer, 2006: Large-scale cloud properties and radiative fluxes over Darwin during TWP-ICE. Proc. 16th ARM Sci. Team Mtg., Albuquerque, NM, March 27-31 ( ; an updated reference will be provided in the future." ; :zeb_platform = "twpvisstdarpx04m1rv1minnisX1.c1" ; :site_id = "twp" ; }